Ceili Basics Flashcards
Walls of Limerick
progressive dance
ANY number
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Half right and left (8)
- dance with opposite (8)
- Swing Around (8)
Total: 32 B
Antrim Reel
progressive dance
ANY number
- Advance and Return (4)
- Right and Left half turn (4)
- Sidestep and Heyes (16)
- Down the Center (8)
- Right and left Hands across (8)
- Sidestep with Opposite (8)
- Left and right Hands across (8)
- Swing around (8)
Total: 64 B
Siege of Carrick
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number
Tune –> Haste of the Wedding
- Ring (8)
- Right and left Hands Across (8)
- Down Center and Return (8)
- Up Center and Swing (8)
Total: 32 B
The Rakes of Mallow
progressive dance
ANY number of trios
Tune –> with the same Name OR any other reel
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Swing with Opposite Lady (8)
- Swing with Lady on right (8)
- Link arms in Center (8)
- Swing around (8)
Total: 40 B
oox 6 xoo 5 oox 4 xoo 3 oox 2 xoo 1
top of the room
Harvest Time Jig
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number of trios
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Sides (8)
- Right and Left Hands Across (8)
- Sides (8)
- Left and Right Hands Across (8)
- Step and Turn (16)
- Advance, Retire & Pass Through (8)
Total: 64 B
Siege of Ennis
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number of two couples in a line (4 dancers)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Sides (8)
- Right and Left Hands Across (8)
- Advance, Retire and Pass Through (8)
Total: 32 B
Haymakers Jig
long dance in JIG time for 5 couples
!! Sidestep is not performed in this dance!!
- Advance and Retire (16)
- Turn in Center (16)
- Swing in Center (16)
- Link Arms
- Cast off
Total: unknown wegen march
o o o o o
x x x x x
1 2 3 4 5
top of room
Bridge of Athlone
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number of couples
Tune –> with the same name
- Rising Step, Advance and Retire (32)
- Down the Center (8)
- Cast off
- The Bridge
Total: unknown wegen march
Waves of Tory
progressive dance
ANY number of couples (couples are in sets of 4)
- Advance and Retire (4)
- Right & Left Hands Across (8)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Left & Right Hands Across (8)
- Lead off to the Right and Up the Center
- The Waves
- Cast off
Total: unknown wegen march
Ringe Fada (Long Dance)
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number of couples
ODD couples are the LEADING couples!
- The Rising Step (4)
- Right Wheel (4)
- The Rising Step (4)
- Left Wheel (4)
- Advance Down Center (8)
- Swing Around (8)
Total: 32 B
Haste to the Wedding
progressive dance in JIG time
ANY number of couples
Tune –> with the same name
EVEN couples are LEADING couples
- The Rising Step (4)
- Right Wheel (4)
- The Rising Step (4)
- Left Wheel (4)
- Up the Center (8)
- First Ring (8)
- Second Ring (8)
- Swing Around (8)
Total: 56 B
Lannigan’s Ball
round dance in SINGLE JIG time
6 couples
Tune –> of the same name
simple two threes or skip two threes are allowed - DONT mix
- Ring (16)
- Quarter’s Hook (8)
- Rise and Grind Step (16)
- Lead Around in Center (16)
- Flirtation (16)
- Stack-up (16)
- Lead Around (8)
- Ring (16)
Total: 112 B
An Rince Mór (The Big Dance)
round dance
ANY number of couples
- Ring to Left and Right (8)
- Swing with Lady on Left (8)
- Swing with Partner (8)
- Link Arms (8)
- Lead Around (8)
Total: 40 B
Bonfire Dance
round dance
ANY number of couples
- Advance an Retire (8)
- Ring (8)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Ring (8)
- Sidestep In and Out (4)
- Link Arms (4)
- Sidestep In and Out (4)
- Link Arms (4)
- The Rose (32)
- Swing and exchange Partners (8)
Total: 88 B
4 Hand Reel
- Lead Around (16)
- The Body (48)
- The Square (16)
- Four Sevens (8)
- Right and Left Hands Across (8)
- Down the Center (8)
- Right and Left Chain (8)
- First Figure: Figure of 8 & Ring of 3 (32)
- Second Figure: Ladies Chain (16)
- Finish: Lead Around (16)
Total: 256 B
Humours of Bandon
4 Hand for two couples in JIG time.
Tune –> with the same name
Body always danced to the second part of the music.
Body Between Figures to fit the music.
- Lead Around (16)
- Body (32)
- Sides (8)
- Half Right and Left (8)
- Sides (8)
- Half Right and Left (8)
- First Figure: Advance Through Center (16)
- Second Figure: Center Meet (16)
- Third Figure: Ladies Chain (16)
- Finish: Lead Around (16)
Total: 304 B
Glencar Reel
6 Hand for 3 couples
gents right shoulder to top of room.
Movement 4&5 and 6%7 danced as one unit (16 B)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Ring (8)
- Sidestep Through (8)
- Figure of Eight
- Double Figure of Eight
- The Waves
- Full Chain
Total: 56 B
The Fairy Reel
6 Hand for 2 Gents 4 Ladies
Can be danced as progressive
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Ring (8)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- Ring (8)
- Slip Sides (16)
- Gents Center and Link Arms (16)
- The Square Diamond (16)
- Arches (8)
- Advance, Retire and Pass Through (8)
Total: 96 B
The Duke Reel
6 Hand
- Ring (8)
- Body (40)
- Sides (16)
- Link Arms (8)
- Interlace (8)
- Advance and Retire (8)
- First Figure: Figure of Eight (16)
- Second Figure: Right and Left Chain (16)
- Finish: Swing Around (8)
Total: 232 B
8 Hand Reel
- Lead Around (16)
- Body (80)
- Extended Sides (16)
- Skip Across (32)
- Return Chain (16)
- Back to Back (16)
- First Figure: Advance and Retire (16)
- Second Figure: Ladies Chain (16)
- The Finish (40)
Total: 360 B
Morris Reel
- Lead Around (16)
- Body (80)
- Sides (16)
- Right Hands Across (32)
- Return Chain (16)
- Back to Back (16)
- First Figure: Advance and Retire (16)
- Second Figure: Ladies Chain (16)
- The Finish (40)
Total: 360 B
Cross Reel
- Lead Around (16)
- Body (64)
- Extended Sides (16)
- Full Chain (16)
- Gentlemen Interlace (16)
- Back to Back (8)
- First Figure: Figure of Eight & Ring (16)
- Second Figure: Circle Round and Hands Across (16)
- The Finish (40)
Total: 312 B
8 Hand Jig
- Lead Around (16)
- Body (56)
- Sides (8)
- Skip Across (16)
- Swing into Line (16)
- Set All Around (16)
- First Figure: Advance and Retire (16)
- Second Figure: Right and Left Chain & Right Hand to Opposite Lady (32)
- The Finish (40)
Total: 320
St. Patricks Day
8 Hand Jig
Tune -> with the same name
has 3 chains!
- Lead Around (16) (Step)
- Body (72)
- Sides (8) (Set R)
- Half Right and Left (6) (Set R)
- Sides (8) (Set L)
- Half Left and Right (6) (Set L)
- Double Quarter Chain (16) (Step)
- Extended Sides (14) (Set R)
- Full Chain (14) (Set L)
- First Figure: Advance and Retire (16)
- Second Figure: Ladies Chain (16)
- The Finish: Lead Around (16)
Total: 465