CAT - Administration Flashcards
What are the payment dates for CAT?
1/1/2020 to 31/8/2020 payment and filing date 31/10/2020
1/9/2020 to 31/12/2020 payment and filing date 31/10/2021
What is the interest rate for late payment of CAT?
Interest of .0219% per day.
In the case of agricultural or business property, the daily interest rate is reduced to 0.0164% i.e. 75% of the normal rate.
What is the surcharge for a late return?
If less than two months late 5% - Max €12,695
Two months or more late 10% - Max €63,485
What is the surcharge for Incorrect market value of property returned on your tax return?
% of market value returned Surcharge
< 40% 30%
40% to 50% 20%
50% to 67% 10%
Which CAT can be paid in instalments?
The only CAT that can be paid by instalments is if the beneficiary takes:
- An absolute interest in Land and Buildings or
- A limited interest in any property.
Along with each instalment interest at 8% per annum must also be paid.
What are the specifics of using CGT as a credit against CAT?
Where both CGT/CAT are payable on the same event CGT is allowed as a credit against the CAT.
This relief is clawed back if the asset is sold within two years.
What are the intestacy rules of CAT? (e.g. no will)
Spouse no children: spouse takes all
Spouse with children: spouse ⅔, children ⅓
Children no spouse: children take all
No spouse no children: parents take all
No spouse no children no parents: brothers and sisters take all
What are the legal rights of a spouse (in relation to a will)?
With Children:⅓
No children: ½
Children have no legal right