cba Flashcards
Every police officer shall serve an initial probationary period of…
18 months from hire date
Probationary period may be extended how many times in what increments?
Twice, 90 day increments
In extraordinary circumstances, probationary period may be extended beyond
6 months
In cases of military, disability, sick leave, modified duty that extends past how long, the probationary period may be extended how long
Exceeds 80 hours, extended by same length of time taken
Relieving or suspending of law enforcement powers is distinct from a
Suspension from pay
Per article 5 of CBA, what does the lodge recognize?
It is unlawful to engage in strikes and work stoppages
Per article 5 of the CBA, Mass/concentrated resignations and/or mass/concentrated call-ins of sick leave shall be deemed…
Strikes or work stoppages
How much advance notification does a member receive for a layoff
30 days
Layoffs are done in what order
Inverse order of seniority
How long after a member receives notification of a layoff do they have to bump
10 calendar days
Members who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of how long
30 months
After notification of a recall long does a member have to notify LFUCG of their intentions to return
10 calendar days
After notifying LFUCG of their intention they will return to work after a recall, how long does a member have to return to work
14 calendar days
A laid off member can received payment for unused leave, which only includes
Vacation and holiday
Health and life insurance for laid off member lasts for how long
End of next full month after effective date of layoff
Membership in the Lodge shall not be a condition of employment T/F
In CBA negotiations, lodge can select how many persons plus the lodge president to represent the lodge
No more than 8
Lodge shall provide how much notice to Chief for dates/times needed for negotiations?
14 days
If a replacement for a designated representative for CBAs needs to be made, how much notice shall the lodge provide to Chief
48 hours
How many reps, in addition to the president, are allowed for grievances
Max of 3
The lodge may select how many reps to attend KY general assembly sessions
And what time frame must the names be submitted to chief
No more than 4
No later than 14 days before leave is taken
The President of lodge can take how much time per fiscal year for official duties
500 hours
Regarding lodge associated leave, when does the members immediate supervisor need to approve the leave by
48 hours before, unless circumstances arise
How many delegates can attend KY state lodge board, annual meetings, and the biennial National conference
7 duly elected delegates
Elected board members of the lodge are allowed how much time per month for membership meetings and how much supervisory notice should be given
6 hours per month with 48 hours notice
“Union business” time shall be paid as
Straight time basis only
Seniority of a member starts when
First date of employment, including alternates brought in after class has started
Seniority shall be considered continuous unless
- member discharged for cause
- laid off for more than 24 months
- doesn’t come back to work within 30 days of a recall
- voluntarily resigns, but comes back within a year
When determining anniversary date for reinstated members for the purposes of step increases…
Original hire date is adjusted forward the amount of time the member was gone
Seniority for sergeant starts when
Date of promotion to sergeant
A finalized promotional ranking list is provided to the lodge within what time frame
5 business days of certification
If two or more officers have same seniority, what is the tie breaker
Final academy cumulative test scores
How often do sector bids occur and how long do officers have to submit theirs
Twice annually, ten calendar days from the opening of bid process
Regular days off (RDOs) rotate how often
Every 3 months
How long shall a sector sergeant vacancy be posted for and who will get assigned
10 calendar days, sergeant bidding with most seniority is selected
A member applying for a vacancy in any bureau (except patrol) shall have how many years of service
3 years of service
Part time specialized team requires how many years of service
How many years of service does a FTO applicant have to have
3 years
What happens if no more than 2 member apply for a position
Department may repost and consider applicants without minimum service years
All position vacancy with Bureau spot, part-time specialized team, or FTO is communicated through what
Department wide email at least 10 days before application deadline
BOI can establish separate lists for individual sections. Because of this, the BOI AC can do what
Transfer a member of a section to another assignment within that section without using rank eligibility list
Interviewers will consider applicants discipline with how many years of position announcement
5 years
What rank are the interviewers and how many shall be on the panel
Above the rank being interviewed, at least 3 panelists
How long does a ranked list of applicants stay valid
6 months
How does the Bureau AC select the person to fill the vacancy
Chooses one of the top 3 applicants on list
A Bureau AC may remove an applicant for just cause T/F
A chief may temporarily assign a member to a vacancy for a period of
No longer than 60 days
If a member has extended leave beyond ____ the position can be filled for _____
Greater than 60 days, for the duration of approved extended leave period
Who appoints highly sensitive positions
The Chief
Unit commanders of what units can be selected by chief without notification or acceptance of memos
Involuntary transfers based on no fault of the member occur on seniority basis except when
Except when a member has less than 6 months of experience in the affected unit/assignment
How long can a member be reinstated when a position is eliminated
18 months
When is a member noticed by chief of involuntary transfer
10 days
If an involuntary transfer causes a hardship, what are the options for an extension
- Written request for a 14 day extension
- At discretion of Chief - 30 days from schedule date of transfer
A vacancy will be filled within what time frame
Within 60 days of Chief notice of intent to fill vacancy
What’s the education requirement for a sergeant
63 semester hours of college credit or an associates degree
What’s the education requirement for a sergeant
63 semester hours of college credit or an associates degree
An applicant for sergeant can substitue relevant experience for college credit at what rate
One year of satisfactory service = 5 hours of college credit
A complete listing of scores from written examination will be completed and posted within…
3 business days
How long does the Division of Human Resources have to respond to any challenges
Within 3 business days of receipt.
Final scores for the written examination will be posted when
Within 10 business days of the examination
The director of Human Resources/designee posts the oral interview scores when
No later than 5 days following the completion of interviews
A member shall have the right to view their own scored oral board documentation. When should such requests be made
Within 5 business days of the posting of oral board scores
When will the composite score used to rank promotional candidates
be reported and provided to each candidate
Within 14 days from the time the scores are reported to Human Resources
A candidate may make a request to discuss assessment center evaluation. In what time frame does that request need to be made
Within 10 days of final posting of list