CCP-C Flashcards
Parkland Burn Formula
4ml x BSA% x weight in kg.
First 50% in the first 8 hours, second 50% in the next 16 hours
Which vessel is commonly associated with epidural hematomas
Middle meningeal artery
Winter’s Formula
(HCO3 x 1.5) + 8 +/- 2
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
MAP - ICP. 60-80 mmHg
Ideal Body Weight
[50 kg + 2.3 (height in inches - 60)] for
males and [45.5 kg + 2.3 (height in inches - 60)] for women.
Treatment for malignant hyperthermia
Apneustic breathing is a sign of
A lesion in the respiratory center for the brain
What does not require ABO matching?
Oxygen Dissociation Curve Left Shift
Decreased temp, decreased CO2, decreased BPG, and increased pH. Increased affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin
Oxygen Dissociation Curve Right Shift
Increased temp, increased CO2, increased BPG levels, and decreased pH. Decreased affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin
Normal CVP
Normal PA pressure
Normal SVR
Normal PVR
Normal CO
4-8 liters/min