Catholicism Flashcards
Molokai Priest
Father Damian (Died of Leprosy)
Last Anti-Pope
Felix 5
Papal Residence
Castel Gandolfo
Vatican Guard
Swiss Guard
Home for Nuns
Site where Virgin Mary was Seen in 1531
Guadeloupe Mexico
Three Bar Cross
Papal Cross
1378 Split of the Catholic Church
Great Schism
ended by the Council of Constance (1414–1418)
Mostly avignon, at one point three with one in Pisa
Friars with Pointed Hoods
First Pope
Pope 1978
John-Paul 1 (The smiling Pope)
Pope 1978-2001
John-Paul 2
Pope 1958-63
John 23
Called 2nd Vatican Council
Pope 1963-78
Paul 6
Continued 2nd Vatican Council
Pope 2001-2013
Benedict 16
Stepped Down
Pope 2013–
226th Successor to Peter
Patron Saint of France
St. Denis
Patron Saint of Germany
St. Boniface
Patron Saint of HUngary
St. Stephen