cbap Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Evaluate Solution Performance task?
Evaluate functioning solutions to understand the value they deliver and identify opportunities for improvement
Solution evaluation involves what?
Investigating how a solution is actually used after it is deployed, and assessing the effect it has had, both positive and negative
When performed immediately following the completion of a project, Solution evaluation is also known as what?
Post-implementation assessment
What are the inputs to the Evaluate Solution performance task?
There are 4+B20Business Requirements Identified Defects Solution Performance Metrics Solution [deployed]
What is the role that business requirements play when evaluating solution performance?
They form the baseline for functionality to compare against what the system is actually doing
Solution Performance Metrics represent what?
The criteria by which the performance of the solution is to be assessed
There are two types of solution performance metrics. What are they?
Qualitative and Quantitative
What are examples of Qualitative solution performance metrics?
Measures of time, volume, revenue, errors found
What are examples of Quantitative solution performance metrics?
User or customer satisfaction, recommendations
The Evaluate Solution performance task cannot be performed until what occurs?
The solution has been deployed
What are the elements of the Evaluate Solution Performance task?
There are 3: Understand Value Delivered by Solution Validate Solution Metrics Solution Replacement or Elimination
What does the element Understand Value Delivered by Solution consist of?
The analyst must gather the actual metrics that describe the performance of the solution in order to determine whether the system is performing optimally, under-performing or over-performing
Why is an additional validation of the metrics that are used to validate the solution necessary?
There are occasions in which the metrics are not properly defined or aligned with the solution; thus the reporting of the metric data becomes skewed
Why might the solution be a candidate for elimination?
This may occur because an IT system or other technology component has reached the end of its useful life, services are being insourced or outsourced, the solution is not fulfilling the business goals set for it
What are issues that impact the decision about replacing a solution?
Ongoing Cost versus Initial Investment Opportunity Cost Necessity Sunk Cost
What is sunk cost?
It describes the money and effort already committed to an initiative
Sunk Cost is irrelevant when considering future action why?
Because the cost cannot be recovered
What is an example of Necessity with regard to making a decision about solution replacement?
Obsolescence. There are occasions where the cost of maintaining a current solution is too high or the capability to do so is impossible
What is Opportunity Cost?
It represents the potential value that could be realized by pursuing alternative courses of action
What are the techniques used in the Evaluate Solution Performance task?
There are 4: Decision Analysis Focus Groups Observation Survey/Questionnaire
How is the Operational Support stakeholder utilized in the Evaluate Solution Performance task?
This person will be involved in monitoring the performance and effectiveness of a solution or its components.
What is the purpose of the Underlying Competencies knowledge area?
It provides a description of the behaviors, characteristics, knowledge and personal qualities that support the practice of business analysis
What are the types of Underlying Competencies?
There are 6: Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving Behavioral Characteristics Business Knowledge Communication Skills Interaction Skills Software Applications
What are the various forms of the Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving underlying competency?
There are 5: Creative Thinking Decision Making Learning Problem Solving Systems Thinking
What is the purpose of creative thinking?
To be effective in generating new ideas for approaches to problem solving and in generating alternative solutions
What are the measures of effectiveness of creative thinking?
Successful generation and productive consideration of new ideas. Application of new ideas to resolve existing problems. Willingness of stakeholders to accept new approaches.
What is the purpose of decision making?
Business analysts must be effective in understanding the criteria involved in making a decision, in making decisions, and in assisting others to make better decisions
When is a decision necessary?
Whenever it becomes necessary to select an alternative or approach from two or more options
Decision Analysis includes what?
gathering information relevant to a decision breaking down the information relevant to a decision making comparisons and tradeoffs between similar and dissimilar options identifying the option that is most desirable.
When making decisions or analyzing options for a decision, business analysts must be aware of what kind of traps?
those that can impede successful decision-making, including the tendency to accept the initial framing of a problem the sunk cost fallacy the tendency to place greater weight on evidence that confirms existing impressions.
What is the purpose of learning?
Business analysts must be effective at learning about business domains and how they function, and then translate that learning into an understanding of how to benefit an organization.
What is the official definition of learning, according to the BABOK 2.0?
The process of gaining knowledge or skills.
With regard to business analysis, a business analyst must be able to describe what?
Level of understanding of the business domain and be capable of applying that level of understanding to determine which analysis activities need to be performed in a given situation
Once learning about a domain, the business analyst must be able to do what?
Be able to synthesize the information to identify opportunities to create new solutions and evaluate those solutions to ensure that they are effective.
What are the effectiveness measures of learning?
Agreement by stakeholders that analysis models effectively and completely describe the domain Identification of related problems or issues from multiple areas in the domain Rapid absorption of new information or new domains.
What is the purpose of problem solving?
Business analysts must be effective at defining and solving problems in order to ensure that the real, underlying problem is understood and that solutions actually address that problem
Defining a problem involves what?
Ensuring that the nature of the problem is clearly understood by all parties and that underlying issues are visible
How does an analyst ensure all parties understand the nature of a problem that is to be solved?
Articulate and address conflicts between goals and objectives Identify and test underlying assumptions
What are the measures of effectiveness of problem solving?
Confidence of the participants in the problem-solving process that a selected solution is correct New solution options can be evaluated effectively using the problem solving framework Selected solutions meet the defined objectives and solve the underlying problem. The problem-solving process avoids making decisions based on preconceived notions, organizational politics, or other traps that may cause a sub-optimal solution to be selected.
What is the purpose of Systems Thinking?
Business analysts must be effective at understanding how the people, processes and technology within an organization interact in relationships and patterns to create a system as a whole
Systems theory and systems thinking suggest what?
That the system as a whole will have properties, behaviors and characteristics that emerge from the interaction of the components of the system, and which are not predictable from an understanding of the components alone
The term system includes what factors?
the people involved the interactions between them the external forces affecting their behavior all other relevant elements and factors
What are the measures of effectiveness of system thinking?
Understanding of how a change to a component affects the system as a whole Identification of reinforcing and compensating feedback loops Understanding of how systems adapt to external pressures and changes
What are the types of the underlying competency behavioral characteristics?
There are 3: Ethics Personal organization Trustworthiness
What is the purpose of ethics?
A business analyst must be able to behave ethically in order to earn the trust and respect of stakeholders, and be able to recognize when a proposed solution or requirement may present ethical difficulties.
Ethics requires an understanding of what?
moral and immoral behavior the standards that should govern one_s behavior the willingness to act to ensure that one_s behavior is moral or meets those standards
Why are ethics an important part of an analyst_s underlying competencies?
Business analysts need to consider the impact that a proposed solution will have on all stakeholder groups and work to ensure that those groups are treated fairly
Fair treatment requires what?
that the affected stakeholders understand the reasons for the decision that they are not deceived about the outcome that decisions which are made are made in the best interest of the organization
What are the measures of effectiveness of ethics?
Decisions are made with due consideration to the interests of all stakeholders Reasons for a decision are clearly articulated and understood Prompt and full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest Honesty regarding one_s abilities, the performance of one_s work, and accepting responsibility for failures or errors.
What is the purpose of personal organization?
Personal organization skills assist the business analyst in effectively managing tasks and information.
Personal organization involves what?
the ability to readily find files or information timeliness management of outstanding tasks appropriate handling of priorities
Effective time management requires what characteristics?
effective time management requires effective prioritization elimination of procrastination clarity of goals and expectations
What are some common approaches toward good time management?
action plans to-do lists setting priorities
What are the effectiveness measures of personal organization?
Ability of the business analyst to find information Regular on-time completion of tasks Efficiency in the completion of work The ability to easily identify all outstanding work and the status of each work item.
What is the purpose of trustworthiness?
Earning the trust of key stakeholders is necessary to ensure that the business analyst is able to elicit requirements around sensitive issues and to ensure that recommendations are evaluated properly.
What are the measures of effectiveness of trustworthiness?
Stakeholders involving the business analyst in decision-making Stakeholder acceptance of the business analyst_s recommendations Willingness of stakeholders to discuss difficult or controversial topics with the business analyst Willingness of stakeholders to support or defend the business analyst when problems occur.
What are the forms of the Business Knowledge underlying competency?
There are 3: Business Principles and Practices Industry Knowledge Organization Knowledge
What is the purpose of Business Principles and Practices?
Business analysts require an understanding of fundamental business principles and best practices, in order to ensure that they are incorporated into and supported by solutions.
Business principles are what?
Business principles are those characteristics that are common to all organizations with a similar purpose and structure, whether or not they are in the same industry. They typically apply to many common areas in an organization.
What are some of the common functional areas in an organization?
Human Resources Finance :Information Technology Supply Chain Mgmt
What is the purpose of Industry Knowledge?
Business analysts should have an understanding of the industry that their organization is in so that they may understand new challenges that may be posed by competitive moves, and which solutions have proven effective elsewhere.
Industry Knowledge is defined as what?
The understanding of the competitive forces that shape an industry
What must a business analyst understand to have an effective industry knowledge base?
various customer segments that the industry services demographic or other characteristics common to that segment common industry trends
What is the purpose of Organization Knowledge?
Business analysis is significantly assisted by an understanding of the organization for which it is being performed.
Organization Knowledge is defined how?
Organization knowledge is an understanding of the business architecture of the organization that is being analyzed
Organization Knowledge includes what factors?
understanding of the business models that the organization (that is, how the organization generates profits or otherwise accomplishes its goals) the organizational structure that is in place, the relationships that exist between business units and the persons who occupy key stakeholder positions informal lines of communication and authority
What is the purpose of Solution Knowledge?
Business analysts can use their understanding of existing solutions in order to identify the most effective means of implementing a change.
Why is solution knowledge important for a business analyst?
A business analyst who is familiar with the workings of a solution may be able to more easily identify and recommend changes that can be implemented easily while still providing concrete benefits. Familiarity with the range of commercially available solutions or suppliers can assist with the identification of possible alternatives
What are the effectiveness measures of solution knowledge?
Reduced time or cost to implement a required change Shortened time on requirements analysis and/or solution design Understanding when a larger change is justified based on business benefit Understanding how additional capabilities present, but not currently used, in a solution can be deployed to provide business value.
What are the various types of Communication Skills?
There are 3: Oral Communication Teaching Written Communication
What is the purpose of Oral Communication?
Oral communication skills enable business analysts to effectively express ideas in ways that are appropriate to the target audience.
Oral communication skills are used to do what?
Verbally express ideas, information, or other matters
Effective oral communication skills include what?
The ability to make oneself understood and the active listening skills that ensure that the statements of others are accurately understood.
What are the effectiveness measures of oral communication?
Effectively paraphrasing statements to ensure understanding Effectively facilitating sessions, ensuring success through preparedness and coordination Developing and delivering powerful presentations by positioning content and objectives appropriately (i.e. positive verses negative tone) Can communicate the criticality or urgency of a situation in a calm, rational manner with proposed solutions.
What is the purpose of teaching?
Teaching skills are required to ensure that business analysts can effectively communicate issues and requirements and to ensure that the information communicated is understood and retained
Teaching requires an understanding of what?
How people learn and the ability to use this understanding to effectively facilitate the learning experience
What are the three types of learning?
auditory visual kinesthetic
What are the effectiveness measures of teaching?
Verifying that learners have acquired information that has been imparted to them Ability of learners to use new skills or demonstrate new knowledge.
What is the purpose of written communication?
Written communication skills are necessary for business analysts to document elicitation results, requirements, and other information for which medium-to-long term records are required.
Written communication involves the use of what?
Symbols to communicate information. It includes the ability to write effectively for various contexts and audiences