Catholicism Finals 2013 Flashcards
Reparation for having committed an offense through voluntary action. It compensates for the injustice done.
What are the first five books of the Old Testament called?
The Jewish people or the chosen people of the Old Testament.
The sin against God committed by our first parents by disobeying his commandments. This led o the fallen state of nature which all people have inherited.
Original sin
This contains the forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation and foretells the coming of the messiah.
Old Testament
Meaning “good news,” this refers to the central content of Christian revelation, and glad tidings of our redemption.
The rising of Christ’s glorified body into heaven, under his own power, and observed on the 40th day after Easter.
Greek for “letters,” these were written to early Christians by Saints Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude.
Called such because these were written by Saints Peter, James, John, and Jude to the WHOLE Church rather than to particular Christian communities.
Catholic Epistles
A disposition of the will to perform an act of religious observance or prayer, usually in private and on a regular basis.
In cases of emergency, which sacrament can be administered by anyone who has the intention to baptize even if this person is not a sacred minister?
Which sacraments imprint an indelible mark on one’s soul?
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders
Which sacraments can be received only once?
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders
Which 3 sacraments are the sacraments of initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
An efficacious sign of grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to his Church.
What sins are cleansed from a soul with the administering of the Sacrament of Baptism?
Original sin and actual sin
These forms of grace are received by a baptized person through the Sacrament of Baptism.
Actual and sanctifying grace
A ceremony or liturgical tradition used to teach the Faith, administer the sacraments, and worship God.
Suffering death for the Faith without having already received the Sacrament of Baptism. People who undergo this, receive full benefits and all of the effects of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Baptism by Blood
When and un-baptized person has perfect contrition for sins committed and at least the implicit intention of fulfilling God’s will for his salvation, he is said to undergo this.
Baptism by Desire
The mixture of olive oil and balsam is consecrated by a bishop and used for consecration in the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Order; this is one of the three “holy oils.”
Meaning “the fiftieth day.” On this day the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the Virgin Mary as promised by Our Lord; the gifts of the Holy Spirit were thereby given to the Church.
This applying of oil to persons or things consecrates them to God and obtains on their behalf the infusion of divine grace. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and is used in several sacraments.
One of the Sacraments of Initiation, this completes the graces given in Baptism through a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit that seals the baptized person in union with Christ and prepares hi for worship, salvation and evangelization.
This person of the Blessed Trinity was sent by the Messiah to the Apostles on Pentecost to strengthen and enable the Church to carry on her mission.
Holy Spirit
An act of worship due to God alone.
From the Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” This is the highest of the 7 sacraments.
This describes the condition of a soul as it should be before God; there is no mortal sin on the soul.
State of Grace
This refers to the quality of Christ’s death in the shedding is blood for the New Covenant. Christ was the victim and priest, voluntarily offering himself in the redemption for the sins of the world.
Holy Sacrifice
This term refers to the change from bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Christ.
Serious sin or grace sin committed with a clear knowledge of one’s guilt with the full consent of the will; it concerns grace matters.
Mortal sin
Prayerful self-reflection of sinful thoughts and deeds that are an offense against God and his Church.
Examination of Conscience
A form of repentance wherein a person has a sorrowful heart, a detestation of her sin, and the resolution not to sin again because of the fear of hell.
Imperfect contrition
A form of repentance wherein a person has a sorrowful heart, a detestation of her sin, and resolution not to sin again because of the offense against God.
Perfect contrition
Expression of sorrow for having sinned and a resolve to sin no longer.
Act of Contrition
What type of illness does Jesus and the Church consider to be the worst type of illness?
Spiritual illness
What are the three types of illness that Jesus and the Church are concerned about healing?
Physical, mental, and spiritual
This type of conversion is the turning away from sin and turning toward God.
Sacrament of Conversion
This type of confessing or revealing our sins to another person brings peace and a clean conscience.
Sacrament of Confession
God forgives our sins through the absolution of the priest.
Sacrament of Forgiveness
This type of Penance is the whole cycle of conversion, forgiveness, and making reparation. Perhaps it is the BEST description of the sacrament.
Sacrament of Penance
With this type of penance we are reconciled with God and with the Church, the Body of Christ. Relationships are restored.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
When you receive the sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation, three main actions on your part are necessary. Name and explain each.
- repentance (expressing your sorrow to God)
- confession (need to confess all serious sin and is recommended that venial sins also be confessed)
- reparation (your intention to do what you can to correct the damage your sins have caused)
The 3 actions listed above are traditionally called your _______.
List some of the effects of Anointing of the Sick.
It unites our suffering to the passion or suffering of Christ
It leads to forgiveness of a person’s sins if the person is unable to receive Reconciliation
It strengthens us and gives us peace to endure suffering that comes with sickness and old age
It also helps a person regain mental and physical health if this is God’s will for us. It does NOT force God to perform a miraculous healing
It helps prepare a person for death. It strengthens the person for the final good-byes
Define vocation.
It is the committed state of life that God calls us to.
What are the sacraments of married life and priesthood/diaconate known as?
Sacraments at the Service of Communion
True or False: During his earthly ministry, Jesus was identified as a priest.
What is the rite of Holy Orders called?
Two kinds of priests serve the Church. List them and tell what they do.
Diocesan Priest: makes promises of celibacy and of obedience to their bishop and who serve their Church within a particular diocese.
Members of religious communities: (like Benedictines, Franciscans and Jesuits) take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to their religious superior.
True or False: The role of bishop, priests and deacons make them more important in the eyes of God than any other persons.
What are the responsibilities of priests, deacons and bishops?
Teaching, Divine Worship (liturgy) and Church leadership or governance
List some things that the bishop does.
He becomes a member of the college of bishops.
He leads the entire Church in union with the Pope.
He is chief shepherd for his diocese.
He is the ordinary minister for Confirmation.
He blesses the sacred oils that are used in the sacraments by all parishes in the diocese.
He is the chief catechist (teacher) of the diocese and is responsible for ensuring that the Catholic faith is correctly taught.
He provides support and direction for parish and diocesan ministries through the diocesan offices.
What are all the priests of a diocese, united with the bishop called?
What are some responsibilities of deacons?
They assist the bishop and priests with the celebration of the Eucharist, including the proclamation of the Gospel, giving homilies, and distributing Holy Communion.
They also baptize, bless marriages, and preside at funerals.
They also dedicate themselves to works of charity and compassion in the community.
What is a transitional deacon?
He is a man who is ordained as a deacon on his way to becoming an ordained priest.
What s a permanent deacon?
A man who is ordained a deacon.
True or False: An ordination can be repeated.
True or False: An ordained person never loses the power he receives.
List the meanings of sacramental marriage.
- A marriage is intended to bring unity between the spouses.
- It is meant to be indissoluble, that is, the spouses are committed to each other until “death do us part.”
- A marriage is intended to be open to new life.