CCA Flashcards
Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)
- CCA may be claimed on all tangible capital property other than land, must be available for use
- Inducements (such as leasehold improvements) may be included in income or used to reduce capital cost
- Most classes subject to Accelerated Investment Incentive of 1.5 × CCA on net additions (except 53, 43.1, and 43.2, which are subject to 100% CCA in the year of purchase)
- Dispositions are credited to UCC at lesser of cost and proceeds (excess of proceeds over original cost result in a capital gain)
- Terminal loss – when there is a balance of UCC in the class but there are no assets remaining, the UCC can be claimed as a terminal loss (capital loss cannot arise on the disposition of depreciable property)
- Recapture – arises when the balance in the class is negative (i.e. when the adjustment re: disposal is in excess of the UCC) and is taken into income
- Recapture / Terminal loss calculated as: Lesser of a) proceeds and b) cost; less UCC. If positive, then recapture. If negative, then terminal loss.