CB1 stuff Flashcards
CB1a Microscopes
Recall what an electron microscope is
It is a high magnification apparatus that
uses electrons to see a monochrome image
CB1a Microscopes
Recall what is meant by an instrument’s resolution
the smallest change a measuring instrument can detect
CB1a Microscopes
Explain why some cell structures can be seen cell structures can be seen with an electron microscope but not with a light microscope.
CB1a Microscopes
Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution then a light microscope
CB1b Plant and Animal Cells
list the parts of a plant cell and there functions
CB1b Plant and Animal Cells
1. cell wall - supports the cell and strengthens it
2. cell membrane - control what goes in and out of the cell
3. chloroplasts - they are were photosynthesis occurs
4. ribosomes - these are involved the translation of genetic material
5. mitochondria - these are where most of the reactions for respiration take place
6. large vacuole - contains cell sap and maintains the internal pressure of a cell
7. nucleus - contains genetic material that controls the activities
8. cytoplasm - where most of the chemical reaction take place
CB1b Plant and Animal Cells
list the parts of a animal cell and there functions
CB1b Plant and Animal Cells
1. cell membrane - control what goes in and out of the cell
2. cytoplasm - control what goes in and out of the cell
3. mitochondria - these are where most of the reactions for respiration take place
4. ribosomes - these are involved the translation of genetic material
5. nucleus - contains genetic material that controls the activities
CB1c Specialized Cells
describe how a sperm cell is adapted to its functions
CB1c Specialized Cells
CB1c Specialized Cells
describe how egg cells are adapted to their functions
CB1c Specialized Cells
CB1c Specialized Cells
describe how ciliated epithelial cells are adapted to their functions
CB1c Specialized Cells
CB1d Inside Bacteria
identify the common parts of bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1d Inside Bacteria
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition
CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition