Caveats and Citations Flashcards
What is a Caveat?
A Caveat is a written notice addressed to the Registrar that no grant should be sealed and/or issued in the particular estate without notice to the person entering the caveat (i.e. the Caveator).
What information should be included in an unsworn affidavit in support of citation?
facts relevant to the case i.e. the details of the deceased, date and place of death, whether the deceased died with a Will, details of the Will, who has been appointed executor, efforts that have been made to have the grant applied for and the estate wound up.
How is a Caveat lodged?
The Caveat is lodged by completing the appropriate form and lodging the same at the Registry. No specific interest of the Caveator is stated when the caveat is lodged
What steps should the applicant take after being notified of a caveat?
Having been alerted to the caveat, the applicant for a grant may file a WARNING to the caveat – i.e. a prescribed notice, signed by the Registrar, calling on the caveator, within a certain time frame, to take one of two courses of action:
- Where the caveator has an interest contrary to that of the person warning, the required action by the caveator is to: Enter an appearance to the warning
- Where there is no interest contrary to that of person warning (e.g. both parties are entitled in the same degree to apply for the grant), but the caveator wishes to give grounds for opposing the grant to the other person the proper course is to issue and serve a summons for directions by the Registrar.
What Rule allows for issuing Citations in Belize?
Administration of Estates Act
**Section 8 **
The court shall have power to summon any person named as executor in any will to prove or renounce probate of the will, and to do such other things concerning the will as have heretofore been customary
What information should a WARNING include?
the person warning shall state his interest in the estate of the deceased and shall require the caveator to give particulars of any contrary interest in the estate; and the warning or a copy thereof shall be served on the caveator forthwith
who may apply for Citation to be issued? and who may be cited?
A citation to accept or refuse a grant may be issued at the instance of any person who would himself be entitled to a grant in the event of the person cited renouncing his right thereto
What steps should be taken after the citation is signed by the Registrar?
the citation will be signed by the Registrar, with copies being made available for service on the citee.
Once served, an affidavit of service must be filed with the Court confirming that service has taken place.
Where the executor/citee, having intermeddled in the estate will be called on to give reasons why he should not be ordered to take probate.
Citation to take probate
What types of Citations are there?
There are citations
- to accept/refuse a grant;
- to take probate; and
- to propound testamentary papers.
What happens where appearance is entered/service acknowledged in a citation to accept/refuse grant?
The citee may proceed to apply for a grant to himself:
An application is made without notice, on affidavit evidence setting out the history of the matter, and verifying a willingness to apply for the relevant grant, notwithstanding the existence of the caveat and citation.
Once the order of the Registrar is secured, the citee then applies for the grant in the customary way, exhibiting the order of court.
Give reasons why a person may lodge a caveat
- As a preliminary step to the commencement of a probate action (contentious probate).
- A person (e.g. family member) may be aware that an application for, say, probate, has been made by the executor of a Will; however, the family member may be the executor or beneficiary under another Will, and the question arises as to which documents constitutes the last Will.
What happens if there is an answer to the WARNING?
In BELIZE, if appearance has been entered, an acknowledgement of service is to be filed.
Either the applicant for the grant, or the caveator, commences a probate action (contentious probate) to secure a court ruling as to who is entitled to a grant in the estate.
What happens where appearance is entered/service acknowledged in a citation to take probate?
the citee may apply without notice for an order for a grant to himself, and then apply for the grant on the strength of the order.
What should the caveator do after a caveat is lodged?
The applicant for the grant has to be notified of the filing in court of a caveat by service of a certified copy caveat on the applicant by the caveator.
Rule ____ of ________ states that when any of the parties do not appear and answer (due proof of citation on them having been made) the proceedings may be heard and determined ex parte, or such further time given for appearance and on such terms as the Court may direct.
Rule 30 of Order LXIX
What happens if there is no answer to a WARNING?
The warning is to be served on the caveator. If neither action required by the warning is taken by the caveator, within the time period specified e.g. 14 days, the way is cleared for the applicant to be given a grant.
Accordingly, he may file an Affidavit of Service of the warning (to show that opportunity was afforded to the caveator to pursue the challenge), and the caveat will cease to have effect. Once the court is satisfied, and the time period elapsed, a grant can be issued in the applicant’s favour.
What Rule allows for the lodging of Caveats in Belize?
Order LXIX
Probate and Administration Non-Contentious Business
Rule 29. Caveats against the grant of probate or administration may be lodged in the office of the Registrar.
What Rule in the UK Non Contentious Rules 1987 speaks to Caveats?
Rule 44
This citation, inter alia, calls on the citee to file an acknowledgement of service/enter appearance within a limited time, and accept or refuse a grant of probate/LA.
The citation also alerts the citee that if he does not respond as indicated, then the way is cleared for the court to issue LA (with/without Will) to the citor, or some other interested party.
Citation to Accept/Refuse Probate or LA
In a _______________________, if appearance is not entered or there’s no acknowledgement of service, as the case may be, then the citor is cleared to apply, without notice, for an order for a grant to himself.
citation to accept/refuse a grant
Outline the procedure where a caveat is lodged and appearance entered by the caveator.
- Caveat is lodged
- Caveat is served on the Applicant
- Applicant having been notified, issues a warning to the caveator
- Caveator enters an appearance to the warning
- Appearance is served on the Applicant
- Applicant files an Acknowledgment of service
- Either the Applicant or the Caveator commences a probate claim to determine who is entitled to grant
Where there is no interest contrary to that of person warning (e.g. both parties are entitled in the same degree to apply for the grant), but the caveator wishes to give grounds for opposing the grant to the other person, what should they do in response to the warning?
The proper course is for the caveator to ** issue and serve a summons for directions by the Registrar**
What is the effective period of Caveat?
A caveat shall be effective for a period of six months from the date of entry thereof, and where a caveator wishes to extend the said period of six months, he or his solicitor may lodge at, or send by post to, the registry or sub-registry at which the caveat was entered a written application for extension.
It may be renewed.