Causes And Symptoms Flashcards
What are causes of seizures
Lack of sleep, missed meals, emotional stress, menstruation, ETOH or WD, recreational drugs, flashing lights, flickering TV set, music, reading
What are prodromal symptoms of a seizure
Headache, mood alterations, lethargy, or myoclonic jerking
What is the difference between prodromal and auras
Auras are considered part of the seizure
What are some symptoms of focal motor seizures
Clinic jerking, automatisms, oral automatisms (lip smacking)
What is a tonic seizure
LOC change, rigid muscles, respiratory arrest
What is a clonic seizure
Jerking of body musculature followed by flaccid coma
What is a myoclonic seizure
Sudden jerking of muscles
what is an atonic seizure
Sudden loss of muscle strength; drop attacks
Define status epilepticus
Convulsions q/o return of consciousness b/w attacks
What are serial seizures
After recovering consciousness; further attacks
What is postepileptic automatism
Abnormal behavior immediate postictal period
No awareness or memory of events
Describe a hyperkinetic seizure
Proximal limb or axial muscle involvement, irregular sequential ballistic movements; prolonged pelvic thrusting, thrashing, rocking
What are symptoms experienced in non-motor seizures
Parasthesias, tingling, olfactory/visual/auditory weakness, behavior/cognitive arrest, deja vu or jamais vu, emotional symptoms, autonomic symptoms