Causes of Social Inequality Flashcards
Lack of Education KU
Children living in the most deprived areas of Scotland are 6 to 13 months behind their peers at problem-solving at age 5.
In 2018/19 just over 2 in 5 young people living in the most deprived areas achieve one or more, higher qualifications when leaving school. Compared to the almost 4 in 5 young people living in the least deprived areas.
Lack of Education Balance
However, the £750 million attainment Scotland fund is a targeted initiative focused on supporting pupils in local authorities of Scotland with the highest concentration of deprivation.
Unemployment KU
In 2018/19 51% of working-age adults in workless households were in poverty, compared with the 16% of those in working households.
Unemployment has increased from 3.9% in January 2020 to 4.8% in March 2021.
Unemployment Balance
However, the JRF found that 4 million workers are currently living in poverty.
Gender KU
According to the Women’s Budget Group. Women account for 69% of low earners.
74% of all part-time workers are women which impacts their income.
Gender Balance
Despite all this Gender Pay Gap has reduced by approximately 10% between 1997 and 2019
Race KU
40% Of minority groups live in poverty compared to around 20% of the general population.
A 2021 report on racial disparities in the UK found that the pay gap between ethnic minorities and white workers has been falling and is at its lowest level in almost a decade, at 2.3%.
Race Balance
However, if you look at pupils receiving free school meals in England and Wales those from minority backgrounds are performing better. For example, over 50% of Bangladeshi pupils receiving free school meals are reaching expected standards in reading and maths compared to the around 30% of white free school meal pupils.
Universal Credit KU
Universal Credit is a single monthly payment for people in or out of work that merges together some of the benefits and tax credits that they may have been receiving previously for example housing benefits and child tax credits.
In November 2021 singles under the age of 25 received £257.33
Universal Credit Balance
However, as of October 2021, Universal Credit is being reduced by £20 a week as this was a temporary increase due to Covid. This may push more people into poverty
Universal Credit Balance
However, as of October 2021, Universal Credit is being reduced by £20 a week as this was a temporary increase due to Covid. This may push more people into poverty
Living Wage KU
Before Tax people getting paid the Living Wage would have £1,074 extra a year.
In April 2022 the living wage will increase to £9.50 for those over 23.
Living Wage Balance
Age inequality. It doesn’t help those under the age of 23 who are trying to pay off student loans and buy first homes.
EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) KU
EMA is a payment given to young people aged 16-19 who are in low-income households to encourage them to stay in school. It is worth £30 a week.
It is given to them in weekly or biweekly payments.
EMA Balance
The National Foundation for educational research is saying that 90% of students who receive EMA would still continue school without the payment.