Category 1 Flashcards
Chest wall trauma
Traumatic aortic injury
- most common type of traumatic aortic injury
- Pathology
May result in:
1) minimal aortic injury
2) aortic laceration: a tear in the intima which may extend through the vessel wall; the tear is typically transverse
aortic transection: laceration of all three layers of the vessel wall, also known as traumatic aortic rupture
3) aortic pseudoaneurysm: aortic rupture contained by adventitia or periaortic tissue
4) aortic intramural haematoma: haematoma within the wall of the aorta
An aortic dissection is a longitudinal tear in the aortic wall and is rarely a sequela of trauma.
Blunt thoracic aortic injury is uncommonly an isolated injury. A large autopsy study found that 97% of victims of aortic injury had other traumatic injuries outside the chest.
grade 1: intimal tear
grade 2: intramural haematoma
grade 3: pseudoaneurysm formation
grade 4: free rupture
1) blunt trauma (more common)
rapid deceleration (eg. motor vehicle accident, fall from great height)
crush injury
2) penetrating trauma
aortic isthmus: 90% (portion of the proximal descending thoracic aorta between the left subclavian artery origin and the ligamentum arteriosum.)
- widened mediastinum
- indistinct or abnormal aortic contour
- deviation of trachea, ETT or NGT to the right
- depression of left main bronchus
- loss of the aortopulmonary window
- widened paraspinal stripe
- widened paratracheal stripe
- left apical pleural cap
- large left haemothorax
CTA chest
Investigation of choice (sensitivity and specificity of 100% at showing direct signs of aortic injury as well as indirect signs.)
Signs of mediastinal haematoma:
- abnormal soft tissue density around mediastinal structures
- location is important – periaortic haematoma much more suggestive of aortic injury than isolated mediastinal haematoma remote from the aorta.
Signs of aortic injury:
- intraluminal filling defect (intimal flap or clot)
- abnormal aortic contour (mural haematoma)
- sudden change in and/or decreased diameter
- pseudoaneurysm
- extravasation of contrast
Treatment is with an aortic stent graft or open repair. Mortality is very high:
>95% if untreated
~80% die immediately
>30% if in hospital and treated
- death from aortic rupture and haemorrhage
- chronic traumatic pseudoaneurysm
- embolisation from pseudoaneurysm
Rib fractures including flail chest
three (3) or more contiguous ribs are fractured in two (2) or more places.
non-ventilated patient as a paradoxical movement of the flail segment.
defined as ≥3 adjacent ribs with segmental fractures and/or >5 adjacent rib fractures
traumatic 1st rib fracture: a marker of severe chest trauma, as the rib is protected by the clavicle and scapula
Pneumothorax including nontraumatic
- primary spontaneous pneumothoraces occur in younger patients (typically less than 35 years of age) whereas secondary spontaneous pneumothoraces occur in older patients (typically over 45 years of age)
1) Primary spontaneous
A primary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in a patient with no known underlying lung disease. Tall and thin habitus are more likely to develop a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Associations :
- Marfan syndrome
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- homocystinuria
2) Secondary spontaneous
When the underlying lung is abnormal, a pneumothorax is referred to as secondary spontaneous.
- cystic lung disease
- parenchymal necrosis
- others (endometriosis)
3) Iatrogenic/traumatic
- blunt or penetrating chest trauma
- secondary to neck, thoracic, or retroperitoneal surgery
- oesophageal perforation (Boerhaave syndrome, endoscopic intervention,
oesophageal carcinoma)
- tracheobronchial perforation
- vigorous exercise
- asthma
- barotrauma (diving, ventilator)
- infection
- interstitial lung disease 12
- idiopathic
- positive pressure ventilation
- thoracic surgery/pericardial fluid drainage
- penetrating trauma
blunt trauma (rare)
- infectious pericarditis with gas-producing organisms
- fistula
Continuous diaphragm sign may be present.
- cardiac tamponade
Differential diagnosis
A pneumopericardium can usually be distinguished from pneumomediastinum since gas in the pericardial sac should not rise above the anatomic limits of the pericardial reflection on the proximal great vascular pedicle. Also on radiographs obtained with the patient in the decubitus position, gas in the pericardial sac will shift immediately, while gas in the mediastinum will not shift in a short interval between films.
Pulmonary contusion/laceration
- interstitial and/or alveolar lung injury without any frank laceration. It usually occurs secondary to non-penetrating trauma.
Contusions follow blunt or penetrating chest trauma, and are almost always seen with other chest (and abdominal) injuries. It is usually caused by disruption of the capillaries of the alveolar walls and septa, and leakage of blood into the alveolar spaces and interstitium
Typically seen as focal, non-segmental (typically crescentic) areas of parenchymal opacification, usually peripheral. It can have subpleural sparing with smaller contusions which can be a distinguishing feature. More common posteriorly and in lower lobes.
Treatment and prognosis
Manifest at the time of the initial examination and show little tendency to increase in severity with subsequent examinations. Signs of contusion have often resolved within 48 hours. By day 10-14 they should have resolved completely. If increases, think infection
LACERATION: frank laceration of lung parenchyma secondary to trauma. There is almost always concurrent contusion.
Due to the elastic recoil of the lung, spheres of torn lung parenchyma form and can fill with blood (termed a haematocele), air (pneumatoceles) or both blood and air. If gas-filled, they tend to fill with blood or fluid over time (days to weeks) and can take months to resolve.
Regions of pulmonary contusion with added blebs (pneumatoceles) with gas-fluid levels.
Haemothorax including nontraumatic
A haemothorax is sometimes defined as pleural fluid with a haematocrit ≥50% of the peripheral blood haematocrit.
- infection
- empyema formation
- pneumonia
- chronic fibrothorax
It usually occurs from penetrating or blunt trauma. OTHERS:
- intrathoracic malignancy
- spontaneous pneumothorax - spontaneous haemopneumothorax
- anticoagulant medication
- vascular rupture
- aortic dissection
- rupture of coronary arteries such as RCA during an angioplasty
- thoracic arteriovenous malformations
- pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
- thoracic endometriosis
- pulmonary infarction
- pleural adhesions with pneumothorax
- haematologic abnormalities: coagulopathy, haemophilia
- connective tissue disease:
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type IV:
- congenital bony exostoses
Haemopericardium including nontraumatic
- ruptured myocardial infarction
- ruptured left ventricular aneurysm
- aortic dissection
- pericarditis
- trauma
- blunt/penetrating/deceleration
- iatrogenic, e.g. pacemaker wire insertion
- cardiac malignancies
- ruptured coronary artery aneurysm
- post-thrombolysis
Plain radiograph
- enlargement of the cardiac silhouette
- “straight left heart border”
- Oreo cookie sign on lateral CXR
Diaphragmatic rupture
- from blunt abdominal trauma. The mechanism of injury is typically a motor-vehicle collision.
- The left hemidiaphragm is involved three times more frequently than the right
- The most common site of rupture is the posterolateral aspect of the hemidiaphragm between the lumbar and intercostal muscle slips.
- Ruptures occur radially and most are >10 cm in length.
- The most commonly herniated viscera are the stomach and colon.
Oesophageal rupture/ Boerhaave syndrome
- iatrogenic: post-instrumentation or post-thoracic surgery (most common: ~80% of cases)
- complication of acute radiation-induced oesophagitis
- trauma: both blunt (crush-type injury) and penetrating
- foreign body ingestion
- corrosive material ingestion
- oesophageal cancer
- spontaneous rupture post-vomiting (Boerhaave syndrome)
- acute oesophageal necrosis
High mortality rate, estimated between 25 to 50% in some series
Complications: acute mediastinitis, oesophagopleural fistula, pneumonia, empyema, sepsis
BOERHAAVE SYNDROME: secondary to forceful vomiting and retching.
It tends to be more prevalent in males, with alcoholism a risk factor.
Mackler’s triad: vomiting, chest pain and subcutaneous emphysema.
Due to a forceful ejection of gastric contents in an unrelaxed oesophagus against a closed upper oesophageal sphincter/cricopharyngeus. The tears are vertically orientated, 1-4 cm in length. Approximately 90% occur along the left posterolateral wall of the distal oesophagus, 3-6 cm above the oesophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
The classic chest radiographic findings include pneumomediastinum, left pleural effusion and left pneumothorax.
Naclerio V sign,: focal, sharply marginated region of paraspinal radiolucency on the left side immediately above the diaphragm
Non-accidental injury
Patient’s age: skeletal survey should always be performed in suspected abuse if the patient is under two years of age(2-4)
. Between the ages of two and five years, the need for a
skeletal survey is dictated by the clinical assessment and it may not be required
. Above five years
the skeletal survey is of little use.
Consent for a child to undergo a skeletal survey needs to be obtained from the child’s legal guardian.
The referrer usually obtains consent and the legal guardian needs to be informed that the purpose of
the examination is the assessment for possible non-accidental injury. If consent cannot be obtained
from the legal guardian, the Child Protection Team will need to liaise with the local Statutory Child
Protection Agency to obtain consent by Court Order, however this is infrequently required.
Radiation Dose
Approximately a month of background radiation
Initial Skeletal Survey
Head, chest, spine and pelvis:
1) Anterior-posterior (AP) and lateral skull 2) AP and lateral chest, both obliques
3) AP abdomen and pelvis
4) Lateral views of the whole spine.
Upper limbs:
1) AP of the whole arm (centred at the elbow if possible)
2) Coned lateral elbow
3) Coned lateral wrist
4) Posterior-anterior (PA) hand and wrist
Lower limbs:
1) Whole AP lower limb, hip to ankle
2) Coned lateral knee
3) Coned lateral ankle
4) Coned AP ankle (mortise view)
5) Coned AP knees
6) DP foot
Fractures of the hands and feet are strongly associated with abuse; sternal fractures are highly associated with NAI
A bone scan is higher than a skeletal survey and approximates one year of background radiation
Traumatic abdominal injuries are the second most common cause of death from abuse after brain injury
CT and/or MRI brain should be performed in all children under one year of age with suspected NAI.
Inhaled and swallowed foreign bodies
Radiographic features
Lung volume that does not change during the respiratory cycle.
Plain radiograph
- the patient should be radiographed on expiration: this will exaggerate the differences between the lungs
- the normal lung should appear smaller and denser than the affected lung
- check valve mechanism: the affected lung will usually appear overinflated and hyperlucent, with concomitant rib flaring and a depressed ipsilateral hemidiaphragm
- in uncooperative patients, bilateral decubitus views can be performed, which will demonstrate air trapping on the affected side
- interrupted bronchus sign
- unilateral emphysema or atelectasis are the most common findings; only uncommonly will a radiopaque foreign body be demonstrated
- pneumonia or atelectasis
- bronchitis
- bronchospasm
- pneumothorax
- broncho-oesophageal fistula
- bronchiectasis
Bronchiolitis including infectious
- centrilobular micronodules (often seen as tree-in-bud opacities),
- bronchial wall thickening
- bronchiolar dilatation (often referred to as bronchiolectasis)
- mosaic attenuation (and/or air trapping if expiratory imaging is used)
- viruses: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): particularly in children (RSV bronchiolitis)
- bacterial species
- mycobacterial species
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
- atypical mycobacterial species
- fungal species, e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus, particularly in immunocompromised patients
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease including asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema (centrilobular, paraseptal, pan lobular)
- ***cigarette smoking.
- industrial exposure (e.g. mining)
- cystic fibrosis
- alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- intravenous drug use (IVDU)
- immune deficiency syndromes
- vasculitides and connective tissue disorders
Histologic changes of COPD are irreversible and gradually progress over time.
In chronic bronchitis, there is diffuse hyperplasia of mucous glands with associated hypersecretion and bronchial wall inflammation.
Emphysema involves the destruction of alveolar septa and pulmonary capillaries, leading to decreased elastic recoil and resultant air trapping. The morphological subtypes of emphysema include:
- centrilobular (centriacinar): associated with smoking and spreads peripherally from bronchioles
- panacinar: homozygous AAT1 deficiency and uniformly destroys alveoli
- paraseptal (distal acinar): involves the distal airways
Centrilobular emphysema is the most frequently encountered type and affects the proximal respiratory bronchioles, particularly of the upper zones. It has a strong dose-dependent association with smoking 3. Rarely, severe centrilobular emphysema can be seen in the bases in patients with Salla disease.
Panlobular emphysema (also known as panacinar emphysema), in contrast, affects the entire secondary pulmonary lobule and is more pronounced in the lower zones, matching areas of maximal blood flow. It is seen particularly in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (exacerbated by smoking), intravenous injection of methylphenidate (Ritalin lung) or Swyer-James syndrome.
Paraseptal emphysema affects the peripheral parts of the secondary pulmonary lobule and is usually located adjacent to the pleural surfaces (including pleural fissures). It is also associated with smoking and can lead to the formation of subpleural bullae and spontaneous pneumothorax
Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation (CPAM)
Multicystic masses of segmental lung tissue with abnormal bronchial proliferation.
- hybrid lesion: i.e. CPAM and pulmonary sequestration
- renal agenesis 7
- polyhydramnios
- hydrops fetalis
- lung malignancy:
~10% of paediatric lung cancers have a history of CPAM
mucinous adenocarcinoma associated with type 1 CPAM
pleuropulmonary blastoma associated with type 4 CPAM
Results from failure of normal bronchoalveolar development with a hamartomatous proliferation of terminal respiratory units in a gland-like pattern (adenomatoid) without proper alveolar formation.
Histologically, they are characterised by adenomatoid proliferation of bronchiole-like structures and macro- or microcysts lined by columnar or cuboidal epithelium and absence of cartilage and bronchial glands.
These lesions have intracystic communications and, unlike bronchogenic cysts, can also have a connection to the tracheobronchial tree.
Five subtypes are currently classified, mainly according to cyst size:
type I: most common: 70% of cases, large cysts, one or more dominant cysts: 2-10 cm in size, may be surrounded by smaller cysts
type II: 15-20% of cases, cysts are <2 cm in diameter, associated with other abnormalities (renal agenesis or dysgenesis, pulmonary sequestration, congenital cardiac anomalies)
type III: ~10% of cases, microcysts: <5 mm in diameter, typically involves an entire lobe, has a poorer prognosis
type IV: unlined cyst, typically affects a single lobe, indistinguishable from type I on imaging
type 0: very rare, lethal postnatally, acinar dysgenesis or dysplasia, represents global arrest of lung development
Broncopulmonary sequestration
Aberrant formation of segmental lung tissue that has no connection with the bronchial tree or pulmonary arteries. It is a bronchopulmonary foregut malformation (BPFM).
Clinical presentation:
Extralobar sequestration (ELS) more commonly presents in newborns as respiratory distress, cyanosis, or infection, whereas intralobar sequestration (ILS) presents in late childhood or adolescence with recurrent pulmonary infections.
- Intralobar sequestration (ILS): accounts for the majority (75-85% of all sequestrations), present later in childhood with recurrent infections.
- Extralobar sequestration (ELS) less common (15-25% of all sequestrations):
usually present in the neonatal period with respiratory distress, cyanosis, or infection
recognised male predilection M: F ratio ~4:1; can be infradiaphragmatic in ~10% of cases
The two types of sequestration are similar in their relationship to the bronchial tree and arterial supply/venous drainage but differ in their relationship to the pleura.
By definition, there is no communication with the tracheobronchial tree. In the vast majority of cases, the abnormal lung tissue has a systemic arterial supply which is usually a branch of the aorta:
Intralobar sequestrations: venous drainage commonly occurs via the pulmonary veins
Extralobar sequestrations: venous drainage most commonly through the systemic veins into the right atrium
(but is variable); separated from any surrounding lung by its own pleura
Location: preferentially affects the lower lobes. 60% of intralobar sequestrations affect the left lower lobe, and 40% the right lower lobe. Extralobar sequestrations almost always affect the left lower lobe, however, ~10% of extralobar sequestrations can be subdiaphragmatic
Associated disease is common with the extralobar type (50-60%):
- congenital heart disease
- congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Scimitar syndrome
Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
Mild end of the spectrum of disease caused by pulmonary aspergillosis and can be classified as an eosinophilic lung disease.
Patients with longstanding asthma, and only occasionally in patients with cystic fibrosis.
In general, patients are young and are diagnosed before the age of 40 years.
It is considered the most common cause of eosinophilic lung disease in developed countries.
major criteria:
- clinical asthma
- radiographic features: pulmonary opacities (transient or chronic), central bronchiectasis.
- immune system, blood eosinophilia, immediate skin reactivity to Aspergillus antigen (elevated IgG and/or IgE against A. fumigatus), increased serum IgE
Result of hypersensitivity towards Aspergillus spp. which grows within the lumen of the bronchi, without invasion. The hypersensitivity initially causes bronchospasm and bronchial wall oedema, which is IgE-mediated. Ultimately, there is bronchial wall damage with loss of muscle and bronchial wall cartilage resulting in bronchiectasis (typically central bronchiectasis)