CBRN Flashcards
What is the definition of a CBRN event?
A deliberate attack, using Chemical, Biological, radiological or nuclear agents
…with the intention of killing or maiming people, society, business or the economy
List general CBRN considerations.
Mass casualties.
Large loss of life.
Long term health and environmental effects
Extremely hazardous environment
Delay in determining the agent/material used
Possible combination of CBRN materials
Narrow timeframe to intervene
The need for specialist pharmaceuticals
Need to deploy specialist detection, identification and monitoring equipment (DIM)
Mass decontamination
Co-ordinated multi-agency command
There are two classifications for military chemical agents. What are they
Lethal (nerve agents, blood agents, choking agents)
Damaging (blister agents, incapacitating, toxic)
What is a pathogen?
An organism that causes disease in humans, plant life or animals.
What is a toxin?
A poisonous by-product of biological organisms.
What are the two categories of biological agents?
What is a radiological source?
A material that emits energy in the form of energy rays or sub-atomic particles.
What does radiation affect?
Living tissues through contact.
Where might radiation be found??
Hospitals Universities Factories Construction sites Laboratories Domestic smoke alarms
What is a nuclear event?
The deliberate action of producing a high energy nuclear explosion
What are the three phases in response to a CBRN event?
- Response (the first three hours of a CBRN event)
- Recovery (after the first three hours, potentially a total of 24 hours)
- Restoration (on conclusion of the event, potentially up to 12 weeks)
What are the generic roles of the LFB at a CBRN event?
To save life
To fight and prevent fires
To manage hazardous materials
Ensure health and safety of fire service and other responders
Safety management within the inner cordon
Who will be the lead agency at a CBRN event?
The Police
All emergency service personnel will adopt __________________ safety triggers for emergency personnel
All emergency service personnel will adopt STEP 123 safety triggers for emergency personnel
Step 123
At step 1 (single casualty - cause unknown) how would emergency services approach?
Approach using normal operating procedures
Step 123
At step 2 (two casualties - cause unknown) how would emergency services approach?
Approach with caution
Consider all possibilities (secondary devices, liquid spills)
Do not discount anything
Report arrival, update brigade control
Step 123
At step 2 (three casualties- cause unknown) how would emergency services approach?
Do NOT go to the scene
Go to RVP
Wait for further instructions
The mnemonic CHALETS can be used as an aide when sending messages to Brigade Control.
What does it stand for?
C-asualties H-azards A-cess L-ocation E-mergency T-ype S-afety