Casual 06 Flashcards
ENTICE [ɪn’taɪs]
The adverts entice the customer into buy ing things they don’t really want.
RUMINATION [ˌruːmɪ’neɪʃ(ə)n]
1) жевание жвачки 2) размышление
предварительный, предполагаемый, неуверенный, осторожный
I have made tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in July.
вторгаться, покушаться, посягать (на чужое)
What the government is proposing encroaches on the rights of individuals.
I resent it that my job is starting to encroach on my family life.
грубая ошибка, промах, просчёт
There are plenty of office etiquette blunders that disrupt productivity
колебаться, быть нестабильным, неопределённым (о данных, процентах, ценах)
Inflation is hovering at three percent.
BREACH [briːʧ]
брешь, пролом, нарушение (закона, обязательств)
He was sued for breach of contract.
There have been serious security breaches (= breaks in our security system).
Office etiquette breaches are just one of many reasons for employee disengagement.
отставание; запаздывание, задержка
HR Magazine once estimaated that employee tardiness cost US companies over $3 billion dollars each year.
MITIGATE [‘mɪtɪgeɪt]
смягчать, уменьшать
Mitigate the problem.
The company was criticized for failing to mitigate risks at the plant.
вознаграждение, оплата, компенсация
They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.