CEIS 210 Flashcards
CEIS 210 All Assignments NEW
CEIS 210 All Assignments NEW
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CEIS 210 All Assignments NEW CEIS 210 Week 1 Assignment 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 1 Lab 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 2 LAB 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 3 Greater Good Analysis NEW CEIS 210 Week 4 Assignment NEW CEIS 210 Week 4 Kantian Dilemma NEW CEIS 210 Week 4 LAB NEW CEIS 210 Week 5 Assignment 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 5 Lab NEW CEIS 210 Week 5 You Decide NEW CEIS 210 Week 6 Interview NEW CEIS 210 Week 6 Lab 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 7 Assignment 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 7 Lab 1 NEW CEIS 210 Week 7 Southeast Environmental Taskforce NEW
CEIS 210 Week 1 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 1 Assignment 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 1 Assignment 1 NEW
- 1 Consider an automated teller machine (ATM) in which users provide a personal identification number (PIN) and a card for account access. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements associated with the system and, in each case, indicate the degree of importance of the requirement.
- 2 Repeat Problem 1.1 for a telephone switching system that routes calls through a switching network based on the telephone number requested by the caller.
- 19 Using the Vigenère cipher, encrypt the word “explanation” using the key leg.
3.20 This problem explores the use of a one-time pad version of the Vigenère cipher.
In this scheme, the key is a stream of random numbers between 0 and 26. For example, if the key is 3 19 5 . . . , then the first letter of plaintext is encrypted with a shift of 3 letters, the second with a shift of 19 letters, the third with a shift of 5 letters, and so on.
a. Encrypt the plaintext sendmoremoney with the key stream
9 0 1 7 23 15 21 14 11 11 2 8 9
b. Using the ciphertext produced in part (a), find a key so that the cipher text decrypts to the plaintext cashnotneeded.
CEIS 210 Week 1 Lab 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 1 Lab 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 1 Lab 1 NEW
Part A: Vigenere Cipher
Part B: Caesar Cipher: A Brute Force Approach
Part C: Hill Cipher
Part A: The Vigenere Cipher
Given the following standard Vigenere square/table and the keyword CEIS, encrypt the message THE SKY IS FALLING (no spaces). Explain in words the steps taken to produce the cipher text. Afterward, reverse the process and decrypt the cipher text back to the plain text. Again explain in words the steps followed to produce the plain text. Be precise!
Part B: Caesar Cipher: A Brute Force Approach
Given the Caesar cipher output wzgp xp ezytrse, what is the plaintext message? Start with the first possible key (a>b), then the second possible key (a>c), the third possible key (a>d), and so on until you reach a plaintext that is easily recognizable. You may stop there! Hint: This needs to be done by hand; no calculators, please. Show your work fully!
Part C: Hill Cipher
Given the key displayed below 4x4 key. Pick a plain text message (three words, no spaces; meetmetonight, for example—or use something else!), go through the detailed steps of the Hill cipher explained in the textbook (Chapter 2 and any supporting material), and encrypt it. Then reverse the encryption (again in a detailed, step-by-step fashion) and recover the plaintext.
Here is the key matrix:
8 6 9 5
6 9 5 10
5 8 4 9
10 6 11 4
CEIS 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 2 LAB 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 2 LAB 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 2 LAB 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 3 Greater Good Analysis NEW
CEIS 210 Week 3 Greater Good Analysis NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 3 Greater Good Analysis NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 Assignment NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 Assignment NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 4 Assignment NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 Kantian Dilemma NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 Kantian Dilemma NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 4 Kantian Dilemma NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 LAB NEW
CEIS 210 Week 4 LAB NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 4 LAB NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 Assignment 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 5 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 Lab NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 Lab NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 5 Lab NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 You Decide NEW
CEIS 210 Week 5 You Decide NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 5 You Decide NEW
CEIS 210 Week 6 Interview NEW
CEIS 210 Week 6 Interview NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 6 Interview NEW
CEIS 210 Week 6 Lab 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 6 Lab 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 6 Lab 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Assignment 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 7 Assignment 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Lab 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Lab 1 NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 7 Lab 1 NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Southeast Environmental Taskforce NEW
CEIS 210 Week 7 Southeast Environmental Taskforce NEW
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CEIS 210 Week 7 Southeast Environmental Taskforce NEW