CD 7 Flashcards
I am sending it.
Lo mando.
I am sending you something.
Le mando algo.
I am sending you something. (Roberta)
Te mando algo.
I am sending it to you. (Roberta)
Te lo mando.
I am sending them to you. (Roberto)
Te los mando.
I am sending it to you. (señor)
Se lo mando.
I am going to send it to you. (señor)
Voy a mandárselo.
Will you/can you send it to me.
Puede mandármelo.
Can you send it to him.
Puede mandárselo.
I would like to see it.
Me gustaría verlo.
I might want to see it.
Quisiera verlo.
It won’t be necessary.
No será necesario.
It wouldn’t be necessary.
No sería necesario.
to live
I have bought something.
He comprado algo.
We have bought.
Hemos comprado.
We have bought it.
Lo hemos comprado.
He has bought it.
Lo ha comprado.
He has not bought it.
No lo ha comprado.
Where have you bought it?
¿Dónde lo ha comprado?
He has sold it.
Lo ha vendido.
I have done it.
Lo he hecho.
We have done it.
Lo hemos hecho.
He has told me.
Me ha dicho.
You have not told me.
No me ha dicho.
I have told you.
Le he dicho.
to wait
I am waiting
I want to find out where it is.
Quiero informarme dónde está.
you are waiting / he is waiting / she is waiting
Why are you waiting?
¿Por qué espera?
Why don’t you wait?
¿Por qué no espera?
I am awaiting you.
Le espero.
I am awaiting you. (Roberto/Roberta)
Te espero.
He is waiting for you. / She is waiting for you.
Él le espera. / Ella le espera.
They are waiting for me. (They are awaiting me.)
Me esperan.
Why are you all waiting?
¿Por qué esperan?
Why are you waiting for me? (Roberto/Roberta)
¿Por qué me esperas?
we are waiting
Why don’t you wait for me? (señor)
¿Por qué no me espera?
Why don’t you wait for me? (Roberto)
¿Por qué no me esperas?
Why don’t you wait for me? (to several people)
¿Por qué no me esperan?
a little moment
Wait for me here! (Await me here!)
¡Espéreme aquí!
We are waiting for you.
Le esperamos.
Shall we wait for you?
¿Le esperamos?
we are waiting
Let’s wait!
Let’s wait here.
Esperemos aquí.
We are buying it.
Lo compramos.
We are not buying it.
No lo compramos.
Let’s not buy it.
No lo compremos.
We are selling it.
Lo vendemos.
Let’s sell the house.
Vendamos la casa.
Don’t wait for me.
No me espere.
Wait for me!
I have waited
he esperado
I have left
he salido
I am waiting. (right now)
Estoy esperando.
I am waiting for you. (I am right now in the process of waiting for you.)
Le estoy esperando.
I am doing it.
Lo hago.
I am doing it. (I am right now in the process of doing it.)
Lo estoy haciendo.
I was waiting
I was speaking
I was buying it.
Lo compraba.
I was preparing it.
Lo preparaba.
I was leaving
I was eating
I was doing it.
Lo hacía.
I was buying it.
Lo compraba.
I was selling it.
Lo vendía.
He was preparing it.
Lo preparaba.
You were preparing it. (señor)
Lo preparaba.
You were preparing it. (Roberto)
Lo preparabas.
They were preparing it.
Lo preparaban.
I was doing it.
Lo hacía.
He was doing it.
Lo hacía.
You were doing it. (señor)
Lo hacía.
You were doing it. (Roberto)
Lo hacías.
They were doing it.
Lo hacían.
He was telling me.
Me decía.
I have not understood what you were saying.
No he entendido lo que decía.
He did it everyday.
Lo hacía todos los días.
done / made
It is done.
Está hecho.
I have done it
Lo he hecho.
I have prepared it.
Lo he preparado.
Dinner is prepared.
La cena está preparada.
I have accepted the condition.
He aceptado la condición.
I have told you.
Le he dicho.
You haven’t told me.
No me ha dicho.
Why haven’t you told me?
¿Por qué no me ha dicho?
I have seen it.
Lo he visto.
I haven’t seen it yet.
Todavía no lo he visto.
Where have you put it? (Roberto)
¿Dónde lo has puesto?
We have put it here.
Lo hemos puesto aquí.
to forget
I won’t forget it.
No lo olvidaré.
I am sure.
Estoy seguro/segura.
I am sure that we won’t forget it.
Estoy seguro que no lo olvidaremos.
I didn’t forget it.
No lo he olvidado.
to leave
to leave something behind
I have left a message for you.
He dejado un recado para usted.
to spend time pasar
el tiempo
We have spent much time.
Hemos pasado mucho tiempo.
We have not spent much time.
No hemos pasado mucho tiempo.
That is a very good idea.
Eso es una buena idea.
It is not a bad idea.
No es una mala idea.
How much time did you spend? (Roberto)
¿Cuánto tiempo has pasado?
to prefer
I prefer
I prefer staying here.
Prefiero quedarme aquí.
to feel like
tener ganas
I feel like staying here.
Tengo ganas de quedarme aquí.
I feel like being here with all of you.
Tengo ganas de estar aquí con ustedes.
I would like to see it.
Me gustaría verlo.
I would like to make a reservation.
Me gustaría hacer una reservación.
How long do you plan on staying?
¿Cuánto tiempo piensa quedarse?
to ask
I would like to ask you.
Me gustaría preguntarle.
I would ask you later.
Le preguntaría más tarde.
I will ask you later.
Le preguntaré más tarde.
I am going to ask you later.
Voy a preguntarle más tarde.
I will call you later.
Le llamaré más tarde.
I am going to call you later to ask you if you can come see it with us tonight.
Voy a llamarle más tarde para preguntarle si puede venir a verlo con nosotros esta noche.
At what time do we arrive tomorrow?
¿A qué hora llegamos mañana?
I’ve just left.
Acabo de salir.
‘acaba de’
‘he has just …’.
He has just left.
Acaba de salir.
I have just seen it.
Acabo de verlo.
I have just arrived here two days ago.
Acabo de llegar aquí hace dos días.
I have just arrived here two weeks ago.
Acabo de llegar aquí hace dos semanas.