Cause - Weakened authority following the 1688 revolution Flashcards
Who was Governor John Winthrop?
- One of first settlers in salem April 1630
- Came with 800 colonists
- Carried Colonial Charter - Stating the colony was a possession of the crown
Give one reason for puritans migrating to Massachusettes between 1630 and 42
- King Charles 1 and Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud
- Pursuing high church policies and punishing radicals in the Star Chamber
- 10,000 puritans migrated in this time
What did Massachusetts trade?
Fur, Lumber and Fish
- Growth in the merchant class
Give an example that shows the power of the Puritan church
- Residents required to pay taxes to the church even though it was not compulsory to be a member
- Members are given exclusive right to vote for local officials
- Non-puritans could be banished from the colony for spreading dissent
How did Charles respond to the Puritan power?
- Revoking the royal charter in 1678 and 81
- Considerate all New England colonies into one to centralise control
- Not formally annulled until 1684
When did King Charles die and who succeeded him?
- 1685
- Catholic brother James 11
What did King James 11 do from 1686?
- Able to administer all the New England colonies as the Dominion of New England
- Governed by Sir Edmund Andros
- This consolidated all the colonies under one governor
Which of Governor Andros’ policies made him very unpopular?
- Attempted to get CofE services to be delivered in the Puritan Churchs
- Suspected as high church Anglicanism and Catholic sympathies
New Taxes created resentment - imports and exports
- Previously no tax laws but necessary as colony became a drain on the English Exchequer
- Previous landownership titles void and Puritan landowners pay fees to challenge and take back land
- Restricted number of town meetings
Date - Declaration of Indulgence
April 1687
By King James 11
What did the Declaration of Indulgence do?
- April 1687
- James 11
- Suspending the existing laws against Catholics
- Followed by his dissolving of the parliament
- May 1688 - 7 bishops refused to read their arrest was met with public rejoicing
Who was invited to bring force against James?
William of Orange
What did the convention parliament do?
- January 1689
- Declared William of Orange would rule jointly with his wife Mary the Protestant daughter of James
- Presented with Declaration of Rights - constitutional principles (prohibition of unparliamentary taxation and regular parliaments)
What did William of Orange pass in May 1689?
- May 1689
- Toleration Act
- Granting many protestant groups but not Catholics religious freedoms
How did James attempt to take back the throne?
- Attempted to amass a force in Ireland
- Led to Battle of Boyne in 1690
- Resulting in victory for William’s forces
How was Governor Andros replaced?
- April 1689
- Colonists of Boston - blamed Andros of a Popish Plot
- Number of clandestine meetings of leading Puritans in Boston
- Andros had the messenger of the Glorious Revolution in England arrested
- Militia from Massachusetts assembled by Increase and Cotton Mather
- 18 April 1689 - Surrounded Andros’ residence at Fort Mary
- Fled but was arrested and trialed in England
- Later became governor of Virginia
What effect did Increase Mather have?
- Negotiations in England over a new Charter
- 1688-92
- Mathers ally Simon Bradstreet acted as governor
- Returned May 1692 with new governor Sir William Phips
- Salem Trials already begun
What is a popish plot?
- Conspiracy to replace Protestant authorities with Catholics
- Governor Andros blamed of this
When was the Province of Massachusetts Bay given?
- New Charter
- October 1691
- King William afraid of relgious rule
- Voting eligibility based on property ownership not religious denomination
- Officials to be appointed by the crown rather than elected
- Governor can block any laws passed by the council.