Catcher of the Rye Vocab Ch. 1-13 Flashcards
Bawl (v.)
Weep or Cry noisily
Crude (adj.)
Make people uncomfotable
Fiend (n.)
Crazy or addicted to something
-A book fiend
Incognito (adj.)
Having one’s true identity concealed
Latter (adj.)
Occurring nearer to the end of something
Lavish (adj.)
Rich, elaborate, or luxurious
Monotonous (adj.)
Dull, Tedious, Repetitive, Boring
Nonchalant (adj.)
Appearing calm or relaxed
Ostracize (v.)
Excluding from a society or group
Peculiar (adj.)
Strange, Odd, Unusual
Putrid (adj.)
Decaying or rotting and emitting a horrid smell
Unscrupulous (adj.)
Having no moral principles
Recuperate (v.)
Recover or regain from illness or exertion
Sadistic (adj.)
Pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, and humiliation
Suave (adj.)
Charming, confident, elegant, sophisticated