CCS Flashcards
feelings or sensations that your heart is pounding or racing. They can be felt in your chest, throat, or neck. You may: Have an unpleasant awareness of your own heartbeat. Feel like your heart skipped or stopped beats.
a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness.
Cardio symptoms
- Chest pain
- Palpitations ( heart racing or irregular)
- Breathlessness
- Ankle swelling
- Calf pain
- Lightheadedness/ loss of
synonym for sputum
a high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing. Wheezing may occur while breathing out, also known as expiration, or while breathing in, also known as inspiration. It may or may not occur while having a hard time breathing.
Respiratory symptoms
* Sputum ( phlegm/ glut)
* Wheeze
* Breathlessness
* Hoarseness
* Chest pain
* Haemoptysis ( coughing up blood)
Gastro symptoms
Change in appetite
* Heartburn
* Problems with swallowing
* Nausea or vomiting
* Vomiting blood ( haematemesis)
* Yellowing of skin or eyes
* Change in weight
* Abdominal pain
* Change in bowel habit
* Change in bowel movement ( stool)
* Blood from back passage
SOCRATES for pain symptoms
S- site of pain
* O- onset ( what brought it on)
* C – character ( ache, burning, stabbing)
* R – radiation ( does it go anywhere else)
* A – associated symptoms- like breathlessness
* T – timing/ duration
* E – exacerbating or relieving factors-like inhalers
* S – severity ( often the 1-10 scale used)
Localisms - when you dont understand sth
- sorry im not familiar with that word, could you tell me what you mean?
- sorry I didnt catch that
- sorry, could you repeat that for me?
Localisms - Gastro
Belly – abdomen/ stomach
Boke – retch (sound and movement of vomiting)
Puke - vomit
Peelie-wally – pale /looks unwell
Localisms - Cardio
Flutters – palpitations
Whitey – light headed(pre-syncope)
Fleg – fright
Faird - afraid
Localisms - Respiratory
Out of puff – breathless
Puffers – inhalers
Glut – sputum
Sair – sore
Shidder – shoulder
Oxter- armpit ( axilla)
Localisms Neuro/ENT
Neurology/ ENT
Birlin – spinning
Tinglin – pins & needles ( paraesth)
Lugs - ears
Heed – head
Fa doon- fall over
Ane – one
Twa – two
Seeven – 7
Localisms - not feeling well
No affy weel – don’t feel great
Affy no weel – really not well at all