Cell Cycle- starts from orginisation Flashcards
What is the life cycle of a specialised cell?
Young cell> cell division> cell growth > cell specialisation > mature cell
Differentiation defenition?
Cells that are become specialized to carry out a specific function.
What are some specialized animal cells?(3)
sperm cells
What adaptations does an erythrocytes have?
bi-concave shape- increases surface srea to volume ratio
no nucleus-more space for haemaglobin
flexible- is able to squeeze through capillaries
What size is an Erythocytes?
7.5 micrometers
What do Erythocytes do?
They carry oxygen from the lungs around the body.
What are adaptations of neutrophils?(2)
multilobed nucleus - easier to squeeze through gaps to reach infection sites
Granular cytoplasm- contains many lysosomes-> attacks pathogens.
How big is a neutrophil?
10-14 micrometers.
What do neutrophils do?
Helps fight against infection.
What are the adaptions of the sperm cell?(3)
Has a tail- to swim
lots of mitochondria - supplies energy to swim
acrosome- contains digestive enzyme to digest layers of ovum
What are examples of specialised plant cells?
Paliside cells
root hair cells
pair of guard cells
what is the definition of tissue?
A collection of differentiated cells that have a function
What are the four categories of tissues in animal cells?
-Nervous tissue
-Epithelial tissue
-Muscle tissue
-Connective tissue
What are examples of animal tissues? (4)
Squamous epithelium
ciliated epithelium
muscle tissue
What are the adaptions of paliside cells?(4)
Lots of chloroplasts - absorbs lots of light for photosynthesis
Rectangular shape - tightly packed to form layer
Thin walls- increase CO2 diffusion rate
large cell vacuole- maintsin turgor pressue
What is the size of a palisade cell?
25-75 micrometers.
What are the adaptations of a root hair cell?
root hairs- increases surface area of cell and maximise uptake of water and minerals
What is the size of a root hair cell?
20-150 micrometers
What are the adaptions of guard cells?
thick on one side-the cell does not change symmetrically as the volume changes.
What is the size of guard cells?
15-20 micrometers
What do guard cells do?
They control gas exchange and water loss in a plant.
What is the description of squamous epithelium?
- Thin layer of tissue for rapid diffusion across the surface
made of squash/flat cells.