Categorizing Cultures Flashcards
What makes individualistic countries?
Poorer countries have poorer resources so are more dependant on each other. Richer societies are more independent. Religion is important as well. Also geographical proximity.
Individualistic cultures put emphasis on the individual and his or her rights, goals and behaviours. Dependence on others is not seen as desirable, people strive for autonomy. Individual desires are deemed more important than the collectives. Marriage is an act between two people not a family.
Power distance
The extent to which members of a culture accept that power in an organisation or institution should be distributed unequally between its members. Individualistic tend to be low on power distance.
Masculine cultures show a preference for achievement, heroism, assertiveness an material success. Feminine cultures prefer relationships, modesty, caring for the weak ad quality of life.
Uncertainty avoidance
Reflects the extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations. High in this puts an emphasis on consensus, predictability and planning. Low Countries are Denmark and Jamaica.
2 or more spouses
One man having 2 or more wives
One woman with two or more husbands (uncommon)
0.56 between a society’s individualism and the perceived necessity for love in marriage