CCMA Material Flashcards
- less accurate but faster result
- placed on both body parts to measure range of motion
- more accurate but harder to measure
- placed only on moving body part to detect range of motion
How do you measure body fat on a woman?
Using calipers, measure fat at the triceps, suprailiac, and the thigh
How do you measure body fat on a man?
Using calipers, measure fat at the chest, abdominals, and thigh
Anthropometric measurements include:
height, weight, BMI, and body circumference
How do you measure the head circumference of a child?
Have the child lay supine and measure right above the eyebrows and ears.
In what lab section is the pap smear in?
How do you pass a scalpel?
Grasp the scalpel in the center of the handle with your dominant hand, and firmly place the scalpel handle in the hand of the assistant.
What are the suture supplies?
needle holder, toothed forceps, and fine suturing scissors. Suture removal usually happens after 2 weeks.
A rectal exam is performed in what position?
The best position for dyspnea is…
Providine-Iodine, or Betadine, is an antiseptic cleanser also used in ____. it is also a possible allergen because it is derived from ___.
Contrast dyes; shellfish
The apical pulse is measured by ___.
Placing the stethoscope on the apex of the heart and counting for 1 minute
What position is good for hypotension?
Trendelenburg, since it returns blood to vital organs
A percussion hammer is used to…
measure deep tendon reflexes
A curette is used as a scooping tool to…
remove tissue
A curette is used as a scooping tool to…
remove tissue
A curettage and eletrodesiccation (c&e) is a procedure used to treat …. How does it treat tumors?
low-risk tumors and precancerous lesions. C&E treats tumors by scraping away the cancerous tissue and destroying remaining cancer cells with an electric needle
A D&C, or dilation and curettage, is a surgical procedure after a ____.
First trimester miscarriage. In a D&C, dilation refers to opening the cervix, and currettage refers to removing the contents of the uterus.
The tray sterile field is ___ inch boundary to touch.
An ACE wrap must be bandaged from…
the bottom up
Cryosurgery is used to…
destroy abnormal or diseased tissue
the ear irrigation technique:
- position ear, pull back on pinna of ear to straighten ear canal
- use warm water
- vertigo is a common symptom
To irrigate the eye, flush for __ minutes at the eye station.
Medication is inventoried by ___.
expiration date
The enteral route of administration has a system-wide effect, and is delivered through the __ tract. Methods of administration include ___, ___ & ___.
GI; oral, sublingual, and rectal
The parenteral system has systemic action, and routes other than the GI, such as through ___ or ___.
Injection; catheter
Transdermal, or ___ administration, is through the skin, such as with a ___.
percutaneous; patch
an IM injection has:
__ needle gauge
__ needle length
__ angle
18-21 needle gauge
1-1.5 inch needle length
90 degree angle
A subcut injection has a __ needle gauge, __ needle length, and __ angle to the skin.
21-25 gauge
3/8-5/8 needle length
45 degree, or 90 for insulin only
An intradermal injection has a __ needle gauge, __ needle length, and __ angle to the skin.
25-27 gauge
1/2 needle length
15 degrees
The TB test is also called the ___ test, and it injects 0.1 ml volume.
1 lb is __ kg.
1 kg is __ lb.
1 tsp is __ mL.
Some examples of intentional torts are ___.
battery, assault, defamation of character
negligent torts are ___ torts, and must be proven.
A durable power of attorney means that…
the document stays in effect if you become incapacitated and unable to handle matters on your own
Palliative care plans are focused on providing..
relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness, such as using opiate meds
The most common medical mistake is…
patient misidentification
A peak flow meter measures ___.
how air flows from your lungs in one fast blast, or the ability to push air out of your lungs
Spirometry measures __ & __.
Forced vital capacity: largest amount of air you can blow out after taking your biggest breath in
Forced expiratory volume: the amount of air you can blow out of your lungs in the first second
Myopia is …
Hyperopia is …
Presbyopia is …
hardening of the eyes, difficulty focusing on close objects
An ishihara test tests…
color vision
Pumping fists during phlebotomy can cause…
inaccurate results, such as increased potassium levels
If a patient develops a hematoma, or bruise, you should …
release tourniquet and stop procedure, and apply pressure and a cold pack
Serum includes ___.
Serum includes: clotting factors and white blood cells making a “buffy coat”
Yellow tube tests for ___.
blood culture
light blue tube tests for… and contains what additive?
coagulation studies/pt/ptt; sodium citrate
lavender tube tests for… and contains ___ as a coagulant
hematology/CBC; EDTA
Navy tube tests for…
heavy metals
Use a __ test to measure red/white blood cell count in a lavender tube.
CBC (complete blood count)
the hemoglobin A1c tests for… and uses a ___ colored tube
average glucose level over 3 months; lavender tube
Phenylketonuria or PKU is an inborn metabolism error concerning the amino acid ___. the lab test is from a ___ stick.
phenylalanine; heel stick
International Normalized Ration (INR) is a test to determine how long it takes for blood to clot. In a healthy person, an INR of __ is considered normal.
Culture and sensitivity (C&S) is included in what lab section?
WBC count is included in what lab section?