Catholic Christianity Beliefs & Teachings Flashcards
1.1 Trinity
What does the Nicene Creed explain?
God exists as three persons - all equal and all eternal
1.1 Trinity
How is the Trinity reflected in worship?
1. Every Mass begins with a welcome in the name of the Trinity
2. Worshippers proclaim belief in Trinity through the Nicene Creed in Mass
1.1 Trinity
What is the importance of the Trinity for Catholics Today?
1. Praying to the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit gives Catholics belief that God is with us.
2. Gives Catholics a sense that God is present in the world ( Guidance of Holy Spirit )
3. Teaches Catholics they must work together to bring God’s gift unto the world.
1.1 Trinity
What are some Catholic beliefs in the Trinity?
God as the Father
- A Christian’s relationship with God should be like that of a parent & child
- God will prove for and protect his people
God as the Son
- Jesus is God in human form
God in the Holy Spirit
- God communicates with humans
- Helps the Church preserve and explain Church teachings.
1.2 Biblical Understanding of God as the Trinity
How is Trinity referenced in the Old and New Testament?
Old Testament
- In Genesis - God speaks the Word to create and the spirit hovers over creation
- Prophet Isaiah claims God sent his Word and Spirit to create and guide
New Testament
- Jesus’s finals words in Matthew are to make disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- St Paul refers to the Trinity in several letters
1.2 Biblical Understanding of God as the Trinity
What are some relevant Historical Developments surrounding the Trinity?
Several heresies arose from debates about the nature of Jesus, the main ones beings;
- Adoptionism: The belief that Jesus as an ordinary man who only became Christ when he was baptised and ‘adopted’ by God
- Arianism: The belief that the Son was created by the Father, meaning the son is a god, but not God.
1.2 Biblical Understanding of God as the Trinity
How was a final declaration reached concering Jesus and the Trinity?
Church Councils were called to make this decision. The Council of Nicaea and Constantinople explained the doctrine of the Trinity & Formulated the Nicene Creed as a statement.
1.3 Creation
In what order was the world created? ( According to Gensis 1 )
Day 1: Heavens, Earth, light, Dark
Day 2: Water, Sky
Day 3: Land, Plants
Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars
Day 5: Fish, Birds
Day 6: Land animals, Humans
1.3 Creation
What are some different Christians views concerning the Creating Story?
Fundamentalist Protestants: Believe the Bible is the word of God and so is True & factually correct. ( Don’t accept Big Bang & Evolution )
Mainstream Protestants: Believer that the Bible is the word of God but not his actual words. Regard Genesis 1 as a story about creation. ( Accept Big Bang & Evolution )
Liberal Protestant: Believe that the Bible is people’s words about Gpd. ( Accept Big Band & Evolution )
1.3 Creation
What are the four key characteristics of God?
1. God as Creator - Created the heaven and earth
2. God as Omnipotent - Created the universe out of nothing ( ex nihilo )
3. God as Benevolent - he created the world habitable and a good place for humans to live.
4. God as Eternal - He had no beginning
1.4 The Nature of Humanity
When it comes to Humanity’s relationship with creation, what responsibilities do Christians have?
1. Looking after God’s creation and pass it on to future generations in a better state than recieved by us.
2. Make sure creation is not exploited by humans
3. Make sure the Earth’s resources are shared fairly.
4. Make sure humans treat God’s creations fairly & harmoniously.
1.4 The Nature of Humanity
Outline 5 Ways Catholics Relate to God.
1. Rationality
2. Free Will & Conscience
3. Relate to God
4. Give & receive love
5. Answerable to God
1.5 The Incarnation
What is Incarnation?
The Christian belief that God became human through Jesus.
1.5 The Incarnation
What was the Importance of the virgin birth of Jesus for Christians?
It showed that;
- Jesus was the Son of God ( Not just a juman chosend & sent by God )
- God was in him and he was in God
- Jesus has two natures, Jesus being fully human & fully divine.
1.5 The Incarnation
What are some Biblical basises for the Incarnation?
1. Matthew’s Gospel
- Joseph was told that Mary was a virgin who had conceived the Holy Spirit & the Baby was to be called Jesus & save everyone from their sins
2. Luke’s Gospel
- Mary was visited by Angel Gabriel who told her about the virgin bith of Jesus – who was born & visited by shepherds.
3. John’s Gospel ( Chapter 1 )
- Records the Incarnation in a theological form
- Identifies Jesus as the Word of God, the second person fo the Trinity
1.5 The Incarnation
Why is the Incarnation important to catholics?
- It shows that God cared so much for the world he came to Earth through Jesus to save us from our sin.
- In Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, humans can see what God is like.
- Through the Incarnation, God began the process of salvation from sin.
1.6 The event of the Paschal mystery
What were the events of the Paschal Mystery?
1. The Last Supper - Established the Eucharist
2. Garden of Gethsemane - Judas arrested Jesus
3. The Trial - Peter denied Jesus 3 times
4. The Crucifixion - Jesus forgave his killers
5. The resurrection & ascension - 3 Days later he arose & told disciples to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
1.6 The event of the Paschal mystery
What was the importance of the Paschal Mystery events?
1. The Last Supper is the basis of Mass - most important form of Christian worship
2. Christians believe the crucifixion brought forgiveness from sin.
3. Catholic Church teaches that Paschal mystery guarntees humanities salvation as;
- Jesus freely offered himself for our salvation
- Symbolised by Jesus breaking the bread
4. Christ’s resurrection promises resurrection for all those who believe
5. His ascension gives Christians hope that one day we will be with him in Heaven.
1.7 The Significance of the Paschal Mystery
Why do Catholics believe salvation is important?
1. Without salvation there can be no real relationship with God
2. Without salvation a person’s ssin will prevent them from entering heaven
3. Salvation for man was the whole purpose of Jesus coming to Earth & Founding Christianity
1.8 Eschatology
What is Eschatology?
Eschatology refers to religious beliefs about death, judgement and life after death.
1.8 Eschatology
What are some teachings by the Catholic Church Catechisms about Escatology?
- When people die, they are judged by God
- Perfectly pure Christians go to heaven
- Christians with unforgiven sins will go to purgatory to be purified
- Very evil people who have rejected God go to hell.
1.8 Eschatology
What are some different Christian views about life after death?
1. Non-Catholic do not believe in purgatory as it is based on Church teaching and not Bible teachings
2. Some Evangelical Protestants believe when a person dies their soul remains in the grave until the Last Day and a final judgement.
3. Most Liberal Protestants think when the body dies, the soul leaves the body to live with God in a spirit.
1.8 Eschatology
Why is life after death important to Catholics?
1. They believe they will be judged by God so they have an incentive to live a good Christian life.
2. They believe sin can prevent them from reaching Heaven
3. This belief gives their life meaning and purpose
2.1 The Sacramental Nature of Reality
Sacrament of Baptism;
A) What is the practice?
B) What does this symbolise?
C) What does this mean?
D) Why is it important to catholics?
A) The child is brought to the church & the priest pours water over the child, baptisipng in the name of the trinity, anoints with chrism.
B) The water symbolises washing away sin; the oil & symbolise being claimed by Christ
C) The original sin with which the the child is born is washed away.
D) Importance:
1. Catechism teaches that without baptism, a person cannot recieve other sacraments
2. Baptism washes away original sin so that the baptised can achive salvation & enter heaven.
2.1 The Sacramental Nature of Reality
Sacrament of Confirmation;
A) What is the practice?
B) What does this symbolise?
C) What does this mean?
D) Why is it important to catholics?
A) Candidate renews the vows made on their behalf at baptism. Bishop lays hand on them before anointing them with chrism.
B) The laying on hands symbolises the gift of the Holy Spirit.
C) The confirmed person has fully joined the Church.
D) Importance:
1. It makes the person a full member of the Church
2. Only those who are confirmed can take on lay ministries.
3. It gives the strength of the Spirit to live the Christian life.
2.1 The Sacramental Nature of Reality
What is the;
A) Sacrament of Reconciliation
B) Sacrament of Anointing the sick
C) Sacrament of Marriage
D) Sacrament of Holy Orders
A) Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Forgives a persons sins & brings them closer to God. This is by confessing their sins & resolving to not sin again. Priest gives penance & absolution to make it easier to live a Christian life.
B) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- Gives seriously ill people the strength to face serious illness & death. The priest prays for the person, anoints them with the oil & give them Holy Communion
- ^ Important as it gives grace, spiritual strength & healing while allowing the person to enter heaven.
C) Sacrament of Marriage
- There are Bible readings, prayers, a homily on marriage & exchange of vows & rings. Usually followed by Nuptial Mass.
- ^ These practices give grace & strength for a life-long relationship of love & faithfulness.
D) Sacrament of Holy Orders
- Men are consecrated into the ordained ministry. The bishop lays his hands upon each candidate & anoints their hands with chrism. Giving them the grace, strength & authority.
2.1 The Sacramental Nature of Reality
What are some different views of the sacraments?
1. Most protestants believe only baptism & the Eucharist are essential for salvation since they were instituted by Jesus.
2. Some Protestants, have no sacraments because they believe rituals belong to the old law of the Old Testament & not the new law of Jesus.
3. Some Protestants, for example Baptists & Pentecostals, believe only adults can be baptised because only adult baptism is referred to in the Bible.
2.2 Liturgical Worship
Outline the structure of Liturgical Worship.
1. Introductory Rites
- Makes Catholics aware they are sinners & includes the Penitential Rite.
2. Liturgy of the Word
- Contains Bible readings when all stand for the Gospel reading as it contains the words of Christ.
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Bread & wine are brought to the alter to be offered to God. Eucharistic prayer is read & Catholics are given communion
4. Concluding Rites
- When people give thanks for what they have received and given a blessing to help them in the week ahead.
2.2 Liturgical Worship
Why is Mass important for Catholics?
1. Eucharist is a sacrament which gives grace to live good lives & grow closer to God.
2. The Mass is a celebration of the resurrection, showing Catholics that there is eternal life.
3. Catholics are in the real presence of Christ & receive the body & blood of Christ, which joines them with Jesus, bringing them closer to salvation.
4. Jesus Commanded attendance at Mass when he said at the Last Supper, ‘Do this in memory of me.’
2.2 Liturgical Worship
What are some different Christian understandings of Liturgical Worship?
1. Liturgical worship is the main form of worship in Catholic, Orthodox & many anglican Churches.
- For Nonconformists its only used for Holy Communion, Baptism, marriage and funerals.
2. Nonconformist non liturgical worship has:
- Hymns or gospel songs.
- extempore prayers
- emphasis on the sermon, relating the Bible readings to modern life.
3. Catholics, Orthodox & Anglicans believe that liturgical worship allows the worshipper to think about the words and develop greater understanding.
2.3 The Funeral Rite
Outline the 3 features/parts of the Funeral Rites.
1. Vigil Service
- May takes place the night before the funeral in the church
- A eulogy – speech to praise the dead – is read.
- Many families take the body to stay in the Church overnight.
2. The Funeral Liturgy ( Preferable the Requiem Mass )
- When the Church gathers with the family & friends of the deceased to give praise.
- Prayers of pardon are said after the Mass.
- They ask God that the persons’s soul not have to suffer in purgatory.
3. The Rite of Committal
- Takes place at the cemetery when the scripture readings about resurrection, prayers of farewell and commendation.
2.3 The Funeral Rite
A) What are the aims of the Funeral Rite?
B) What is the Importance of the Funeral Rite to Catholics?
A) Aims of Funeral Rite
- Nature of Requiem Mass allows for communion with the deceased.
- The Rite of Committal shows the communion that exists betweeen the Church on Earth & the Church in heaven.
B) Importance of Funeral Rite
- Reminds Catholics of the Church’s faith that the paschal mystery means that Catholics will have eternal life.
- Proclaims the message of eternal life to the community.
- Gives people a chance to celebrate the deceased’s life.
2.4 Prayer
A) Outline 3 Features of Prayer
B) Why do Catholics Pray?
A) Features
- Adoration ~ praising God for what he is.
- Thanksgiving ~ thanking God for good things of life
- Confession ~ telling God about your sins.
B) Why Catholics Pray ( & the importance of it )
- They want a relationship with God.
- Jesus said Christians should pray.
- The Catechism says Christians should pray.
- Their prayer life helps them to have a healthy emotional life.
2.4 Prayer
Why is it important to Catholics to have different forms of worship?
Worship is importance as Jesus said that the greatest commandement is to worship God with all your heart.
1. Worship in the home - this is the heart of people’s lives & worshipping as a fimaly brings the family together.
2. Private Worship - to communicate with God 1 to 1 and express private emotions.
3. Public Worship - worshipping with other in church, especially at Mass gives a sense of belonging to a wwhole community of believers.
2.5 Forms of Popular Piety
What are the 3 forms of popular piety & how do each of them help a Catholic?
1. The Rosary
- Reminds Catholics of the life of Christ
- Reminds Catholics of what Christ has done for them.
- Brings comfort & identity as a Catholic.
2. Eucharistic adoration
- Helps the worshipper make contact with the presence of Christ.
- Is a way of honouring and adoring Christ.
- Follows the example of the Pope.
3. Stations of the Cross
- Helps Catholics identify with the sufferings of Jesus
- Pray through the journey of Jesus to the Cross
- Give thanks for what Jesus did for them.
2.5 Forms of Popular Piety
What are some Different Christian attitudes to the forms of popular piety?
Prostants do not:
- Pray the Rosary because the will not have anything to do ith adoration of the Virgin Mary. ( They believed she was an ordinary person )
- Practice Eucharistic adoration because they do not believe in transubstantiation.
- Follow the Stations of the Cross as they are not all based on the Bible.
2.6 Pilgrimage
A) Why do Catholics go on pilgrimages?
B) Outline the 4 great pilgramage sites.
A) Catholics go on pilgrimages:
- To become closer to God
- To add discipline to their spiritual life
- To be cured from illness or to gain inner strength.
B1) Jerusalem;
- The Cenacle
- The Church of All Nations
- The Via Dolorosa
B2) Rome;
- Vatican City
- The 4 Papal basilicas
- St John Lateran contains the Holy Stairs.
B3) Lourdes
B4) Walsingham
2.7 Catholic Social Teaching
A) What is Catholic Social Teaching based on?
B) Outline 3 Ways SVP tries to relieve poverty.
C) Outline 3 Ways CAFOD tries to end world poverty.
A) CST is based on:
- Jesus’s Command to love your neighbout as yourself
- The belief that Christians have a vocation to serve God & love their neighbour.
- The teaching of the Catechism that Catholics should practise the Cardinal Virtues.
B) SVP tries to relieve poverty by Organising:
- Regular visiting & personal care for the lonely.
- Drop-in centres for lonely people to have opportunities to socialise.
- Furniture stores for unwanted furniture to use for homeles people.
C) CAFOD tries to end world poverty by;
- Promoting long-term development so that LEDCs can become self-supporting.
- Speaking out on behalf of less affluent communities to bring Social Justice
- Promoting Fairtrade products to bring better prices.
2.8 Catholic Mission and Evangelism
A) Outline 3 features of early Christian missions
B) Why is Missionary & Evangelical work imporant for Catholics?
A) 3 Features are;
1. St Peter organised missions through Palestine
2. St Thomas took Christianity to India.
3. St Peter founded the Church in Rome.
B) Important as:
1. Evangelising is the Great Commission of Jesus
2. Christians believe hat being a Christian helps people to share God’s love.
3. Christianity in England has experienced a decline – attendance at Mass was 30% lower in 2010 than it was in 1993.
3.1 The Bible
Outline 3 features of;
A) The Old Testament
B) The New Testament
A) Old Testament
1. Torah
2. The Prophets
3. The Writings
B) New Testament
1. Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
2. Acts of the Apostles
3. The Letters
4. Revelation
3.1 The Bible
A) Outline 4 literary forms of the Bible
B) Why is the Bible important for Catholics
A) 4 Literary forms are;
- Law
- History
- Prophecy
- Poetry
B) The Bible is important as;
1. Records the teachings of Jesus and tells Christians what to believe and how to live.
- Contain the Decalogue - God’s guide on how to live
2. Record life, death and resurrection of Jesus - basis of Christian faith
3. Reveals what God is slike and what he does for Christians
3.2 Interpretation of the Bible
Describe 3 Catholic beliefs surrounding the Bible
1. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit – which means it comes from God and gives truth & should be followed.
2. God speaks through the Bible, showing his character, so it should be followed – The Bible also reveals God’s Nature.
3. The Bible contains God’s laws on how to behave, showing how God wants them to live.
- Especially in the Gospels.
3.2 Interpretation of the Bible
Describe the Different interpretations of the Bible.
1. Inspired Word of God ( Catholic View )
- The idea that the Bible came from and was inspired by God but written down by human writers
2. Literal Word of God
- Belief that the Bible is true, word for word from God.
3. Liberal View
- Belief that the Bible was written by humans who were inspired like many authors.
- Believe that some parts of the Bible are outdated.
3.3 The Magisterium
Describe & Provide the Importance of;
A) Apostolic Tradition
B) Apostolic Successsion
A) Definition - The oral Gospels passed on by the Apostles to the church.
A2) Importance;
- Gives the Church the authority of Jesus.
- Means the teachings of the Church come from the teachings Jesus.
- Guarantee Catholic teachings are correct & truth faith.
B) Definition - The line of bishops going back to the Apostles.
- Catholics believe that St Peter was given the authority to lead the Church from Jesus & has since been passed down to all Popes.
B2) Importance;
- It means the Pope todath has the same authority as St Peter
- It proves that when the Pope and his bishops give teachings - they speak as successors of the Apostels chosen by Jesus.
3.3 The Magisterium
A) Ordinary Magisterium
B) Conciliar Magisterium
C) Pontifical Magisterium
A) Everyday teachings of the Church
- Found in writings & speeches of bishops and popes
B) Pope calls all bishops to meet to settle or explore new questions
- The Second Vatican is an example.
C) These are infallible declerations by the Pope, there have only been 2 in history; Immaculate conception & Assumption of Mary.
Importance - The Magisterium is needed to address issues that didn’t exist at the time of Jesus.
3.4 The Second Vatican Council
Describe the Four Consitutions & What they led to.
1. Sancrosanctum Concilium - Focused on Worship
- More participating by the laity in the Mass
- Mass could be celebrated in local languages
- Eucharist could be received in both forms
2. Lumen Gentium - Focused the Nature of the Church
- Possibility of salvation for non-Christians.
- Encouraged bishops to work together.
- Explanation for the role of Mary.
3. Dei Verbum - Focused on Scripture
- Bible & Tradition are equally important
- Bible should be read in Catholics own language for understanding
- The Bible is the Word of God, written by humans, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
4. Gaudium et Spes - Focused on humanity and society ( whole world )
- Covers economics, poverty, social justice, culture, science & technology. ( And Impacts )
- Claimed peace & justice are necessary for all.
- Reflects on importance of talking with non-believers and other Christians.
3.4 The Second Vatican Council
What were some Different understandings on the Importance of Vatican II.
1. Many Catholics saw the Council as great relief as the Church listen to people and opened them up to the modern world.
2. Some thought the reforms of Vatican II went to far.
3. Some thought the changes did not go far enough – married priests should be allowed, changes on teaching and contraception.
3.5 The Church as the Body of Christ
What does it mean for the Church to be the ‘body of Christ’ ?
- All Christians must carry on the work of Jesus Christ on earth.
- All Christians are united with each other and Christ through baptism.
- All Catholics receive the body of Christ through mass, Which links to all other Catholics who practice the Sacrament.
- Similar to parts of a human body, The body of Christ is separated to each fulfil a specific purpose.
3.5 The Church as the Body of Christ
Why is the Church as the ‘Body of Christ’ important for Catholics.
1. This is how the Church is decribed in the New Testament and the Catechism
2. It means that Christ did not leave the Earth at his ascension; his body remained on Earth in the Church
3. It means that the Church is carrying on the work of Christ in the world.
4. It means that Catholics form on body and so are united with eachother and with Christ.
3.6 The Four Marks of the Church
What are the Four Marks of the Church & Why are each of them important?
1. One - One body, One Church
- Division exists within Christianity with many denominations - shows unity for Catholics
- Duty to pray for and talk to non-catholics.
- Ecumenism - an importance part of Vatican II
2. Holy - Jesus is a source of holiness
- Church gives opportunity for regular prayer and the sacraments.
- Get to know and love God through these opportunities.
3. Catholic, Meaning ‘universal’
- History gives evidence to the strength, permanence and unchanging of the Church
- Catholics can take personal strength from the fact the Catholic Church continues to suffer from persecution & attacks.
4. Apostolic - Living tradition with Apostles
- Magisterium guides Catholics on modern issues ( e.g. IVF )
- Duty to preserve, teach,defend and pass on faith.
Ecumenism - Unity among Christian denominations
3.7 Mary as a model of the Church
Why is Mary seen as a model of the Church? ( Developed Reasons )
1. Joined with Jesus
- She is the mother of the Church since she is the mother of Jesus ( the Church is the Body of Christ )
- Doctrine about Mary is also about Jesus ( Immaculate Conception, Assumption )
2. Discipleship
- Sometime called the first disciple – she had faith in Jesus from the moment of his conception.
- Her sacrifice and service began before Jesus’ birth.
3. Faith and Charity
- She accepted the risk of bearing Jesus.
- She obeyed the command in Joseph’s dream to flee to egypt
- She is seen as charitable as she enouraged Jesus to solve to problem of a lack of wine at the wedding in Cana.
3.7 Mary as a model of the Church
Why are teachings about Mary important for Catholics today?
1. If she had not obeyed God, Jesus would not have been born & without his birth there would be no Christianity or Salvation.
2. The Virgin Birth means Mary gave birth to God & so she is the mother of God - as such, she is the most important human to have ever lived.
3. At the end of her life she was taken up to heaven instead of dying so she did not suffer death like everyone else.
- ( Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary )
3.7 Mary as a model of the Church
Outline 3 ways a Catholic may show devotion to Mary.
1. Feast Days
- 1st January: Mary the Holy Mother of God
- 25th March: The Annunciation of the Lord
2. Special Prayers
- The Hail Mary
- The Rosary
3. Places of Pilgrimage
- Lourdes
- Mexico
3.8 Personal and Ethical Decision-Making
What are some ways Jesus is a Source of Authority for moral teaching?
1. Love for Others
- Cared for the poor, outcasts, ill etc.
( Matthew 7:12 )
2. Forgiveness
- Key to saslvation. ( Matthew 6:14 )
- Jesus even forgave those who crucified him. ( Luke 23:33-35 )
3. Servanthood
- Given title ‘Servant King’.
- Crucifixion was ultimate act of servanthood.
4. Social Justice
- Jesus cared for physical as well as spiritual needs.
- Parable of the Sheep and Goats. ( Matthew 25:37-40 )
3.8 Personal and Ethical Decision-Making
In terms of Decision-Making, Describe the following;
A) Natural Law
B) Virtue
C) Primary of Conscience
A) Natural Law
1. A discoverable moral law that provides set rules for all.
2. The Catholic Church follows the teachings of natural laws found in St Thomas Aquinas’ writings
3. Most basic element is ‘do good, avoid evil.’
B) Virtue
1. A Virtue is a moral excellence
2. Virtue ethics consider the moral character of a person to help analyse their ethical decisions.
3. St Thomas Aquinas referred to Cardinal Virtues & Theological Virtues.
C) Primacy of Conscience
1. Catholics have to follow an informed conscience
2. Must be informed by the Bible and tradition as interpreted by the magisterium
Cardinal Virtues - Prudence, justice, temperance. and fortiude
Theological Virtues - Faith, hope, and charity
4.1 Forms of expression and ways of life - Church Architecture
A) Outline 3 design features of a Catholic Church.
B) How do the features reflect belief?
A) 3 Features are;
1. A nave where the worshippers sit
2. A sanctuary with the alter, lectern & usally the tabernacle.
3. The baptismal font containing holy water
B) The features reflect belief as;
- The altar reflecs the belief that the priest offers Mass on the altar as a symbol of Christ.
- The candles reflect the belief that Jesus is the light of the world.
- The tabernacle reflects the belief that Jesus is really present in the Blessed Sacrament.
4.1 Forms of expression and ways of life - Church Architecture
How are the features of the Church used in worship?
1. The people gather in the nave for worship
2. The priests and servers gater in the sanctuary.
3. The lectern is used for the Liturgy of the Word.
4.2 Forms of expression and ways of life - Church Features
Outline 3 Internal features of a Church & Include how they express redepmtion.
1. The Lectern
- It is Gospel reading which clearly express the nature & importance of redemption Christ brought.
2. The Altar
- Expresses redepmtion as it is an altar of sacrifice.
3. The Tabernacle
- Remind catholics of the redemption brought by Christ’s sacrifice in his body broken for them.
4.3 Forms of expression and ways of life - Sacred Objects
Outline 3 sacred vessels found in a Catholic church & Include how they express Catholic beliefs.
1. Sacred vessel
- They are used for the sacrament of the Eucharist & are crucial to belief in the sacred mystery of transubstantion.
2. Sacrophagi
- Reflect Catholic beliefs about sains and the holiness which can be gained through prayer.
3. Hunger Cloth
- Reflecting Catholic beliefs about the need for Christians beliefs about the need for Christians to follow the example of Jesus.
4.4 Forms of expression and ways of life - Artwork In Church
A) Outline 3 purposes of Sacred Art for Catholics.
B) Explain 2 different pieces of Art that portray Catholic beliefs.
A) 3 Purposes are;
- To back up the beliefs of the Catholic faith through artistic means.
- It helps draw the observer into deeper worship of God.
- It helps the observer understand more about God.
B1) Fresco by Giotto of St Francis of Assisi
- St Francis’ one hand lowered symbolises him welcoming the birds.
- The other hand is raised in blessing, with 3 fingers reflecting Trinity.
B2) Icon of Christ - St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai
- The different facial expressions on either side of the face show Christ’s 2 natures.
- The halo shows Christ’s holiness & the face it is gold shows his divinity.
4.5 Forms of expression and ways of life - Sculptures & Statues
A) Outline 3 statues you are likely to find in a Catholic Church.
B) Explain 2 ways in which satues express Catholic beliefs.
A) 3 Statues Include;
- Statue of Virgin Mary
- Statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Statues of St.Peter
B) 2 Ways Include;
- Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus remind Catholics of the Passion of Christ & the fire of his eternal love.
- Statue of Virgin Mary with her baby son reflect the belief that even though Mary is the mother of God, she is a witness to her son.
4.6 Forms of expression and ways of life - Symbolism & Imagery
Outline 3 Catholic Symbols. ( Include Purpose & Uses )
1. The Cross & Crucifix
- Purpose: A reminder of his death & resurecction
- Use: Often found in Catholic homes.
2. The Dove
- Purpose: Represent the Holy Spirit
- Use: Used in Christian artwork
3. The Alpha & Omega
- Purpose: Shows eternal nature of Jesus
- Use: Found on decoration around Church.
4.7 Forms of expression and ways of life - Drama
A) Outline 3 ways in which Mystery & Passion Plays express Catholic beliefs.
B) How is Drama important to Catholics?
A1) Mystery Plays
- Being in the language of the people, not Latin
- Using humour, including slapstick
- Making the spiritual message clear & simple
A2) Passion Plays
- Being in the language of the people
- Brining the drama of the events to life
- Making the Passion a spectacle
B) Importance Includes;
- Drama helps people undertand & remember Bible stories in a more poerful way than reading.
- Those participating may feel it as a form of worship.
4.8 Forms of expression and ways of life - Music in Worship
A) Outline 3 types of music used by Catholics.
B) Explain 2 ways music is used to express belief in Catholicism.
A) 3 Types of Music Include;
- Hymns
- Plainchant
- Pslams
B) 2 Ways Include;
- Hymns use words and music to express beliefs to express beliefs to God, for exmaple ‘Hail Holy Queen’ expresses Catholic belief about the Virgin Mary
- There are Pslams of praise, thanksgiving & lament, so they contain many human emotions about life, God & Religion. Making them relevant today.