CCS Flashcards
Urine HCG
Urine culture
Tx: bactrim/nitrofurantoin
Pregnancy Test Pelvic Ultrasound for dating 1st trimester labs: GC/CT HIV RPR CBC BMP Type and Screen Rh Antibody UA and culture Hep B Surface antigen Rubella titer Prescribe: Prenatal vitamins, iron supplementation, folic acid, counseling
Ulcerative Colitis
Diagnosis: Sigmoidoscopy, Rectal biopsy, ESR, stool O/P, stool leukocyte, stool culture, PT/PTT
Tx: Mild - Topical mesalamine, treat diarrhea/pain with loperamide, dicyclomine Mod - oral mesalamine, consider steroids, consider azathioprine, Severe - Hospitalize, Consider surgery
Ectopic Pregnancy
Dx: Beta-HCG, Transvaginal ultrasound, Surgical workup (PT/PTT, Type and cross, blood group, Rh status), GC/CT
Tx: Methotrexate
Dx: CBC/BMP, TSH, FOBT, ESR, Stool workup (O/P, leukocyte, culture)
Tx: Diet modification, Dicyclomine, loperamide, amitriptyline
Dx: CBC, BMP, TSH, B12
Tx: SSRI, Counseling
Dx: Vaginal PH, Wet mount, gram stain, Pap smear, GC/CT, U/A
Tx: Yeast - fluconazole/clotrimazole, BV - Metronidazole, Trich - Metronidazole
Dx: CBC/BMP, LFT, TSH, Vitamin B12, CT
Tx: Aricept, vitamin E, atypical antipsychotic for psychotic sx, can add on memantine
COPD Exacerbation
Dx: Peak flow, CBC/BMP, CXR, ABG, EKG
Tx: Albuterol, ipratropium, PO steroids, consider antibiotics i.e. Doxy (outpatient) Levaquin (inpatient)
Breast Lump
Dx: Mammography, Ultrasound, FNA automatically, counseling
Hypertensive Emergency
Dx: Look for evidence of end organ damage (CBC, BMP, ECG, head CT, UA)
Tx: Transfer to ICU, Art line for monitoring, Oxygen, pulse ox, nitroprusside (1), labetalol (2),
Foreign Body Aspiration
Dx: CXR, Neck X-ray, bronchoscopy
Tx: Oxygen, pulse ox, bronch
Panic Attack
Lots to rule out! Dx: ECG, Trop, CXR, CBC, BMP, Urine drug, glucose, TSH, UA
Tx: Oxygen, benzo
Immediate stabilization options
Oxygen, pulse ox, head elevation, Cardiac monitoring, BP monitoring, IV access
Dx: CBC, BMP, Glucose, ECG, head CT, carotid Doppler, echo, lipid panel, A1C
Tx: IV access, aspirin, Carotid endarectomy, counseling
Dx: Pelvic Exam, GC/CT swab, gram stain swab, pelvic ultrasound, blood cultures, UA, Urine culture, urine HCG, HIV, RPR
Tx: IV cefoxitin, IV doxycycline (24 hours), morphine, saline, NPO, Tylenol
Dx: CBC, INR/PTT, bleeding time, BMP, LFT. Then Factor VIII, IX, or XI
Tx: Replace missing factor, trend levels
Unstable Angina/MI
First: IV Access, pulse ox, oxygen, aspirin, nitroglycerine, ECG, cardiac monitoring, BP monitoring
Dx: Cardiac enzymes, CBC, BMP, LFT, lipid profile, INR/PTT, Echo, Card consult, Catheterization
Tx: Add on heparin, metoprolol, eptfibatide, simvastatin