catagory Flashcards
clear phelgm heat
Qian hu zhi bei mu chuan bei mu Gou Lou Gou Ren Gou Lou PI zhu ru hai zao tian zhu zhu li
bAI XIAO BAI FU ZI Bai Jie zi Jie geng Xuan fu hua tian nan xing Bai Qian ...ban chayew
Wind cold
Ma Huang GUIs Zhi Zi Su Ye Jin jie Fang Feng Qiang Huo Bai Zhi Xi Xin Sheng Jiang Xiang ru Gao Ben Cang Er Zi Xin yin Hua Cong Bai
Wind heat
Bo he Chan Tui Sang Ye Ju Hua Ge gen Chan tui Sheng ma Niu bang zi Man Jing zi Dan Dou chi Mu zey
Clear heat drain fire
Shi hao Zhi mu Zhi zi Dan zhu Ye Xian U.K. CAO Tian Hua fen Lu gen Jie Ming zi Lian xi Xin Xi Gua
clear toxcitity
Resolve toxicity Jin yIn hua
Lian qiao
Ban Lan GEN ..Dr bei banny
Pu Gong Yin
Zi Hua Di Ding ..zi hua in Ginga city ..deep rooted toxic
Ye Ju Hua
Qing Dai …King die ..a bad king ..he is hot blooded king of toxic desert ..convusion..
Da QING YE…duck king was hot blooded
Ren Dong Teng ..dr rooney
Bai Jiang Cao ..Buy YOUNG COUW …..intestinal abcess
Yu xing cao …you king cow got lung abcess
Bai hua she she cao ..when tom found out his pregrant
Ban zhi lian is a Bombay is a city of pregrant lian
Bai Tou weng…wegnawe
Man Chi Xian…manchiey
Ya Dan zi …yadane enat died from breast n colon
Shan ci gu
Chuan xin lian
She Gan
Tu Fu ling …empror too fooling he spent fooling around in jungle c
Bai Xian Pi
Lu dou
Shan dou Gan …smoking indian loves tobaco
Bai Lian …baley beyayegne
He Ye
Hong teng
Shui Niu Jiao ...water buffalo ..x jiao xuan shen sheng di mu dan pi xi jiao Zi Cao ------------------------ Yin Chai Hu Bai WEI
clear heat n dry damp
damp heat
Huang qin Huang Lian Huang Bai Long Dan Cao Ku shen Qin PI hu hu huan lian
clear def heat
he ye * di gu pi qiang hao bai wei yin chai hu
da huang
mang xiao
Fan Xie ye heat in LI..Chronic n acute
lu hui : lewi hotel ..guests..parasite consitpatin
MOISTEN hUO MA REN YU LI REN YU LI YA NA ..when she was pregrant ..edema HARISH QIAN NIU ZI china new cty Gan sui .. Gana n swizerland DA jI... YUAN HUA BA DOU
drain damp
leach out dampness
Fu Ling Zhu Ling,.zuliya ze xie...zi ash husband Yi Yi Ren cHE Qian Zi. a Sefer Hua shi talcum mu tong. Mukhtar deng xin cao qu mai bian xu she wei di fu zi dong gua zi dong kui zi bi xie.......Bay Yay yin chen hao Han Fang Ji
dispel wind damp
stop pain , expel wind damp Du Huo Wei Ling xian HaI Tong pI..tequaye tomi qIN Jiao ninajao
unblock channel n smooth tendon
Mu Gua…mu gabye
Sang zHi …san Jorge beer ..
xi xian cao …
Bai Hua She
tonify Lv/K
wu jia pi…since she paid lv n k is warm
Sang Ji sheng …………………competition ..nourish yin and blood
strengthen sinew
xi xian cao
qin jiao
wu jia pi
mu gua
stop cough
xing ren zi wan ...cough dt wind c Ext \+ Kuan dong hua zi su zi pi pa ye bai bu sang bai pi ..caused by heat ting li zi ...cough worsen when lying flat n edema face gua di Luo hAN GUO
dry damp
xiang huo cang zhu bai dou kou cao dou kou sha ren cao Guo hou po
reg q
chen pi... qing pi....immature zhi ke zhi shi ....immature Da Fu pi Xiang Fu Chuan lian zi
Wu Yao
Chen xiang
Tian xiang
Da Fu pi….* Di Fu Zi. Degefa …drain damp
Xie Bai*bi xie. Drain damp
Fo shou
LI Zhi he
stop bleeding
San QI: warm , jamed traffic , swollen , painfully tenado
* stops bleeding wz causing blood stasi
Pu Huang ..kibrua , blood stasis and stop bleeding , driniking coffee
Qian Cao Gen…pizza
Di Yu: family n opponent are trying to genrate fleshy from westerners, …they restrain whey zey want, inhibits in this kind of selifhs
Huai Hua:why me? I burn the fire
Ce Bai Ye: elbal…why there is cough, phlegmy , we need to promote healing of burns
Bai Mao Gen: Bayemokenim …cold response, SWEET talk , cafe ..PU
Xian He Cao: shiabiya, parasite ,chronic dirrhea , restrain leakage, and astringent any informa from BBC
AI yE : w-c-d damp, infertility ,calm fetus , cold in zfetus , itching at her fetus
Bai Ji : antibotic ..check it out ..apply Bai Ji to generate flesh n reduce swelling..
Da Ji: dagi …HTN, GB, ..taking reduce swelling and genrate flesh
Xiao Ji: worked serious hot blood, ..those alchollic fight dt theri toxicity …helps their abcess…also she clean up theri pee …she hates..their D-Heat Jaundice ..n Hep B
invig bleeding
chuan xiong* qi herb in the blood Shoyang , Ju yin , wind
dan shen
Yan Hu Suo
Yu Jin, GB, Janduience, cold, sooth lv ,generate circe,jamed room to relieve my anxiety n seizure
Jiang Huang
Yi Mu Cao
zE lAN
Chi shao
hONG hua
E ZHU..accumulation
San Leng: accumulation, break up stag
Ru XIANG: sinew, promote qi, genreate flesh , yemeyasabitute ..reduce swelling
mO yAO* no Mu YAO ..reg qi
promote healing, generate flesh
hUAO nIU xi
Chuan Niu XI
Wang bu liu xing
Wa Leng ZI …why long wait ..acid refulx, pain, old phlegm
Liu Ji Nu : Jin stag, burning in z st
Wu Ling zhi: wuye yeheye lig ..jam traffic.. chilhood nuitrition impairment, pain
Jiang Huang: descending qi, w-d pain , unblock menses
warm interior
Fu zi Chuan Wu Cao Wu Gan Jiang Rou Gui Wu Zhu YU Chuan jiao Gao Liang Jiang Ding xiang Xiao Hui Xiang Bi Ba Hu jIAO
qi tonic
Yi Tang
Bia bIAN dOU: be bado hode ..tx summer heat, poisioning
drinking summer heat liquid wz empty tx my posion
gAN cAO gashaow ..harmonzie other herbs
DA ZAO…da zao sweet ..harmonize other herbs
Bai zhu..bezhu
shan yao…: shagnawe
Huang qi: oh chi
Dang shen: Doc
Ren shen : Aranshi
Tai zi shen….taizhen …summer heat..good for childern tonify qi n yin
CI wu jia
sha jI
blood tonic
shu di huang Dang Gui bai shao e jioa gou qi zi sang shen gently nouirsh n cools blood n yin, moisten intestine..the old blood tonic that is cold Long yao rou He shou wu all enter in the lv except long yao rou
Lu rong Dong Chon xiao cao Ze He che ----------------------- Rou Cong Rong Yin yang huo tu si zi DU ZHONG xu duan ba ji tian....banchi working in Tiens XIAN MAO ...shenma Yi ZHI REN ...ZEY CALL HIM..EASY REN Bu Gu zhi...BUGUINCH...VITILAGO ...WARM AREAS gu sui bu...Nigusey
Yang qi shi…gate of vitality
suo yang….soya bean..angela ..her sinew strong..kebir..consitpation ..
Hu Tao Ren
yin yonic
sha shen…nodulam sha shey
SHi HU…..SHO-WOLF ..loved to nourish st yin by eating rabbits
TMD she drinks cold water to cool her yin def from Smoking
BAI HE…baye n bayhuish
Yu zhu…eyu yeneh sweet…her lu n st completely attacked by dry-heat n yin def …..aftriad of future complexity of Steam bone disorder..
Mo Han Lian ..Han LiAN cAO…MY HAND.Dr.Called bloody
Gui belo layegne …my yang always subdued…lv yang rising
Nu zhen zi
Hei zhi ma
Gui Ban
Bie Jia: be jap boat .. young salior ..wz big sailors n invog blood…from mensturation led the back….I lost appeite…
Hei zhi ma…lubricate intestine..extinguish wind..
shan zhu yu..shenju wtatu ..fight wz huang qi
wu wei zi..wu beye her spirit is distrubed…
Fu Pen zi …sweet raspberry for thanksgiving for Albert
jin ying zi…JIn ..yehen ..”ORS” sitegate to stop her diarreha ..her lower burner k,bl..n LI affected
fu xiao mai Full of SHEMIya
Ma Huang Gen …mawa gin…lied wz neutral face why she is sweating at any weather..
Sang Piao Xiao ..sanbaw ashito ehna and adiko ..
Hai pai xiao..hai poli pi pa smoking…bleeding massively
wu mei: wuye eneyahye …mumi fruit tegne beya …eating bleeding …2 much..parasite
He zi ezi behyte
Wu Bei Zi ..weye bezye ..still remember surgical
bai guo…Bego sira meraht always sweet..
Lian ZI ….I went to France
rou dou kou..
Qian shi
chi shi zhi…
Yu Yu Liang
Chun pi ..CHU CHU..BELGA ……HER Intestine is full of parasite ..hard to believe ..winnie……dt lack of cool heat…i did bloodletting…n moxa to dry damp
Shan zhu yu
calm shen
suan zao ren
bai zi ren
yuan zhi
he huan pi…chinese high junpiee…lv qi stag
ye jiao teng..nourish HT, BLOOD , ALEVITATE ITCHING
.ye diewe tenke ….pain …blood n unblocks channel …all the roads n collaterals are blocked ..hard to expel any part of the way ..ppl r jumps across the reaod
long gu..2007 ..hard to calm my spirit, my HT always scattered. had always floating YANG..alway anxiety
For non-healing sores
MU LI ..Soften nodules, benefits YIN
ci shi
zhen zhu :Generate flesh,superficial obstruction,settles tremors and palpitation
DAI ZHI SHI…***Strongly directs rebellious qi ,cool blood , stop bleeding
BAI jI lI Brigthen the eyes
extinguish internal wind
gou teng
tian ma
bai ji li
shu jue ming
di long
dai zhi shi
skin herbs
ku shen di gu pi bai xian pi she chuan zi zi cao
external herb
she chuang zi she chuang zi san
dry damp, kill parasite , relieve itiching …
open orifices
shi chang pu
bing pian
she xiang
niu huang