CAT modeling Flashcards
CAT models are recent tool that combine various sciences to help better quantify
risk posed by natural disasters such as hurricanes and EQs
CAT models used by
- insurers & reinsurers: to assess their exposure to risk
- reinsurance brokers: to assess risk for their clients to send to reinsurers
- capital markets: to price CAT bonds
- regulators: to assess insurer work
- emergency management agencies: to determine impact of actual event and coordinate emergency response to areas most likely in need
for insurers and reinsurers that are exposed to CAT risk, the use of a CAT model helps facilitate 2 main risk management strategies:
- risk reduction: primarily included non-renewing policies, limiting coverage offered, increasing deductibles, and increasing rats
- risk transfer: primarily includes purchasing reinsurance or issuing CAT bonds
regular statistical tools used are often inappropriate for applying to CAT losses because
- there is insufficient historical claim data for CATs
- limited data that is available is often inappropriate due to changing factors
CAT models have 4 components
- hazard module: simulates natural disasters based on probabilities of different event parameters
- inventory module: contains properties at risk and their characteristics; exposure module
- vulnerability module: estimates susceptibility to damage of each property given a specific simulated CAT and property info
- loss module: quantifies the direct (physical damage) & indirect (business interruption or relocation costs) loss of event on each property
Hazard Module has 3 main parameters
- location: EQ locations depend on locations of fault or seismic zones, hurricanes are more likely to occur in certain areas
- frequency: parameter has biggest uncertainty
- severity: includes multiple characteristics
hazard module process in general
- historical data can be used to generate initial probability distributions for this module but those distributions are generally refined with scientific knowledge
- when CAT model is run, module would simulate a large # of possible events based on probability distributions of event parameters
- for each simulated event, module would also estimate intensity of event at different specific locations
- models can estimate losses for entire industry, single insurer’s portfolio, individual risks
- depends on _____ ____ into model
inventory input
for aggregate analysis of modeled regions, modelers construct annually updatable databases from government and private sources that includes # of properties and their values broken down by
Occupancy type (important for estimating contents damage
Construction type (most important variable for damageability
more detailed the input
more reliable the output
for modeling important individual buildings
insurer can conduct a site-specific analysis to obtain more detailed info for input into models
Vulnerability Module
estimates damage to properties from simulated events
there are several approaches to obtain relationship between hazard and resulting damage
- engineering judgement: based on expert opinion
- building response analysis: based on advanced engineering techniques
- class-based building response analysis: modify building response analysis to make it more appropriate for portfolio risk assessment; divides risks into different classes of buildings based on building characteristics
engineering judgement advantage and disadvantage
- advantage=simple
- disadvantage=arbitrary and not easy to update as new info becomes available
building response analysis advantage and disadvantage
- advantage=more accurate
- disadvantage=being based on specific buildings and thus not appropriate to apply for entire portfolio of policies
2 steps of class-based building response analysis
a. ID of typical buildings
- typical building from each class is analyzed in detail
b. evaluation of building performance
- for each class, relationship between intensity of force and level of expected damage of typical building is generated
- this is applied to all buildings in class
- enables generation of damage ratios which are ratios of repair cost to replacement cost; damage ratios and functions are created for each coverage
- when model is run for actual portfolio, model would look up damage ratios for each building for each simulated event in order to calculate expected damage
Loss Module: 2 main approaches to determine monetary loss from a CAT event
- link the event parameters directly to expected loss
- primarily based on expert opinion
- cannot be easily updated to reflect new construction techniques, building codes etc. - estimate physical damage from event and use cost analysis to translate this into monetary loss
3 types of exceedance probability curves
- Occurrence exceedance probability
- probability that loss for at least 1 event exceeds specified loss amount during a given time period
- useful to insurer interested in buying per occurrence XOL - aggregate exceedance probability
- probability that sum of all losses exceeds specified loss amount during a given time period
- useful to insurer interested in buying aggregate reinsurance - conditional exceedance probability
- probability that amount on single event exceeds a specified loss amount given that the event occurs
- useful to insurer in setting reserves after event occurs
based on graph of exceedance probability
insurers can decide what level of risk is tolerable and make risk management decisions to deal with unacceptable levels of risk
in general, there are 2 conditions for insurer to be willing to provide coverage to a risk:
- ability to identify and quantify probability of event and severity of loss
- ability to set premiums for each customer
because risk is insurable, doesn’t mean
its profitable so insurer needs to charge rate that is both profitable and produces adequate demand (ie affordable)
considerations in setting rates for CAT events
State regulations
Uncertainty of losses
Highly correlated losses (CAT losses are not independent; do not follow law of large #s, single event can produce significant losses)
Adverse selection
Moral hazard
Liquidity of assets (liquid assets produce lower returns so need to charge higher premium to reflect this opportunity cost)
4 ratemaking principles
CAT models help devise rates that follow them:
- rate is estimate of expected value of future costs
- rate provides for all costs associated with transfer of risk
- rate provides for costs associated with individual risk transfer
- rate is reasonable and not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory if it is actuarially sound estimate of expected value of all future costs associated with individual risk transfer
cat model can help determine both
the AAL and risk load
model can help determine equitable AAL for different risks based on
- structure attributes: these relate to physical performance of building during a cat
- location attributes: these relate to proximity and susceptibility to hazard of building
regulators have historically not been supportive of use of cat models in ratemaking because
- it is difficult for regulators to evaluate modes since they require subject matter experts
- modeling firms are unwilling to share key proprietary elements of their models especially in states that require government documents to be publicly available
- models present a conflict for regulators since they present a scientifically rational approach to quantifying potential risk but models could also be used by insurers as justification for charging higher rates
- note there are some publicly available cat models that can be used by regulators to compare with models created by private companies
2 main ways to incorporate uncertainty into cat models
- logic trees
- simulation techniques
logic trees
- displays alternative parameter values or mathematical relationships along with associated weights for each alternative
- alternatives are weighted together to produce estimates for each parameter or relationship
- advantages: tractability, usefulness as tool to communicate risk
- disadvantages: weights are often based on expert opinion and may be biased
simulation techniques
- simulation can be used to model a real system by building a model that attempts to replicate system’s behavior
- can be used to handle more complicated scenarios than logic trees can handle and can be sued to derive probability distributions
- unlike logic trees, can be used for both discrete and continuous distributions
can also use exceedance probability curves using a combo of logic trees and simulation
- under this method, each brand of logic tree represents alternative that samples from a probability distribution using a simulation
- each branch can generate its own EP curve
- can calculate a mean, median, and Cis for a combined EP curve using curves for different branches
- similar to concept of combining EP curves from different branches of logic tree within same model is concept of combining EP curves from different models
- model users deal with uncertainty of modeling by weighting together outputs of multiple models
3 special issues insurers need to account for in managing their portfolio risk
- data quality
- insurers need to make sure their data is sued in inventory module is accurate
- increasing data quality can reduce epistemic uncertainty
- particularly true for important variables like construction type or age of building - uncertainty modeling
- losses should not be allocated to stakeholders based solely on expected value but instead based on probability distributions - impact of correlation
- having a more diversified portfolio reduces risk of single event resulting in damages to large portion of portfolio
residential v commerical policies
- residential policies have single location with limits by coverage and usually a single deductible; insurer should have moderately detailed data about properties
- commercial policies may have buildings in multiple locations covered by the same policy; each building would usually have high replacement cost and there may be limits and deductibles that vary by location in addition to policy level limits and deductibles; given larger amount of risk, insurer should have highly detailed data about these properties
when deciding whether or not to add a new policy to portfolio, underwriters should consider
Magnitude of risk
Correlation with existing portfolio
Highest price that risk is willing to pay
-cat models help make decision more objective by quantifying risk posed
Bottom up approach to portfolio modeling
- following steps:
1. model losses at location level
2. aggregate losses across all locations for each policy
3. aggregate losses across all policies for each portfolio
4. if insurer has multiple portfolios, aggregate losses across portfolios - instead of aggregating losses for entire portfolio, insurers can also aggregate losses by zip code
- can use this work to identify high risk zip codes for which they might want to limit their exposure, possibly by curtailing new business
- losses by stakeholder can be visualized with loss diagrams
in case with multiple portfolios
diversification across portfolios reduces impact of individual events to insurer
company has decided to minimize risk. Explain which portfolio the insurer should
Looking at the portfolios, you can visually see that portfolios 1 and 3 are positively correlated and both are negatively correlated with portfolio 2. To increase diversification, we should eliminate either portfolio 1 or 3. Since the standard deviation is higher for portfolio 3 than for portfolio 1, we should eliminate portfolio 3.
potential problems with using catastrophe models for ratemaking.
- Model to model variance - the same input could produce very different results if another model is used.
- Public acceptance - the public has been slow to accept the models since they generally result in higher rates.
- Regulators have not widely accepted the use of models. It requires expertise to evaluate,modeling firms don’t release all proprietary aspects of models, and they often result in rate increases.
- They lie outside most actuaries’ expertise. Therefore, actuaries must rely on outside experts. However, actuaries should still have a basic understanding of the model, validate results and inputs, and determine if it is appropriate for its intended purpose.
exceedance probability curve represents.
An exceedance probability curve shows all possible levels of loss and the probability that the loss level will be exceeded in a given period of time. An occurrence EP curve shows the probability that at least 1 loss will exceed the loss level, while an aggregate EP curve shows the probability that the sum of all losses will exceed the loss level.
common uses for exceedance probability curves.
• Calculate the PML for a given payout period.
• Calculate if the portfolio meets a solvency goal.
• Decide what proportion of risks should be ceded to reinsurers.
• Used to calculate average annual loss.
• Set level of conservativeness, such as PML in 1/X chance.
• Used to find a strategy to change the portfolio if it is currently above the level of
• Used by emergency response units to determine where damage might be and build strategies in times of catastrophes.
• Used when running logic trees. Instead of using point estimates, each branch of the tree can have its own exceedance probability curve for the different outcomes, which can then be combined.
• Emergency management services can use them to evaluate the potential risk of some regions and plan evacuations.
• Reinsurance brokers can use them to evaluate the level of risk in their portfolios and estimate the impact of accepting new risks.