CCSO Manual Flashcards
Leave accrual:0-2 years of service
10 leave days / year
Leave accrual: 3-5 years of service
12 leave days per year
Leave accrual:6-10 years of service
15 days of leave per year
Leave accrual: 11-19 years of service
20 leave days per year
Leave accrual:20 or more years of service
25 leave days per year
How many days in advance must Annual leave be requested?
At least 30 days in advance of the leave being taken.
How many annual leave days can be cashed in per calendar year?
10 leave days
How far in advance must personal leave requests be presented to your supervisor?
24 hours in advance, may be waived my the bureau commander
What is the maximum number of comp hours one can accrue per leave year?
240 hours
If a Merit employee is called for Jury duty will they have to use their leave?
No. They shall be permitted to work without loss of pay and without charge against their leave bank.
What 5 sections of the manual are deputies required to memorize?
Arrest, use of force, handling of prisoners, evoc, and pursuit policy.
What is included in the CCSO jurisdiction?
Calvert County, MD to include the incorporated townships of Chesapeake Beach and North Beach.
What two bodies of water border Calvert County?
Chesapeake bay on the east, and the Patuxent River on the west.
How many square miles is Calvert County?
Approximately 219 square miles
How often must ethics training be conducted?
List the CCSO values (8)
Life, respect, integrity, fairness, trust, partnerships, loyalty, professionalism.
1/4 The general goals of the CCSO are:
A - To provide professional, effective, and efficient LE services to the citizens of Calvert county and those who may be visiting our county.
2/4 The general goals of the CCSO are
B- to develop a partnership with the citizens, community leaders, and other gov agencies to ensure the safety and security of the Calvert County community.
3/4 The general goals of the CCSO are
C - To deliver all services and conduct all activities of the CCSO in a fair and impartial manner which assures all citizens the benefits of these services and activities.
4/4 The general goals of the CCSO are
D - To strive continually to achieve a quality of life within Calvert county, which allows the county’s residents to go about their daily activities in safety and free from fear of criminal activities.
What are the 5 cash accounts CCSO has?
- Petty cash
- Fingerprinting and report copies
- Civil process
- Sheriff’s sales
- Covert funds
How much money is in the CCSO petty cash account?
What is the CCSO petty cash account used for?
Sundry purchases; tolls, parking fees, etc
What is the initial Covert fund amount?
If narcs needs more money how much can they get and how?
- Up to $3k over initial budget must be approved by the sheriff and states attorney.
- $3k-$5k over must be approved by the sheriff, states attorney and county administrator.
- > $5k over by the BOCC
How often is CCSO supposed to be audited?
What 3 items should be in a CCSO deputies possession at all times?
CCSO badge, MPCTC card and agency ID
The agency issued stocking cap may be worn under what temperature?
Below 50 degrees
How often are vehicle inspections conducted?
How often are uniform/personal appearance inspections conducted?
If a DFC, cpl, Sgt or F/sgt is demoted what %is their pay reduction?
If a senior or master deputy is demoted what is their % of pay decrease?
If a LT is demoted what is the % decrease of their pay?
What is the % of pay increase for promotion to DFC, cpl, Sgt, and f/sgt?
What is the % of pay increase upon promotion to senior or master deputy?
What is the % pay increase upon promotion to LT or higher?
How many days of annual leave may an employee carry over between years 1-5 of employment?
30 days
From year 6 on how many days of annual leave may be carried over?
An additional 5 days/year up to 100 days maximum.
How many days of military leave will CCSO grant for full time sworn employees?
10 days with pay, without use of the employees other leave banks
When shall a pregnancy be reported for a sworn employee?
As soon as pregnancy is verified
How many weeks of leave can be used for an FMLA qualifying event?
12 weeks per calendar year
What is the age range for the Explorers program?
14-21 years old
What is the probationary period for a newly appointed LEO?
1 year
How long can a new hire probationary period be extended?
Up to two 6 month extensions
How many years of service must a deputy serve for promotion to DFC?
Three years, at least 2 with CCSO
How many years of service are needed for promotion to Senior DFC?
10 years with CCSO
How many years of service are needed to promote to Master DFC?
15 years with CCSO
Performance evaluation rating periods are:
1 January - June -due 8/15
2 July-December- due 2/15
What department is responsible for the coordination and monitoring of grievances?
The sheriff shall be notified FIRST if the following events occur
Susp death investigations
Sexual assaults
1st degree assaults
Fatal crashes
Home invasions
UOF resulting in death or serious injury
Departmental involving injury or death
Departmental shootings
DV involving a CCSO employee
Any action by an employee that may result in significant loss of CCSO or citizen property.
A commanders email (not calling the sheriff first) is appropriate under the following circumstances
Commercial burglaries
10-80s with no injuries or damage to property
Not susp death investigations
Any other event that may result in a heightened community or media interest.
How long is a mourning band worn for a CCSO LOD death?
Time of death until 30 days after death.
How long is a mourning band work for a regional LEO?
Time of death until midnight on the day of the funeral.
How long is the mourning band worn for out of region LEOsv
While attending the funeral or other memorial services.
When is national peace officers memorial day and when shall the mourning badge be worn?
May 15th, from 0001 to 2359 hrs.
Collar ornaments for NCOs on class ABC shirt collar shall be placed…
1/2 inch back of the collar opening and centered on the collar in a straight line parallel to the collar top.
Insignia of rank, class a, commissioned personnel shall be worn…
On each shoulder of the blouse centered at the cross point of the seams and on the uniform shirt. The rank designation shall be work on the shirt collar 1/2 inch back of the collar opening and centered on the collar in A straight line parallel to the collar top.
Insignia of rank for NCOs
On both arms of the uniform shirt 1/2 inch below the CCSO shoulder patches. Rank will be work on the same location on the class A jacket.
If a shave waiver is granted what length of beard is allowed?
1/8 inch in length
How often must a shave waiver be re-evaluated by a dermatologist?
Every 6 months
Those detailed to an acting supervisory position will see their pay increase starting on
The 31st consecutive calendar day of performing the majority duties and shall be retroactive to the first day of the detail.
When must a pregnancy of a sworn employee be reported to CCSO
As soon as pregnancy is verified.
FMLA grants how much protected leave for qualifying events?
12 work weeks to those employed for at least 12 months and who have at least 1250 hours of service during the previous 12 month period.
What ages may participate in the explorers program?
14-21 years old
A deputy needs at least how many training hours per year for recertification?
18 hours
Initial DARE certification is how many hours?
80 hours
What must the DARE instructor do yearly to maintain their certification?
Teach a 10 lesson rotation of the elementary curriculum, and attend either the state or national DARE conference.
How long is the course to be certified as a hostage negotiator?
40 hours
To maintain a spot on hostage negotiations the team will train how often and in what manner?
2 times yearly (minimum) to practice their skills (simulated scenarios). Once per year negotiators and SOT will train together.
How many polygraphs must a newly certified examiner complete before being considered a full polygraph examiner?
In order to maintain a polygraph certification an examiner must….
Attend a 16 hour (minimum) classroom retraining annually.
For initial assignment to bike patrol the applicant must…
Attend a Police Cyclist court certified by the Police Mountain Bike Association.
To maintain a bike patrol cert the member must….
Attend a minimum of 3 retraining days per year.
To become a defensive tactics instructor the applicant must
Complete a DT instructors course approved by MPCTC.
To recertify a Defensive Tactics cert the individual must…
Renew their cert through approved MPCTC courses every 4 years
To become a MPCTC general instructor you must….
Complete a MPCTC approved instructor course.
How often must a MPCTC general instructor renew their certification?
Every 4 years.
To obtain a DRE certification one must….
Be certified in SFSTs by NHTSA
Complete the 16 hour DRE pre school
Complete the 7 day school
Obtain 100% on the DRE final exam
To continue a DRE certification one must…
Attend an 8 hour DRE Inservice course and be observed 2 times while conducting an evaluation.
To become an EVOC instructor one must
Complete a basic 2 week instructor course, be T for T and receive a minimum of 2 evaluations within 1 year.
To become an accident reconstruction member one must
Complete a minimum of 160 hours of recon training.
To be a firearms instructor one must
Be a certified firearms instructor through a MPCTC recognized course.
Be T for T
Be certified as an instructor in pistol, Machine gun and long range weapons.
Attend armorer training
Be a certified police officer through MPCTC
How long is swat school
At least 2 weeks
When will newly promoted CPL’s and F/Sgts take first line supervision/administrator training ?
Prior to promotion or with in a year of being promoted.
How many years of service and time in rank to be promoted to Cpl?
Three years of service with CCSO and 1 year in the previous rank.
How many years of service and time in rank to become a Sgt?
4 years with CCSO and 1 year in the previous rank.
How many years of service and time in rank to become a F/Sgt?
5 years with CCSO and 1 year in rank
How many years of service and time in rank to become a Lt?
6 years of service with CCSO and 1 year in rank.
How many years of service and time in rank to become a Captain?
7 years with CCSO and 1 year in rank
How often are promotional processes held for the rank of Cpl and Sgt?
Every 2 years.
Where are promotional exam materials secured?
In a locked file cabinet at the direction of the AJSB Commander.
What type of matrix violation will make a deputy ineligible for promotion during the current promotional cycle?
A sustained complaint for category C or higher
How long is the probational period of a newly promoted deputy?
6 months
How long are performance evaluations retained?
At least 5 years