Catullus Struggles With Love Flashcards
Siqua recordanti benefecta priora voluptas
est homini, cum se cogitat esse pium,
If there is any pleasure for a man remembering former good deeds, when he thinks that he is dutiful,
Nec sanctam violasse fidem, nec foedere nullo
divum ad fallendos numine abusum homines,
And has not violated a sacred pledge, and has not, in no agreement, abused the divinity of the gods for purpose of deceiving people
Multa parata manent in longa aetate, Catulle,
ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.
Many joys remain ready in a long life ahead for you, Catullus, from this ungrateful love.
Nam quaecumque homines bene cuiquam aut dicere possunt
aut facere, haec a te dictaque factaque sunt
For whatever men are able either to say or to do well for anyone, these things were said and done by you.
Omnia quae ingratae perierunt credita menti.
Everything which has entrusted to an ungrateful mind has perished.
Quare iam te cur amplius excrucies?
Why, why do you now torture yourself further?
Quin tu animo offirmas atque istinc teque reducis,
et dis invitis desinis esse miser?
Why don’t you strengthen your soul and take yourself back from there,
And stop being unhappy since the gods are unwilling?
Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem,
It is difficult suddenly to give up a long love,
Difficle est, verum, hoc qua lubet efficias:
But accomplish this in whatever way it pleases.
Una salus haec est. hoc est tibi pervincendum,
This is the one hope of safety. You must overcome this completely,
Hoc facias, sive id non pote sive pote.
You must do this, whether it is impossible or possible.