CBA Flashcards
Article 6
How is UBL requested and how many days prior?
Requested from Troop/Section commander
2 Days prior
Article 6
How many members on the Bargaining Committee?
Article 6
How many barracks reps can attend quarterly meetings at once?
Article 8
(5) Day Shifts
Article 8
Eve Shift (4)
Article 8
Night (3)
Article 9
How many Sick days a year can a member use for the birth or adoption of a child?
Article 9
How man Sick days for prep/legal requirements for the adoption of a child?
Article 9
How man sick days for foster care preparation?
Article 12
3 reasons for family leave?
How much?
26 Weeks
Article 12
If family leave is taken unpaid, for how many weeks will the member continue to accure SL & VAC?
For the first 8 Weeks
Article 12
When both parents are employees of the commonwealth, how much Family leave is granted between the both of them?
Jointly 26 Weeks
Jointly 10 days
Article 12
Who is covered under Medical Leave? (5)
Spouse, Child, Parent, Sibling, Member of Household
Article 12
When a member and spouse are both employees of the commonwealth, and medical leave is requested for a spouse, how much medical leave shall be granted?
26 weeks each
Article 12
3 Things that constitue serious health condition
1) Inpatient Care
2) Incapcity of 3 Plus days
3) Chronic/Long Term Health Condition
Article 12
What does not qualify as a serious health condition?
Voluntary Cosmetic Surgery
Article 12
If the Colonel questions validity of the medical evidence, what can do?
Obtain second opinion at Employer’s expense
Article 12
After a member returns from unpaid medical leave, how long does the member have to work before they can earn holiday pay/comp time?
2 Weeks
Article 12
If member on medical leave’s position is back filled, who can it be back filled with?
A member who has less than 5 years senority
Article 12
Who does non-FMLA leave cover? How much?
Grandparent, Grand Child, Sister or brother living in same house hold
or a child/adoptive/foster
10 Weeks
Article 13
Vac Time less than 4.5 years
3.07 hrs
Article 13
Vac time 4.5 to 9.5 years
Article 13
Vac time 9.5 to to 19.5
Article 13
Vac Time 19.5 years and on
Article 13
When is a use or loose statement issued?
On or before Oct 1,
current as of Sep 1
Article 13
No credit for prior service is given to an employee where there is a break in service of more than 3 years except when: (3)
1) Illnes
2) Injury
3) Dismissal through no fault
Article 14
Comp days for holidays should be used within:
90 Days
Article 15
Breakfast times and allowance
Article 15
Lunch allowance and times
Article 15
Dinner times and Allowance
Article 15
Cutoffs for meal allowance on 1st day of travel
Breakfast after 6am
Lunch after 12pm
Dinner after 10pm
Article 15
Cutoffs of meal allowance on the last day of Travel
Before 6
Before 12
Before 6
Article 20
How many members on the safety committee?
3 from Dept
3 From SPAM
Article 21
How many on the TRAINING AND CAREER LADDERS committee?
4 from Dept
4 from SPAM
Article 24
How many members on the Union-Management Committee?
3 from Dept
3 from SPAM
Article 24
How often does the Union-Management meeting take place?
Article 27
3 Places that Employee interogations can take place
1) Work Location
2) Within Troop
3) General HQ
Article 27
For the purposes of obtaining counsel for an interrogation, the interrogation cannot be posponed passed:
10am the day following notification
Article 30
What is the max 16.5 hour days allowed in one week?
Article 30
What is the max hours in a week?
Allowed one more 8hr if under 85
Article 36
Who may dissallow Health Maintenance due to operational need?
Desk Officer
Section/Station/Unit Commander
Article 36
Who do appeals for denied Health maintenance go to? (3)
Troop Commander
Section Commander
Shift Commander
Article 36
When multiple people request Health Maintenance, what governs who takes it?
Article 36
If a member fails a PT, how many retakes do they get?
2 in 6 months
Article 36
After the 3rd failure of a PT, what happens?
TDY to Academy till its passed.
Article 36
How many members can be TDY to the SPA for failure of PT?
25, rest to GHQ
Article 36
How many weeks are in between failures of the PT
Not required to take it before 16
Article 36
What happens if a memeber fails the 3rd PT?
Their emplyoment will be subject to review of all relavent circumstances
Article 36
How many times a year can a member meet with a department resource person for fitness consulting?
2 Shifts
with 5 days notice
Bereavement leave for death of a spouse or child?
7 Days
Bereavement leave for Death of a Foster child, step child, parent, step parent, sibling, grand parent, legal guardian, parent or child of spouse, or person in household.
4 Days