CDE Exam Study Guide Flashcards
The learner will increase knowledge of the 2018 Diabetes Standard of Care
The percentage of diabetes patients who do not meet A1C, Blood Pressure or Lipid targets.
The 4 Classification of Diabetes
- Type 1 DM— beta cell destruction
- Type 2 DM - progressive insulin secretory defect
- Gestational Diabetes
- Other Specific types of DM duet to other causes (i.e. Monogenic diabetes syndromes, disease of exocrine pancreas, eg. cystic fibrosis, Drug or chemical induced diabetes)
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
FBG: ≥126 mg.dl
2 hr. PG ≥200 mg/dl
A1C ≥ 6.5%
RBG: ≥200 mg/dl
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes
FG: 100-125 mg/dl
2 hr. PG - IGT 140-199 mg/dl
A1C 5.7-6.4%
In addition to A1C testing, people with the following conditions should have further testing:
Individuals with red blood cell turnover *(i.e. sickle cell disease, pregnancy, hemodialysis, recent blood los or transfusion, erythropoietin therapy… only plasma blood glucose criteria should be used to diagnosis diabetes
4 Critical Time Points of Diabetes Self Management Education Delivery:
- At Diagnosis
- Annually for assessment of education, nutrition and emotional needs
- When new complication factors arise that influence self-mgt. (ie. health conditions, physical limitations, emotional factors or basic living needs)
- When transitions in care occur
Physical Activity Recommendations:
- Children and adolescents with diabetes or prediabetes should engage in 60 mins. or more of moderate or vigorous intensity aerobic activity, with muscle and bone strengthening activities at least 3 times per week.
- Adults— 150 mins aerobic activity per week spread over at least 3 days with no more than 2 consecutive days without activity. 75 mins.of vigorous activity or interval training may be sufficient for younger and more physically fit people.
What is Diabetes Distress?
A negative psychological; reaction related to emotional burden of managing a demanding chronic condition. Routine monitoring recommended especially when treatment targets are not met.
Prevention of Diabetes– Recommendations:
- achieve weight loss of 7% of initial body weight and increase moderate-intense exercises to at least 150 mins/week
- Metformin therapy should be considered for those with BMI ≥ 35; <60 years old and women with prior GDM
Pre-diabetes Glycemic Targets
A1C= <7%
FBG= 80-130 mg/dl
2 hours after meals= <180 mg/dl
Overweight/ Obesity Treatment Options in T2DM
BMI: ≥25 (23-26.9)— diet, exercise, behavioral therapy
BMI ≥27 to 29.9— add pharmacotherapy
BMI ≥ 30 to 34.9 (27.5-32.4) — add metabolic surgery
BMI ≥ 35 to 39.9 (32.5-37.4) add metabolic surgery
BMI ≥ 40 ( ≥ 37.5) metabolic surgery
(*cut off for Asian Americans)
T2DM Pharmacotherapy Recommendations
How long should they be monitored?
- Mono Therapy- A1C < 9% (Metformin+Lifestyle )
- > check @ 3 months
- Dual Therapy— A1C > 9% (Metformin, Lifestyle + CVD agent for pt. with risk and/or combination med sulfonyurea , basal insulin, etc.)
- Triple Therapy—(after 3 months dual drug therapy) -assess medication taking behavior and consider =>
- Combination Injectable Therapy
Monitor every 3-6 months
Medication Recommendations for T2DM with ASCVD
*should begin with lifestyle mgt and metformin — then subsequently add:
empagliflozin and liraglutide
*after lifestyle mgt and metformin, the antihypergylcemic agent canagliflozin may be considered
Medication Treatment Recommendations of Confirmed HTN in People with T2DM
- BP 140/90 -160/100 -> start one med.
*w/ Albuminuria- ACE or ARB
*w/o Albuminuria– ACE, ARB, CCB or Diuretic
BP ≥160/100-> Start two meds.
*w/ Albuminuria- ACE or ARB and CCB or Diuretic
*w/o Albuminuria– ACE or ARB+CCB or Diuretic - ACE inhibitors and ARBs should NOT be combined.
Statin Recommendations and Combination Treatment
< 40 yo
- with ASCVD = LDL ≥70 mg/dl = statin add additional LDL med. (ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitor), lifestyle therapy
- w/o ASCVD = lifestyle therapy ++ Statin may be considered based on risk benefit and ASCVD risk factors
≥ 40 yo
- with ASCVD + ≥ 70 mg/dl with statin add additional LDL med (ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitor)lifestyle therapy
- w/o ASCVD lifestyle therapy + Statin may be considered based on risk benefit and ASCVD risk factors
Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment Recommendations
- Panretinal laser photocoagulation therapy (to reduce vision loss in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and in severe Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy) PLUS ADD
- Intravitreous injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor -Ranibizumab
New Drug Recommendations for Diabetes Neuropathy (2)
Drugs recommended as initial pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain —pregabalin or duloxetine
Goals for Older Adults with DM and Pharmacological Therapy:
> decrease risk of hypoglycemia
avoid over treatment
simplify treatment regimen - use individualized A1C targets
Risk Based Screening Criteria for T2DM or Pre-Diabetes in Asymptomatic Children Age <18 yo
Overweight (BMI >85%ile) >120% IBW PLUS
maternal hx of diabetes or GDM
Family Hx of Type 2 DM (1st or 2nd degree relative)
Race/ Ethnicity
Signs of insulin resistance (HTN, Acanthosis, dyslipidemia, PCOS or small for gestational age birth weight)
Youth with Type 1 DM- Glucose and A1C Goals
Before meals: 90-130 mg/dl
Bedtime: 90-150 mg/dl
A1C: <7.5 %
All goals should be individualized especially with children with frequent hypoglycemia and unawareness
Type 2 DM in Youth– Incidence
rapid increase over past 20 years. (5,000 new cases per year in US)
More rapid decline in beta cell function and increase in DM complications.
T2DM Youth Pharmacological Treatment Recommendations:
- Meds + Lifestyle therapy at T2DM DX
- Metabolically stable (A1C<8.5% and asymptomatic) metformin if renal function is >30 ml/min.
- Youth with marked hyperglycemia (≥250 mg/dl, A1C ≥ 8.5%) without ketoacidosis at dx and symptomatic treat initially with basal insulin while initiating metformin to achieve A1C goal.
Diabetes in Pregnancy: New Drug Recommendation? When should they start taking? To help reduce the risk of?
Women with T1 and T2 DM should be RX with low dose aspirin (60 mg-150 mg/day) usual dose 81 mg/day) from the end of the first trimester to the birth of baby to lower risk of pre-eclampsia.
BP Pressure Target Goals for Pregnant patients with Diabetes and Pre-existing HTN
120-160/80-105 mmHg
What are Moderate Intensity Statin Therapy Meds?
What are High Intensity Statin Therapy Meds?
How much reduction of LDL for each category?
Moderate: Atorvastatin 10-20 mg; Rosuvastatin: 5-10mg; Lovastatin 40 mg Pravaatatin Fluvastatin (30-50%)
Atorvastatin 40-80 mg;
Rosuvastatin: 20-40 mg (≥50%)
What are CETP Inhibitors?
Medication that increases HDL cholesterol and further decreases LDL cholesterol in combination with statins. (not available for use, but have been studied)
Triglyceride Target Goals
< 150 mg/dl
≥ 500 mg/dl (consider medical therapy to reduce risk of pancreatitis)
> 1000 mg/dl (add fibric acid and/or fish oil and/or niacin to avoid acute pancreatitis)
Combination Therapy of Statin and Fibrate are associated with an increased risk of?
- Abnormal transaminase levels
- myositis
- rhabdomyolysis (more common with high doses of statin and renal insufficiency combined with Gemfibrozil)
Is combination therapy of statin and niacin recommended for major ASCVD?
Not recommended given the lack of efficacy on major ASCVD outcomes and side effects.
Does statins or other lipid lowering meds cause cognitive dysfunction or dementia?
Current evidence and studies DO NOT support that these medications cause cognitive dysfunction or dementia in individuals with diabetes at high risk for ASCVD.
What is the starting dose for Insulin Therapy in Type 1 DM?
0.5 units/kg/day
What are Long Acting / Rapid Acting Analogs associated with? (3)
- less hypoglycemia
- less weight gain
- lower A1C than human insulin
What is Pramlintide? How does it work? What do you need to do to decrease risk of severe hypoglycemia?
An amylin analog which:
- Delays gastric emptying
- Blunts pancreatic secretion of glucagon
- Enhances satiety
- Induces weight loss
- Lowers insulin dosage.
Need to make sure you reduce prandial insulin dose to decrease risk of severe hypoglycemia
Which medications are not FDA approved for Type 1 DM?
- Metformin
- GLP-1 Receptors
- DPP-4 Inhibitors
- SGLT2 Inhibitors
Criteria for Pancreas Transplantation in Type 1 DM
Reserved for T1DM undergoing simultaneous renal transplantation or for those with recurrent ketoacidosis or severe hypoglycemia.
What vitamin deficiency is associated with long term Metformin use?
Vitamin B12