Categories of Herbs Flashcards
Which category is this herb from?
má huáng 麻黄 Ephedrae Herba Ephedra stem
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
guì zhī 桂枝 Cinnamomi Ramulus Cinnamon twig
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
zǐ sū yè 紫蘇葉(紫苏叶) Perillae Folium Perilla leaf
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
jīng jiè 荊芥 Schizonepetae Herba schizonepeta stem or bud (use just flowers)
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
fáng fēng 防風 (防风) Ledebouriellae Divaricatae; Saposhnikoviae Radix Siler; Saposhnikovia; Ledebouriella Root
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
qiāng huó 羌活 Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix notopterygium root
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
gǎo běn 藁本 Ligustici Rhizoma Chinese lovage Root
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
bái zhǐ 白芷 Angelicae dahuricae Radix Angelica root
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
shēng jiāng 生薑 (生姜) Zingiberis Rhizoma recens fresh ginger rhizome
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
cōng bái 蔥白 (葱白) Allii fistulosi Bulbus scallion; spring onion (use white bulbs only; no greens)
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
xiāng rú 香薷 Moslae Herba mosla; aromatic madder
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
cāng ěr zǐ 蒼耳子(苍耳子) Xanthii Fructus xanthium fruit; cocklebur fruit
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
xì xīn 細辛 (细辛) Asari Radix et Rhizoma Chinese wild ginger
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
xīn yí huā 辛夷花 Magnoliae Flos Magnolia flower
RE Warming
Which category is this herb from?
bò hé 薄荷 Menthae haplocalycis Herba field mint
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
niú bàng zǐ 牛蒡子 Arctii Fructus great burdock fruit
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
chán tuì 蟬蛻 (蝉蜕) Cicadae Periostracum cicada molting
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
sāng yè 桑葉 (桑叶) Mori Folium white mulberry leaf
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
jú huā 菊花 Chrysanthemi Flos chrysanthemum flower
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
màn jīng zǐ 蔓荊子 Vitex trifolia Vitex fruit
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
dàn dòu chǐ 淡豆豉 Sojae Semen preparatum prepared soybean
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
fú ping 浮萍 Spirodelae Herba Chinese Duckweed
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
mù zéi 木賊 (木贼) Equiseti hiemalis Herba horsetail
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
gé gēn 葛根 Puerariae Radix Kudzu root
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
chái hú 柴胡 Bupleuri Radix hare’s ear root
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
shēng má 升麻 Cimicifugae Rhizoma black cohosh rhizome; bugbane rhizome
RE Cooling
Which category is this herb from?
shí gāo 石膏 Gypsum fibrosum crystalline gypsum (sulfate mineral)
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
zhī mǔ 知母 Anemarrhenae Rhizoma anemarrhena rhizome
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
zhī zǐ (shān zhī zǐ) 山梔子(山栀子) Gardeniae Fructus gardenia fruit
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
dàn zhú yè 淡竹葉(淡竹叶) Lophatheri Herba lophatherum stem and leaves
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
xià kū cǎo 夏枯草 Prunellae Spica prunella
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
lú gēn 蘆根 (芦根) Phragmitis Rhizoma reed rhizome
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
tiān huā fěn 天花粉 Trichosanthis Radix trichosanthes root
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
jué míng zǐ 決明子(决明子) Cassiae Semen cassia seed
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
qīng xiāng zǐ 青葙子 Celosiae Semen celosia seed
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
mì méng huā 密蒙花 Buddlejae Flos Buddleia flower bud
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
gǔ jīng cǎo 穀精草(谷精草) Eriocauli Flos pipewort scapus and inflorescence
CH Drain F
Which category is this herb from?
shuǐ niú jiǎo 水牛角 Bubali Cornu water buffalo horn
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
shēng dì huang 生地黃(生地黄) Rehmanniae Radix Chinese Foxglove root
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
xī jiǎo 犀角 Rhinoceri Cornu rhinoceros horn
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
xuán shēn 玄參 (玄参) Scrophulariae Radix scrophularia
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮 Moutan Cortex tree peony root bark
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
zǐ cǎo 紫草 Lithospermi Radix groomwell root
CH Cool B
Which category is this herb from?
huáng qín 黃芩 (黄芩) Scutellariae Radix baical skullcap root
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
huáng lián 黃連 (黄连) Coptidis Rhizoma coptis rhizome
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
huáng bǎi 黃柏 (黄柏) Phellodendri Cortex phellodendron bark
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
lóng dǎn cǎo 龍膽草(龙胆草) Gentianae Radix Chinese gentian root
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
kǔ shēn 苦參 (苦参) Sophorae flavescentis Radix sophora root
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
qín pí 秦皮 Fraxini Cortex Korean ash bark
CH Dry D
Which category is this herb from?
jīn yín huā 金銀花(金银花) Lonicerae Flos honeysuckle flower
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
rěn dōng téng 忍冬藤 Lonicerae Caulis honeysuckle vine
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
lián qiào 連翹 (连翘) Forsythiae Fructus forsythia fruit
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
dà qīng yè 大青葉(大青叶) Isatidis Folium woad leaf
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
nán bǎn lán yè 南板藍葉(南板蓝叶) Baphicacanthis Folium baphicacanthus leaf
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
běi bǎn lán gēn (bǎn lán gēn) 北板藍根(北板蓝根) Isatidis Radix woad root
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
bǎn lán gēn (nán bǎn lán gēn) 板藍根(南板蓝根) Baphicacanthis cusiae Rhizoma et Radix baphicacanthus root
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
qīng dài 青黛 Indigo naturalis indigo
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
pú gōng yīng 蒲公英 Taraxaci Herba dandelion
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
zǐ huā dì dīng 紫花地丁 Violae Herba violet
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
sī guā luò 絲瓜絡(丝瓜络) Luffae Fructus Retinervus loofah
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
bài jiàng cǎo 敗醬草(败酱草) Patriniae Herba patrinia
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
yú xīng cǎo 魚腥草(鱼腥草) Houttuyniae Herba houttuynia
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
chóng lóu (zǎo xiū) 蚤休 Paridis Rhizoma paris rhizome
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
zǎo xiū (chóng lóu; sào xiū) 蚤休 Paridis Rhizoma paris rhizome
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
chuān xīn lián 穿心蓮(穿心莲) Andrographitis Herba andrographis
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
bái huā shé shé cǎo 白花蛇舌草 Hedyotis diffusae Herba oldenlandia; hedyotis
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
bái tóu wēng 白頭翁(白头翁) Pulsatillae Radix Chinese anemone root
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
wěi líng cài 委陵菜(萎陵菜) Potentillae chinensis Herba Chinese Sliverweed/cinquefoil
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
yā dǎn zǐ 鴉膽子(鸦胆子) Bruceae Fructus java brucea fruit
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
mǎ chǐ xiàn 馬齒莧(马齿苋) Portulacae Herba purslane
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
lǜ dòu 綠豆 (绿豆) Phaseoli radiati Semen mung bean
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
hóng téng 紅藤 (红藤) Sargentodoxae Caulis sargentodoxa vine
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
bái xiān pí 白鮮皮(白鲜皮) Dictamni Cortex dictamnus root bark
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
tǔ fú ling 土茯苓 Smilacis glabrae Radix smilax
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
mǎ bó 馬勃 (马勃) Lasiosphaera/Calvatia puffball fruiting body
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
shān dòu gēn 山豆根 Sophorae tonkinensis Radix bushy sophora
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
shè gān 射干 Belamcandae Rhizoma belamcanda rhizome
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
lòu lú 漏蘆 (漏芦) Rhapontici Radix rhaponticum root
CH Tox
Which category is this herb from?
qīng hāo 青蒿 Artemisiae annuae Herba sweet wormwood
CH Defic
Which category is this herb from?
dì gǔ pí 地骨皮 Lycii Cortex cortex of wolfberry (gou qi) root
CH Defic
Which category is this herb from?
bái wéi 白薇 Cynanchi atrati radix swallowwort root
CH Defic
Which category is this herb from?
yín chái hú (“Silver Barbarian’s Kindling”) 銀柴胡 (银柴胡) Stellariae Radix stellaria root
CH Defic
Which category is this herb from?
hú huáng lián (“Barbarian Yellow Link”) 胡黃連(胡黄连) Picrorhizae Rhizoma picrorhiza rhizome
CH Defic
Which category is this herb from?
dà huang 大黃 (大黄) Rhei Radix et Rhizoma rhubarb root and rhizome
Drain Down Purge
Which category is this herb from?
máng xiāo 芒硝 Natrii Sulfas Na2SO4•10 H2O Sodium Sulfate
Drain Down Purge
Which category is this herb from?
fān xiè yè 番瀉葉(番泻叶) Sennae Folium senna leaf
Drain Down Purge
Which category is this herb from?
lú huì 蘆薈 (芦荟) Aloe aloe leaf sap
Drain Down Purge
Which category is this herb from?
huǒ má rén (dà má rén) 火麻仁 (大麻仁) Cannabis Semen cannabis/hemp seeds
Drain Down Lax
Which category is this herb from?
yù lǐ rén 郁李仁 Pruni Semen bush cherry pit
Drain Down Lax
Which category is this herb from?
qiān niú zǐ 牽牛子(牵牛子) Pharbitidis Semen morning glory seeds
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
gān suì 甘遂 Kansui Radix Kan-Sui root
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
hóng dà jǐ 紅大戟(红大戟) Knoxiae Radix knoxia root
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
jīng dà jǐ 京大戟 Euphorbiae pekinensis Radix euphorbia root
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
yuán huā 芫花 Genkwa Flos genkwa flower
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
bā dòu 巴豆 Crotonis Fructus croton seed
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
shāng lù 商陸 (商陆) Phytolaccae Radix Poke weed
Drain Down Harsh
Which category is this herb from?
fú ling 茯苓 Polyporaceae (fungus) poria
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
fú líng (chì fú líng) 赤茯苓 Polyporaceae (fungus) red poria
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
fú líng pí 茯苓皮 Polyporaceae (fungus) poria peel
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
fú shen 茯神 Polyporaceae (fungus) poria center
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
zhū ling 豬苓(猪苓) Polyporaceae (fungus) polyporus
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
zé xiè 澤瀉(泽泻) Alismatis Rhizoma water plantain
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁 Coicis Semen Job’s Tears
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
chē qián zǐ 車前子(车前子) Plantaginis Semen plantago seeds
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
huá shí 滑石 Talcum: Mg3(Si4O10)(OH)2 talcum (mineral)
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
mù tōng 木通 Akebiae Caulis akebia caulis
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
tōng cǎo 通草 Tetrapanacis Medulla rice paper plant pith
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
dēng xīn cǎo 燈心草(灯心草) Junci Medulla rush pith
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
qú mài 瞿麥 (瞿麦) Dianthi Herba dianthus
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
biǎn xù 萹蓄 Polygoni avicularis Herba knotweed
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
shí wéi 石韋 (石韦) Pyrrosiae Folium pyrrosia leaf
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
dì fū zǐ 地膚子(地肤子) Kochiae Fructus broom cypress
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
dōng guā rén/zǐ 冬瓜仁(冬瓜子) Benincasae Semen winter melon seed
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
dōng kuí zǐ/guǒ 冬葵子(冬葵果) Malvae Fructus mallow fruit
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
bì xiè (bèi xiè) 萆薢 Dioscoreae hypoglaucae Rhizoma tokoro
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
jīn qián cǎo 金錢草(金钱草) Lysimachiae Herba lysimachia
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
chì xiǎo dòu 赤小豆 Phaseoli Semen adzuki bean (red bean)
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
yīn chén hāo (yīn chén; mián yīn chén) 茵陳蒿(茵陈蒿) Artemisiae scopariae Herba virgate wormwood
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
hàn fáng jǐ (fáng jǐ) 漢防己(汉防己) Stephaniae tetrandrae Radix stephania root
Drain D
Which category is this herb from?
dú huó 獨活 (独活) Angelicae pubescentis Radix angelica root
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
wēi líng xiān 威靈仙(威灵仙) Clematidis Radix Chinese clematis root
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
hǎi tóng pí 海桐皮 Erythrinae Cortex erythrina bark
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
mù guā 木瓜 Chaenomelis Fructus Chinese quince fruit
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
cán shā 蠶砂 (蚕沙) Bombycis Faeces silkworm feces
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
sāng jì shēng 桑寄生 Taxilli Herba mulberry mistletoe
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
wǔ jiā pí 五加皮 Eleutherococci gracilistyli Cortex Siberian Ginseng
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
hǎi fēng téng 海風藤(海风藤) Piperis kadsurae Caulis kadsura pepper stem
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
qín jiāo 秦艻 Gentianae macrophyllae Radix large gentian root
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
qiān nián jiàn 千年健 Homalomenae Zhizoma homalomena zhizome
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
sāng zhī 桑枝 Mori Ramulus mulberry twig
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
xī xiān cǎo 豨薟草(稀莶草) Siegesbeckiae Herba siegesbeckia
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
luò shí téng 絡石藤(络石藤) Trachelospermi Caulis star jasmine stem
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
bái huā shé (qí shé) 白花蛇(蘄蛇/蕲蛇) Agkistrodon agkistrodon
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
wū shāo shé 烏梢蛇(乌梢蛇) Zaocys black striped snake
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
shé tuì 蛇蛻(蛇蜕) Serpentis Periostracum snake skin slough
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
sōng jié 松節 (松节) Pini Lignum nodi knotty pine wood
Dispel WD
Which category is this herb from?
qián hú 前胡 Peucedani Radix hogfennel root
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
chuān bèi mǔ 川貝母(川贝母) Fritillariae cirrhosae Bulbus Sichuan fritillaria bulb
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
zhè bèi mǔ 浙貝母(浙贝母) Fritillariae thunbergii Bulbus Zhejiang fritillaria bulb
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
guā lóu 瓜蔞 (瓜蒌) Trichosanthis Fructus trichosanthes fruit
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
guā lóu pí 瓜蔞皮(瓜蒌皮) Trichosanthis Pericarpium trichosanthes peel
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
guā lóu rén 瓜蔞仁(瓜蒌仁) Trichosanthis Semen trichosanthes seed
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
tiān zhú huáng 天竺黃(天竺黄) Bambusae Concretio silicea bamboo sugar
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
zhú lì 竹瀝 (竹沥) Bambusae Succus bamboo sap
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
zhú rú 竹茹 Bambusae Caulis in taeniam bamboo shavings
Transform PH
Which category is this herb from?
fú hǎi shí (fú shí) 浮海石 Pumex Pumice
Transform PH