CC 1 A: Structure & function of proteins and their constituent amino acids Flashcards
Amino Acid classifications & protein structural elements are covered. Special emphasis is placed on enzyme catalysis, including mechanistic considerations, kinetics, models of enzyme-substrate interaction, and regulation.
Amino Acids
Absolute configuration at the α position
- The alpha carbon IN EVERY amino acid is a chiral center EXCEPT in glycine (it is achiral, since the R group is an H)
- EVERY AA has S configuration EXCEPT FOR cysteine (R configuration)
Amino Acids as dipolar ions
At low pH, amino acid = ?
At high pH, amino acid = ?
At pH = pI, amino acid = ?
At low pH, amino acid = cationic
At high pH, amino acid = anionic
At pH = pI, amino acid = zwitterionic (neutral)
Classify Amino Acids
- Acidic or Basic
- Acidic: Aspartic Acid (Asp, D); Glutamic Acid (Glu, E)
- Basic: Lysine (Lys, K); Arginine (Arg, R); Histidine (His, H)
- Hydrophobic or hydrophilic:
Hydrophilic: If the R group contains acids, bases, amines or alcohols
- Arginine (Arg, R), Lysine (Lys, K), Aspartic Acid (Asp, D), Glutamic Acid (Glu, E), Glutamine (Gln, Q), Asparagine (Asn, N), Histidine (His, H), Serine (Ser, S), Threonine (Thr, T), Tyrosine (Tyr, Y), Cysteine (Cys, C), Tryptophan (Trp, W)
Hydrophobic: If the R group DOES NOT contain what is listed above ^^
- Alanine (Ala, A), Isoleucine (Ile, I), Leucine (Leu, L), Methionine (Met,M), Phenylalanine (Phe, F), Valine (Val, V), Proline (Pro, P), Glycine (Gly, G)
Hydrophilic: If the R group contains acids, bases, amines or alcohols
Amino Acids Reactions
Sulfur Linakage for cysteine and cystine:
- Cysteine = amino acid with the thiol R group
- Cystine = 2 cysteines that have formed a disulfide bond
Amino Acid Reactions
Peptide Linakge: polypeptides & proteins
What links aa chains together?
- Peptide bonds link amino acid chains together
- Peptide bonds are formed by the nucleophilic addition-elimination (condensation, dehydration rxn) reaction between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid
- The nucleophilic amino group attacking an electrophilic carbonyl
- The bond when formed has a lot of resonance delocalization (partial double bond character all over the place!)
- Makes the bond very rigid/planar
- However, this is still free rotation around the ALPHA CARBON
Amino Acids
- The process of breaking the peptide bond
- Done by either acid/base hydrolysis (nonspecific) or with the help of proteolytic enzymes (specific)

Primary Structure of Proteins
- Linear sequence of amino acids
- determined by the peptide bond linking each aa
- Covalent (peptide) bonds
Secondary Structure of Proteins
- Local structure, stabilized by hydrogen bonding
- α-helices – hydrogen bonds run up and down, stabilizing the structure
β-pleated sheets – stabilized by hydrogen bonds connecting the sheets
- Antiparallel vs. Parallel configurations
- The way the linear sequence folds on itself
- Determined by the backbone interactions (primarily hydrogen bonds)
- Hydrogen bonds between backbone atoms

Tertiary Structure of Proteins
- 3-D structure stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, acid-base interactions (sallt bridges), hydrogen bonding, and disulfide bonds
- Depends on distant group interaction
- stabilized by hydrogen bonds, van der waals, hydrophobic packing, disulfide bridge formation
Disulfide bond formation happens on the exterior of the cell (covalent bond of two cysteines)
- Extracellular space prefers the formation of disulfide bonds (the oxidizing environment)
- Hydrophobic interactions & polar interactions between side chains
Quantnary structure of proteins
- Interactions between subunits (multiple polypeptides)
- Hydrophobic interactions and ionic bonds between side chains (i.e. cysteine side chains making disulfide bonds)
Conformational Stability
Denaturing & Folding
What dorce helps stabilized the protein?
- Primary Structure = determined by peptide bonds
- Secondary Structure = determined by backbone interactions (hydrogen bonds)
- Tertiary Structure = determined by distant interactions between groups (van der Waals, hydrophobic packing, disulfide, hydrogen bonding)
- Quaternary Structure = determined by same bonds from tertiary structure
Protein is ONLY FUNCTIONAL when in the proper conformation
**A force that helps stabilize the protein is the solvation shell
- Solvation shell = layer of solvent surrounding the protein (can be the water solvent interaction with polar AAs, etc.)
**A force that helps stabilize the protein is the solvation shell
Denaturation: when a protein losses active conformation & becomes inactive
- occurs by changing pH, temp, chemicals or even enzymes
- If you denature by heating, you destroy all the stuctures of the protein except the primary structure (primary structure is conserved)
Conformational Stability
Hydrophobic interactions/Solvation Layer (entropy)
- the hydrophobic regions of the protein aggregate, which releases the water from cages
- this increases the entropy of water, which is the major thermodynamically favorable component of protein folding
Solvation Layer & Entropy
- The polarity and charge of amino acid residues on the surface of a protein affect the order of the surrounding water molecules, as measured by entropy, ΔS.
- Entropy is a measure of the disorder within a system.
- Increased order is=negative entropy change
- Increased disorder = to a positive entropy change.
The water molecules surrounding folded proteins have higher entropy than those surrounding unfolded proteins because the hydrophobic molecules on the surface of unfolded proteins force water to form a rigid solvation layer.
- protein becomes more ordered when it folds BUT the water molecules surrounding it becomes more DISORDERED

Seperation Techniques
Isoelectric Point (pI)
- pI is determined by averaging the pKa values that refer to the protonation & deprotonation of the zwitterion
- Isoelectric focusing: gel electrophoresis method that seperates proteins on basis of their relative contents of acidic and basic residues (gel with pH gradient is used)
Seperation Techniques
- positively charged anode at bottom, negatively charged cathode at the top
- larger molecules will have harder time moving, thus seperation created by size with the smallest molecules towards the bottom
- Native Page: retains structure of preotein; SDS-Page: break into subunits
Non-Enzymatic Protein Function
- Bind various biomolecules – bind specifically and tightly
- Receptors/Ion channels in the membrane:
- Receptors bind or receive signaling molecules (ligand) which makes a chemical response (i.e. insulin receptor)
- Ion channels can allow ions to enter/exit the cell
Non-Enzymatic Protein Function
Immune System
What are antibodies?
What are antigens?
- Antibodies: protein components of the adaptive immune system whose main function is to find foreign antigens and target them for destruction
Antigens: the ligand for antibodies
- Antigens can be thought be thought of as little red flags for the immune system letting us know, “hey, that’s not supposed to be there?”
Non-enzymatic protein function
Transport example
- Transport: e.g. hemoglobin (at high concentration of ligand=have high affinity, at low concentration of ligand=have low affinity
- Myosin=responsible for forces exerted by contracting muscles
Kinesin/Dynein=motor proteins responsible for intracellular transport
- Dynein=plays a role in the motility of cilia
Enzyme Structure & Function
Function of enzymes in catalyzing biological reactions
Enzymes function to lower the activation energy of reactions (do not get used up!)
- enzymes facilitate chemical reactions without being altered by them, and do not apear on either side of the balanced equation
- Structure determines function –> change in structure = change in function
Enzymes function to lower the activation energy of reactions (do not get used up!)
Activation Energy i the uncatalyzed and catalyzed reactions, draw graphs:
- The activation energy Ea is the minimum energy required for reactants to reach the transition state and initiate a reaction (given by Ea = E‡ − Ereactants).
- Uncatalyzed reactions have greater Ea than catalyzed reactions, and therefore are slower.
- Catalysts allow the reaction to proceed at a faster rate by lowering the activation energy.

- Enzyme Energy parameters & the effect on reactions:
- Deleterious mutations involving the enzyme’s active site are likely to:
- Enzymes do not alter the free energy change ΔG or the equilibrium constant Keq of a reaction
- but do decrease the time taken for the reaction to reach equilibrium by increasing the reaction rate.
- Deleterious mutations involving the enzyme’s active site are likely to alter the enzyme’s affinity for its substrate (increase Kd) and interfere with enzymatic function (decreased reaction rate).

- Move a functional group from one molecule to another
- A + BX –> AX + B
- Example: phosohorylases are a type of transferase that breaks bonds by adding a phosphate, as in glycogen degradtion
- cannot catalyze redox reactions

- Join two large biomolecules, often of the same type
- A + B —> AB
- Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions that involve the transfer of electrons
- Oxidase = oxidizing or taking away electrons from a molecule (OIL)
- Reductase = reducing or giving electrons to a molecule (REG)
- A + B: <—-> A: + B
- EXAMPLE: cleavage of protein disulfide bonds by eznme thioredoxin (catalyzes the transfer of electrons to break the bond)

- Interconversion of isomers, including both constitutional and stereoisomers
- rearange functional groups within a molecule but do not catalyze redox reactions
- A –> B

- cleavage with the additon of water, break peptide bonds by the addition of water
- A + H2O –> B + C
- Example: proteases break peptide bonds by the addition of water

- Cleave without the addition of water and without the transfer of electrons (reverse reaction, synthesis, is usually more biologically important)
- A –> B + C (does not use water, or oxidation/reduction)
- Lyases generate either a double bond or a ring structure
Reduction of activation energy
What type of catalysis is this?
- enzymes use acidic/basic properties to make rxns go faster by proton transfer:
- enzymes covalently bind to help with electron transfer:
- charged molecules or metal ions used to stabilize big positive or
negative charges:
- enzymes make collisions between reacting molecules happen
more often:
- Transition State:
- Acid/Base catalysis = enzymes use acidic/basic properties to make rxns go faster by proton transfer
- Covalent catalysis = enzymes covalently bind to help with electron transfer
- Electrostatic catalysis = charged molecules or metal ions used to stabilize big positive or negative charges
- Proximity/Orientation effects = enzymes make collisions between reacting molecules happen more often
o Transition state = highest energy point from path A to B (in A–>B)
- where you also find most instability (high energy=more unstable)
- Enzymes lower the activation energy of the reaction (making it easier for the reactants to transition to form products)
Substrates & Enzyme Specifity
- Enzyme-substrate specificity derives from structural interactions
- Enzymes can be specific enough to determine between stereoisomers
- some enzymes have high specifity for their substrates
- these enzymes catalyze only reactions with a particular substrate (has high reaction rates for substrates of interest) and do not act on other molecules with similar, but not identical, structure
- Example: the α-amylase enzyme cleaves the glycosidic bonds in starch but not cellulose, even though the two molecules differ only in the orientation of their glycosidic bonds.

Active Site Model
- Location on the enzyme where it reacts with its substrate
- Shape/characteristics (functional groups) of an active site are responsible for the specifity of the enzyme
Induced-fit Model
Initial Binding: when the substrate first binds to the enzyme (not perfect)
- Forces holding the two together are strong, but not at the maximum strength yet
- Enzyme and substrate thus mold their shape to bind together super tightly
- called the induced fit because both the enzyme & substrate have changed their shape a little so they can bind together really tightly (catalyzing reaction at full force)
- example: when a protein changes confirmation from 3 to 4, this requires energy so it would be the induced fit
- called the induced fit because both the enzyme & substrate have changed their shape a little so they can bind together really tightly (catalyzing reaction at full force)
- Binding between reactant and enzyme STRONGEST at the transition state
lock and key theory proposes that an enzyme’s active site is already in the proper structural conformation to allow a substrate to bind readily and form an active enzyme-substrate (ES) complex. This theory proposes that no conformational changes are necessary for catalysis to occur.

Mechanism of Catalysis
- Cofactors
- Coenzymes
- Water-Soluble Vitamins
Cofactors: directly involved in the enzyme’s catalytic mechanism (might be stabilizing the substrates, or helping the reaction to convert substrates from one from to another) (e.g. Mg+)
- inorganic
- enzymes that require cofactors are called apoenzyme when the cofactor is absent; where as those containing cofactors are known as holoenzymes
Coenzymes: organic carrier molecules (i.e. NADH, CoA, THF, FADH2)
Water-Soluble Vitamins: need to obtain from the diet
- Vitamins–>organic cofactors & coenzymes
- e.g. vitamins B3 is a precursor for NAD
- e.g. Vitamin B5 is a precursor for CoA
Water-Soluble Vitamins: need to obtain from the diet

Effects of local conditions on enzyme activity
Effects of pH changes
Normal conditions:
Temperature changes:
- Enzymes work best in specific enviroments
Effects of pH changes:
- e.g. DNA–> Negatively charged–> DNA Polymerase binds Mg+2 cofactor to stabilize negative charge on DNA
- In normal conditions, DNA Pol holds onto Mg ion through electrostatic interaction between magnesium & one of its aspartate residues, which would be deprotonated & thus negatively chanrged at neutral pH values
- If you took DNA Pol and put it in environment with reduced pH, the aspartate residue would become protonated since pH has dropped so much, and protonated form has no negative charge, so can’t bind Mg ion cofactor
- DNA Pol cannot do job properly in low pH environment
Effects of temperature changes:
- proteins fold from primary–>secondary–>tertiary–>quaternary structures to function properly
- significant changes in temp cause protein to lose its functionality (loses its shape)
- e.g. when you get sick & our body temp goes up, our digestive enzymes cannot work properly & consequently we cannot eat food as well
Control of Enzyme Activity
General Catalysis
- Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction, or the ΔG of the transition state (NOT OF THE RXN!)
- E + S <–> ES <–> E + P
- At really high [S] the enzymes will be saturated
- Even if you increase concentration of [S] from this point, there will still be a Vmax
Michaelis-Menton (MM)
What is Vmax?
MM equation calculates?
High enzyme substrate affinity means, HIGH or LOW Km?
Vice versa?
- Vmax is defined for a specific enzyme concentration (adding more enzyme will increase the Vmax)
- Michaelis-Menten equation calculates the rate of reaction using Vmax, the substrate concentration [S], and the Michaelis constant Km. Km = the [S] required to reach 1/2Vmax
- V=vmax [S] / Km + [S]
- As substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate also increases until a maximum value is reached
- At 1⁄2 Vmax, [S] = Km
- Km does not fluctuate with changes in [enzyme] and is indicative of enzyme-substrate affinity
- Enzymes with high enzyme-substrate affinity will reach 1/2Vmax at a lower substrate concentration (Lower Km)
- Lower enzyme-substrate affinities will result in needing a higher substrate concentration to reach 1/2Vmax (Higher Km)

Kcat & catalytic Efficiency
- Kcat = Vmax / [E]T
- = Enzyme’s “Turnover Number”
- How many substrates can this enzyme turn into product in one second at its maximum speed
- Catalytic Efficiency = Kcat/Km
Positive, Negative & Non-cooperative Binding?
Hemoglobin affinity for O2
T-state? R-State?
- some proteins can bind more than 1 substrate
- Cooperativity=substrate binding changes substrate affinity
- Positive Cooperative Binding: Substrate binding increases affinity for subsequent substrate
- Negative Cooperative Binding: Substrate binding decreases affinity for subsequent substrate
- Non-Cooperative Binding: Substrate binding does not affect affinity for subsequent substrate
TOW RIGH (hemoglobin affinity for O2)
- T state=low affinity
- R state=high affinity
Hill Coefficient:
- indicates cooperativity
- results in a SIGMOIDAL curve

Feedback regulation
When product binds allosteric site of enzyme, and its positive, what happens to the enzyme-substrate affinity? What if it’s inhibitory?
- when product of reaction binds allosteric site of the enzyme, affecting the catalytic activity
- Can be positive=increase enzyme-substrate affinity
- Can be inhibitory=reducing activty at the active site or inactivating it completely
Competitive Inhibition
- E (inhibitor binds to E here to make EI) + S <—-> ES <—-> E+P
- Blocks the enzyme and makes it unable to react with substrate to form product
- Inhibitor competes with substrate for space on the enzyme
- Binds: Active Site
- Impact on Km: Increases
- Impact on Vmax: No Change

Uncompetitive Inhibition
- E + S <—-> ES (inhibitor binds to the ES here to make ESI) <—-> E + P
- Molecule that binds only to the enzyme-substrate complex, rendering it catalytically inactive
- Binds: Allosteric Site
- Impact on Km: Decreases
- Impact on Vmax: Decreases

Non-Competitve Inhibition:
- Prevents the enzyme from turning substrate into product
- Binds to an allosteric site on the enzyme, causing a conformational change that decreases catalytic activity at the active site regardless of whether a substrate is already bound
- Binds: Allosteric Site
- Impact on Km: No Change
- Impact on Vmax: Decreases

Mixed Inhibition
- Molecule that binds to an allosteric site on the enzyme, causing a conformational change that decreases catalytic activity at the active site
- Generally, have preference towards binding either the enzyme-substrate complex, or binding the enzyme alone
- Binds: Allosteric Site
- Impact on Km: Increase (if prefer enzyme w/o substrate) or Decrease (if prefer enzyme with substrate bound)
- Impact on Vmax: Decreases
Regulatory Enzymes:
1. Allosteric Enzymes
- Allosteric site present, molecule binds it, can either upregulate or downregulate the enzyme function
Regulatory Enzymes:
2. Covalently-modified enzymes:
- a. small posttranslational modifications*
- b. methylation*
- c. acetylation*
- d. glycosylation*
- e. suicide inhibition*
- not all enzymes are proteins (i.e. inorganic metals, small organic molecules like Flavin)
1. Small posttranslational modifications:
- translation–> synthesis of AA polymer
- “post-tranlation”–> after initial synthesis
- “small”–>adding or removing small functional groups
2. Methylation: modification of a protein that involves addition of an methyl group (CH3)
3. Acetylation: modification of a protein that involves addition of an acetyl group
4. Glycosylation: addition of a sugar to a protein
- i.e acetylation of lysine residue on a protein
- Electron withdrawing impact of the acetyl group will prevent nitrogen from carrying positive charge and modify the behavior of the amino acid
5. Suicide inhibition: covalently bind the enzyme and prevent it from catalyzing reactions
- Rarely unbind – why it’s called suicide (enzyme won’t work anymore)
Regulatory Enzymes:
3. Zymogens
Inactive form of an enzyme that requires covalent modification to become active
I.e. Digestive enzymes of the pancreas
- Pancreas releases trypsinogen (a zymogen)
- Once in the intestine, it is covalently modified by an enzyme called enterokinase to the active form Trypsin
- This makes sure trypsin does not break down proteins that we need in the pancreas
I.e. Digestive enzymes of the pancreas
Irreversible Inhibitor & Reversible inhibitors
Irreversible inhibitors form covalent bonds with enzymes and become more potent given sufficient time to react.
- react with nucleaophilic side chains to form the covalent bonds
- Preincubation with inhibitor provides more time for covalent linkages to occur; therefore, it can increase the level of inhibition because more enzymes will be inactivated.
Reversible inhibitors quickly form noncovalent bonds with target enzymes and do not require much time to achieve their full effect.
- tend to have the same effect like irreversible, whether or not they are preincubated with an enzyme