Catholicism Review Flashcards
God as Trinity
The central mystery of the Catholic faith. God as Father, God as Son, God as Holy Spirit. Celebrated with the Sign of the Cross, beginning of our prayer.
God as One
The Lord our God is One! GOD!
God Reveals His Name
I AM WHO AM. YHWH, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord God in vain.
The great prayer of the Jewish faith from Scripture: Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One!
Belief in only one God, Creator of the universe. Ex. Jews, Catholics, Islam all believe in only one God
The piece of parchment that contains the Shema! within a decorative case usually on the doorpost of a Jewish home. (each time one passes into the home, the doorpost is touched and the prayer recited)
The “who” of the Trinity, the persons of the Holy Trinity. Each person is God, endowed with intelligence and free will, distinct and different from the others yet of the same nature.
The “what” of the Trinity. The Nature of the Holy Trinity, One and the same essence. The Holy Trinity shares the same divine nature.
The erroneous belief about God, denial of truth that must be believed with divine faith.
3rs and 4th century heresy denying Jesus’ divinity. Jesus is not equal to the Father, but raised to the level of the Father because of his heroic faithfulness.
Greek for secret knowledge. Early or pre-Christian heresy that salvation is achieved through secret knowledge. Twists the truth of Christianity, believes matter is evil.
4th century heresy that wrongly claimed that Jesus is two persons; one human, one divine. Rightly claimed that Jesus had two natures, human and divine.
Perfect Attributes of God
The truth of who God is in many ways perfect: God is love, God is pure Spirit, God is immutable, God is eternal, God is omniscient, God is omnipotent, God is omnipresent, God is omibenevolent.
God the Father
Creates us and sends His Son out of love for us to reconcile to God.
God the Son
Redeems us and reveals Who God is by coming in the flesh.
God the Holy Spirit
Sent into our hearts as sanctifying grace revealing both the nature of the Father and of the Son.