Catholic beliefs Revision Flashcards
What is Vocation? Give Examples
Vocation = Fufilling what god wants us to do
What is healing? Give Examples
Healing = Being healed by god
-Anointing of the sick
What is Initiation? Give examples
Initiation = Being Initiated/welcomed into the family
-Holy Orders
Explain what Anointing of the sick is.
-The Anointing of the sick is often a Catholic Christian’s final sacrament. It is given to people who are in danger of becoming more sick from a serious illness and it is also given to those who are likely to die soon.
-Illness often brings a crisis in a person’s life. This sacrament is a ceremony that gives Catholics spiritual comfort.
Original sin Definition.
- The built in tendency to do wrong which comes from eve’s disobedience
Atonement Definition
-Making things better after sinning, asking god for forgiveness
Ascension definition
Jesus returning to be with God in heaven
Crucifixion Definition
Jesus’ execution by the Romans on the cross
Incarnation Definition
God becoming flesh in the form of Jesus Christ
Resurrection Definition
Jesus returning from the dead after he was crucified
Salvation definition
Being saved from sin and given eternal life
Sin Definition
Any thoughts or actions which goes against God’s will
Trinity definition
God’s nature as 3-parts-in-1, the father son holy spirit
Transubstantiation Definition
The belief that the bread and the wine during mass becomes the body and blood of Christ