Catholic Beliefs And Practices Teachings Flashcards
Give a teaching from the nicene creed about the trinity
“I believe in the Holy Spirit… who with the father and son is adored and glorified”
Give 2 teaching that shows Jesus as divine from the nice creed
“Consubstancial with the father”
“He suffered and was buried and rose again on the third day”
Give 2 teaching that shows Jesus as divine from Johns gospel
“Became flesh in the form of Jesus and dwelt among us”
“The word was with god and the word was god”
Give a teaching that shows Jesus as human
“He suffered and was buried” -nicene creed
Give a teaching that shows god as omnipotent
“God said ‘let there be light’ and there was”- Genesis 1
Give a teaching that shows god as omnibenevolent
“God breathed life into Adam”- Genesis 2
Give a teaching that shows god as transcendent
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”
Give a teaching from Genesis 1 that shows humans were made imago dei
“So god created mankind in his own image”
Give a quote from Genesis that suggests the existence of the trinity
“Let us make mankind in our image”
Give a teaching from johns gospel that shows god as omnibenevolent
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son”
What stories in the bible are the trinity present
The annunciation and Jesus baptism
Give one belief about God from the nicene creed
“I believe in one God”
Give one teaching about Jesus from the nicene creed
“Who died, was buried, resurrected and ascended”
Give one teaching about the Eucharist
“Source and summit of the catholic week” CCC
Give one teaching about sacraments and what they are
“A sacrament is an outward sign of inward grace”
Give one teaching as to why catholics practice the Eucharist
Jesus said “do this in memory of me