CCNAS - ASA - Objects Flashcards
Two Types of Objects
Network & Service
Network Objects
Single IP
Range IP
Only one unit can be saved per Network Object
Service Objects
Object Groups
can contain single net/serv objects, as well as other group objects
Object Groups - Cmd
#object-group network example1 similar to access-group can be done in config#
ACLs and Objects - names or numbers?
Both use names to distinguish from each other; ACLs no longer need to use numbers
ACLs and Objects - Features
Both have implicit deny
ASA uses network mask, instead of wildcard
ASA has default access control, w/o ACL
ASA ignores numbers, uses names instead
ASA through traffic
traffic going to customers, files, crossing over ASA
ASA “to the box” traffic
management traffic going to the ASA box; telnet, ssh, SNMP