CAT H Flashcards
Why is it important to look ahead during a swoop toward other jumpers in freefall?
To see others and avoid a collision
What is the fastest way to slow down from a freefall swoop approach?
Slow fall position with arms forward and knees down
What is the danger of a loose or worn main container closing loop?
Premature deployment
Why must three-ring release cables be cleaned periodically?
Sludge-like dirt and oil deposits cause them to bind.
If you see that you have begun to turn too low to the ground for a safe landing, what should be your first response?
Neutralize the turn and get the canopy overhead.
What effect does pulling on the front risers have on the canopy?
Dramatic increase in rate of descent
When performing front riser maneuvers, what should you do with the toggles?
Keep them in your hands.
What are the two biggest dangers of front-riser maneuvers near the ground?
Collisions with other jumpers, collision with the ground
What are some of the possible results of a turn made too low to the ground?
Serious injury or death
Describe your procedure for landing in water.
Inflate flotation device, disconnect chest strap and RSL, prepare for PLF, face into wind, flare, hold breath, cut away once feet are wet, remove leg straps, swim upwind; if under the canopy, dive deep and swim away or follow one seam until out from underneath.
What is the maximum percentage of visible wear allowable on a main closing loop?
Ten percent
Can a jump be legally made from an aircraft without an operating radio?
What is the least notification the FAA requires before any jump or series of jumps may be made?
One hour
Where can a pilot look to determine if a plane is approved for flight with the door removed?
AC 105.2, Appendix 2, or aircraft owner’s manual
Whose name will the FAA require when filing a notification for parachute jumping?
Person giving notice