Every licensee shall …
take all reasonable precautions to protect the environment and the health and safety of persons and to maintain the security of nuclear facilities and of nuclear substances
An application for a licence in respect of a nuclear substance or a radiation device, other than a licence to service a radiation device, shall contain …
(d) the proposed location of the activity to be licensed, including a description of the site
Every licensee shall limit the dose of radiation received by a person, other than a nuclear energy worker to?
0.1 mSv per week and 0.5 mSv per year
Any person who operates an exposure device shall place persons or erect barriers to prevent entry into any area within which the radiation dose rate is
greater than 0.1 mSv per hour
Every licensee shall post and keep posted, at the boundary of and at every point of access to an area, room or enclosure, a durable and legible sign that bears the radiation warning symbol set out in Schedule 3 and the words “RAYONNEMENT – DANGER – RADIATION”, if…
(a) there is a nuclear substance in a quantity greater than 100 times its exemption quantity
(b) that a person in the area could be exposed to an effective dose rate greater than 25 µSv/h.
Radiation exposure can be limited by ____ controls and ______ controls (Give examples for each)
(a) Engineering Controls (distance, shielding, location)
(b) Administrative Controls (restricting access for people to be around radiation)
doubling the distance from the source of radiation will result in
a reduction of radiation dose by a factor of four
Changing the distance between the radiation source and the position of the radiation detector will result in large changes to the radiation exposure as it is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
the relationship between radiation dose rate and the activity of the source is _________________. This is represented by the value known as
directly proportional
the gamma ray constant (µSv/h per GBq at 1 m)
The________ and the _________ of the nuclear substance can be used to calculate the potential radiation exposure to persons in the vicinity of the nuclear substance
gamma ray constant and the known activity
Exposures at other distances (other than 1m) from the sealed source can be calculated by use of
inverse-square law equation
Higher-energy gamma sources such as _______ will require _____ shielding than lower-energy gamma sources such as _______
If the distance from a point source is doubled, the exposure is
What is the radiation barrier limit?
Storage area limit?
No licensee shall authorize a person to operate an exposure device that has a radiation dose rate of
more than 2 mSv per hour on any part of its surface
Every licensee who authorizes a person to operate an exposure device shall provide the person with a radiation survey meter that is capable of measuring a dose rate of gamma radiation from the sealed source of between _____ and ____
20 µSv and 100 mSv per hour
Every licensee who authorizes a person to operate an exposure device shall provide the person with a a dosimeter that emits an audible warning signal when the radiation DOSE RATE reaches or exceeds _____ or when the TOTAL DOSE of radiation reaches or exceeds ________
5 mSv/hr or 2 mSv
if an external sealed source assembly guide tube is to be used
(i) material that can be used to attenuate, by a factor of at least 100, the radiation from the sealed source,
(ii) tools that can sever from the exposure device the tube and cable to which the sealed source assembly is attached, and
(iii) tongs with a shaft at least 1.5 m long that can handle the sealed source assembly
Both the survey meter and dosimeter has to be calibrated…
once every 12 months
Every person operating an exposure device shall, during each work shift, ensure that the dose of radiation accumulated does not exceed
________, and if the dose exceeds the person shall stop work immediately and notify the licensee
The licensee
Every person who has been provided with a dosimeter by a licensee shall return the dosimeter to the licensee at the end of
15 days
Licensee meaning
A person (RSO) or company who is licensed by CNSC
Every licensee who possesses, uses or produces an exposure device shall return a dosimeter to the dosimetry service that issued the dosimeter, within ________ after the end of the period
10 days
Who does the licensee notify if something goes wrong?
The Commission
Every licensee that has a sealed source or shielding containing ________Mbq should conduct a leak test to detect _____ leakage of the nuclear substance.
50 MBq or more
200 Bq or less
Leak test should be preformed ____ upon new source or shielding installation
once per year
Every licensee who possesses, uses or produces an exposure device shall ensure that there is affixed securely to the exposure device, by means of ______ with a __________
metal fasteners with a durable steel or brass tag
Exposure devices with a durable steel or brass tag must be visible and legible and have _____ _______ ________ ________
the name
the quantity (bq)
date of quantity
form/type of nuclear substance
In the event of an emergency when an external sealed source assembly guide tube that is to be used, you must have these 3 items in hand.
a) a material that can be used to attenuate by a factor of 100
b) tools that can sever
c) tongs with a shaft minimum 1.5m long
Regulations concerning the operation and safety of personal dealing with radioactive isotopes can be found in
The Nuclear Safety and Control Act
The source assy is composed of a ____ _____ ____ all linked by a _______
locking ball
source capsule
teleflex cable
Connection sequence:
drive cable to ______
collimator to ________
source guide tube to _____
source guide tube
dosimetry wore on trunk of body has to be calibrated within _______ period and have an accuracy of _______ if the true dose of radiation
12 months
There are two types of packaging for rad materials which are _____ & _____
Type A and B
When the source activity is less than ____ of _____ or ______ of _____ Type A package can be used. Over this amount Type B package is required.
> 259Gbq of Cobalt 60
Or 740Gbq of Iridium 192
Most radiographic exposure devices are designed to meet _______ package requirements. These being transported require approval of ________ in the form of __________
Type B
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
What must be carried with the exposure device at all times?
CNSC certificate
In transporting an exposure device, the ________ must ensure that the equipment has been properly packaged. Some exposure devices require a _______ to meet requirements.
When transporting the vehicle must be placarded with _______
the diamond-shaped radioactive signs
A leak test is required when:
the sealed source or shielding is NOT located in a radiation device, every ____
the sealed source or shielding is located in a radiation device, every. ______
6 months, 12 months
A leak test does not apply of a sealed source that is…
a) gaseous
b) contained in a static eliminator (for less than 15 months)
c) used or stored underwater (in a nuclear facility that is equipped with a device capable of detecting waterborne contamination of 200Bq or less)
A licensee must notify the Commission if the leakage from the leak test is over ________
You must keep a record of the dose of radiation received for each day you operate the exposure device, as indicated by the dosimeter. Every person shall submit the record to the licensee at the end of ________
15 days
Every person operating an exposure device shall, during each work shift, ensure that the dose of radiation accumulated does not exceed___________. If the dose exceeds ________, the person shall _________immediately and notify _________
2 mSv
2 mSv
Stop work
Every person who removes a sealed source from or inserts a sealed source into an exposure device shall have ___________ by __________ who possesses, uses, produces or services the exposure device.
written authorization, signed by the licensee
Immediately after a person removes a sealed source from or inserts a sealed source into an exposure device, the person shall measure
(a) ___________________ on each accessible surface of the exposure device; and
(b) ____________________ received by persons who were exposed to radiation during the removal or insertion, using a _________________
The radiation dose rate
Dose of radiation
A licensee must ascertain the magnitude of exposure to radon progeny and the effective dose and equivalent dose
(a) by direct measurement as a result of monitoring; or
(b) if the time and resources required for direct measurement as a result of monitoring outweigh the usefulness of ascertaining the amount of exposure and doses using that method, by estimating them.
Action level means?
specific dose of radiation or other parameter that, if reached, may indicate a loss of control of a licensee’s radiation protection program and action must be taken.
Every licensee must inform each nuclear energy worker, in writing,
of the fact that the worker is a nuclear energy worker
Every licensee must use a licensed dosimetry service to measure and monitor the doses of radiation received by and committed to nuclear energy workers who have a reasonable probability of receiving
a) dose greater than 5 mSv in a one year
b) an equivalent dose to the skin, or the hands and feet, that is greater than 50 mSv in one year
Every licensee referred to in subsection must provide the following information to the licensed dosimetry service with respect to each nuclear energy worker
Name, SIN, Gender, Job category, DOB
Nuclear energy worker, including a female nuclear energy worker who is breastfeeding and a female nuclear energy worker who is pregnant but who has not yet informed the licensee in writing that she is pregnant can have an effective doses of?
50mSv per year
100mSv per 5 years
Pregnant nuclear energy worker who has informed the licensee in writing that she is pregnant can have effective dose of?
Balance of the pregnancy starting from the date on which the licensee has been informed of the pregnancy 4mSv
Effective dose of a person who is not a nuclear energy worker
1mSv per year
Lens of an eye equivalent dose per year?
(a) NEW
(b) Any other person
(a) 150mSv
(b) 15mSv
Skin equivalent dose per year?
(a) NEW
(b) Any other person
(a) 500mSv
(b) 50mSv
Hands and feet equivalent dose per year?
(a) NEW
(b) Any other person
(a) 500mSv
(b) 50mSv
When skin is unevenly irradiated, the equivalent dose received by the skin is the average equivalent dose over __________ area that received the highest equivalent dose
the 1 cm2 area
A licensee who requests a person to participate in the control of an emergency shall ensure that the person does not receive an effective dose greater than_________ or an equivalent dose to the skin greater than ___________
What is the difference between equivalent dose and effective dose?
equivalent dose=calculated for individual organs and their sensitivity to radiation
effective dose=calculated for the whole body and biological effects
Emergency actions to minimize dose consequences, for members of the public, associated with the release of radioactive material
(a) effective dose
(b) equivalent dose to the skin
(a) 100mSv
(b) 1000mSv
Emergency actions to prevent health effects of radiation that are fatal or life-threatening, or that result in permanent injury
(a) effective dose
(b) equivalent dose to the skin
(a) 500mSv
(b) 5000mSv
Emergency actions to prevent the development of conditions that could significantly affect people and the environment
(a) effective dose
(b) equivalent dose to the skin
(a) 500mSv
(b) 5000mSv
When a licensee becomes aware that a dose of radiation received by or committed to a person or an organ or tissue may have exceeded the licensee has ____ to report to the Commission
21 days
Whenever the radiation warning symbol is used it shall be
(a) visible
(b) appropriate size
(c) oriented with one blade pointed down on a vertical axis
(d) no wording
Organ/Tissue Weighing Factors:
(a) Whole body
(b) Skin
(c) Hands, feet and lens of the eye
Radiation Weighing Factors
(a) Photons
(b) Electrons
(c) Protons and charged pions
(d) Alpha particles, fission fragments and heavy ions
(e) Neutrons
(a) 1
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 20
(e) Continuous
Radiation warning symbol has three blades and is ______ and ________
magenta or black (blades)
yellow (background)
No licensee shall authorize a person to operate an exposure device that has a radiation intensity more than _________ by the _____________
NSC Act Radiation Protection Regulations
Photoelectric effect vs. Compton effect. (When gamma rays enter an atom)
-electrons ejected out of atoms
-low energy phenomenon
-photons deliver all energy to an electron
-the photon disappears after interaction
-electrons not ejected
-mid energy phenomenon
-photons delivers part of energy to an electron
-photons are scattered after interaction
Classification of effects
Acute, Chronic, Somatic, Genetic
Acute: Injury within mins, days, weeks
Chronic: Injury within years/generations
Somatic: injury to a person but not cells
Genetic: Injury affecting future generations
Latent period definition?
period of time before the effects of radiation become visible
Tissue sensitivity
Radioresponsive (3) vs Radioresistant (5)
Radioresponsive tissue:
-blood forming organs
-sex organs
-liver, lens of eye
Radioresistant tissue:
-connective tissue (tendons, ligaments)
-nerves, brain
Acute effects of radiation
0-250mSv ___________
250-500mSv __________
500-1000mSv _________
1-2 Sv __________
2-4 Sv __________
5 Sv _____________
10 Sv _____________
0-250 (No obvious injury)
250-500 (Blood changes)
500-1000 (Blood/cell changes, some injury)
1-2 Sv (Injury possible disability)
2-4 Sv (Injury, disability, posibile death)
5 Sv (fatal to 50%)
10 Sv (Death)
(a) DRD
(b) TLD
(c) OSL
(a) >5mSv
(b) 0.2mSv-10Sv
(c) 0.2mSv-10Sv
DRD have _________ while TLD don’t. They also have ____________ compared to TLD’s
immediate readings
limited range
How do you calculate dose equivalent? What are the units?
Absorbed dose x Q (RadxQ)
Units: Rem
What is the Q factor (Rbe)?
What is the Q factor for gamma, beta, xrays, protons and alpha?
the biological damage produced by different types of radiation
Gamma/beta/xray = 1
Protons =10
Alpha/heavy nuclei= 20
Absorbed dose measured in ________ or ___________
Rad (Old)
Gray/joules kg (New)
Dose rate or Intensity is measured in ______ or _________
R/hr (Old)
Sv/hr (New)
Radiation exposure is measured in _________ and the units are __________
Activity vs. Intensity (description and units)
Activity is the disintegration of atoms over time (Ci/Bq)
Intensity is the resulting (emissions) of radiation over time and distance (R/hr@1m)
Specific activity is how much _____________. What are the units?
concentration of radioactive activity is within the material measured in Ci/g or Bq/g
(higher activity=sharper radiographs)
5 major types of ionizing radiation and how to stop them?
a) Alpha
-travels few “ in air
-paper or skin
b) Beta
-travels few feet in air
-can penetrate skin
-wood, metal, plastic
c) Gamma/xray
-travels very far
-dense materials concreate, lead
-does NOT make materials radioactive
d) Neutrons
-Water or hydrogenous material
-Only type that causes materials to become radioactive
Ionizing radiation such as _______ and ___________ is more energetic. When they pass through a material what happens?
Gamma/Xrays, Cosmic rays
Has enough energy to break molecular bonds and remove electrons from atoms which may cause changes in living cells
Non-ionizing radiation includes ________ _________ ________ __________ ________. These types of radiation deposits energy into materials which it passes but ____________
Visible light, radio waves, microwaves, heat & radar.
Can’t break molecular bonds or remove electrons from atoms
What is the difference between radioactivity and radiation?
Radiation= the energy or particles travelling in electromagnetic waves that are released during decay
Radioactivity= of a material is the rate it emits radiation
What is a collimator and what is it used for?
Portable small piece of lead, depleted uranium or tungsten at the end of a guide tube
-Acts as shielding
Any exposure device that fails the leak test of _________
for either source or shielding must
be removed from use, and the CNSC must be
immediately notified
> 200Bq
A TDG certificate must be issued by the
Nuclear substances may be shipped in ____________packages (Type A,B), or __________ packages (I/II/III) or ___________.
Excepted packages
Industrial packages
Fissile material
Excepted Packages (Type A/B) have __________ labeling and the safety mark “RADIOACTIVE” must be visible upon opening the package. The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the package must not exceed _________
no external labelling
5 µ Sv/h
All other packages must be categorized by ___________ and display the corresponding radiation warning labels.
radiation level
Category I is _________. It does not exceed ___________ at any location on the external surface of the package
Category II is ________. It does not exceed ___________ at any location on the external surface of the package and the transport index does not exceed ______
Category III is ________. It does not exceed ___________ at any location on the external surface of the package
and the transport index does not exceed ______
Category 1= White, 5 µSv/h
Category 2= Yellow, 500 µSv/h, 1
Category 3= Yellow, 2 mSv/h, 10
The transport index is the maximum radiation level in microsieverts per hour at one metre from the external surface of the package divided by 10.
If the measured dose rate at the time that the alarm is triggered is greater than ______________and less than or equal to ________ and there is no loss or dispersal of the nuclear substance during the transport, the ____________, _____________ and _____________ must
a) make a report the Commission
b) characterize the source within 10 days
c) write a summary of disposal
5 µSv/h
25 µSv/h
If the measured dose rate at the time that the alarm is triggered is greater than ________ but less than or equal to _________ the consignor, carrier and consignee must
a) ____________
b) ____________
c) ____________
25 µSv/h
500 µSv/h
a) make a report
b) isolate the load
c)have an expert access.
Packages and radioactive material must be classified in accordance with the _______ Regulations.
Every consignor, other than a consignor of an excepted package, must comply with the requirements of the IAEA Regulations in respect of
(a) the provision of information for carriers;
(b) the notification of competent authorities; and
(c) the possession of certificates and instructions.
Every carrier of radioactive material must
(a) comply, in respect of transport and storage, with the requirements of the IAEA Regulations except in respect of placarding;
(b) transport the material in accordance with the consignor’s instructions; and
(c) implement and maintain work procedures to ensure compliance with these Regulations and keep a record documenting those procedures.
The activity or mass of the radioactive material contained in the package must be within the applicable limit for that type of package as set out
(a) in the IAEA Regulations;
(b) in any applicable certificate; and
(c) in any applicable approval issued by a foreign competent authority in accordance with the IAEA Regulations.
Every __________, __________ and _________ of radioactive material, other than one who only handles or transports excepted packages, must implement a radiation protection program and must, as part of that program.
consignor, carrier or consignee
Every consignor, carrier or consignee must
(a) _________ their radiation protection program and of any information collected under it; and
(b) retain the ___________ for a _________ period
keep a record.
Record, two year
Every consignor, except a consignor of an _____________ must comply with the requirements of the IAEA Regulations in respect of
(a) the provision of information for carriers;
(b) the notification of competent authorities; and
(c) the possession of certificates and instructions.
external package
The _________ must advise the ______________that the material is going to be transported
consignor, consignee
A _________ may present for transport and a _________may transport
consignor, carrier
A carrier may transport.
(i) an excepted package,
(ii) a Type IP-1, Type IP-2 or Type IP-3 package,
(iii) a Type A package,
(iv) a Type B or Type C package of a certified design,
(v) a package of a certified design used to transport fissile material, or
(vi) a package of a certified design used to transport 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride;
Consignor, consignee, carrier meanings
Consignor = Shipper
Consignee = Recipients of the products
Carrier= Driver