Castle Flashcards
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What was the objective of Gastman et al 2019 JAAD?
To assess risk prediction by the 31-GEP test within 3 low risk populations of patients with cutaneous melanoma
In Gastman et al 2019 JAAD what were the 3 low risk populations (per AJCC)?
- Those with less than or equal to 1mm tumors [T1a&b]
- Those with Stage I and IIA tumors (Up to 2mm with ulceration and up to 4mm w/o ulceration)
- Those with SLN neg tumors
What are the characteristics of a path stage IA tumor?
A stage IA tumor is T1 and can be:
T1a (<8mm w/o ulceration)
T1b (<8mm w/ ulceration or 0.9 or 1.0 without ulceration)
What are the characteristics of a path stage IB tumor?
A stage IB tumor is T2a
(1.1-2 w/o ulceration)
What are the characteristics of a path stage IIA tumor?
A stage IIA tumor is T2b or a T3a
T2b (1.1-2 w/ ulceration)
T3a (2.1-4.0 w/o ulceration)
Where did the 690 Gastman 2019 JAAD patients come from?
All from previous studies:
Gerami et al. CCR 2015
Gerami et al. JAAD 2015
Zager et al. BMC Cancer 2018
What was the median Breslow Thickness in Gastman JAAD 2019
How many of the 690 patients in Gastman JAAD 2019 were tested for SLN and how many were positive and negative.
Of 690, 459 were tested and 200 were positive (259 were negative)
How do we know that the 690 patients in Gastman 2019 JAAD were not Cherry-Picked?
Supplemental Table 1 shows that these 690 patients show the same melanoma-specific survival for stages I, II and III as the AJCC 8th edition International Melanoma database shows.
What is the definition of recurrence-free survival?
Disease Free Survival (a special case of Progression Free Survival) after surgery to completely remove all visible cancer. In this case “progression” means the patient has had a recurrence.
- key is specifics regarding what was included and excluded as recurrence events
- even more importantly how an event was ascertained
- NEVER used in metastatic patients (even complete responders)
What is the definition of distant metastasis-free survival?
Time from a defined start point (diagnosis, or beginning of treatment) to appearance of a distant metastasis. A distant metastasis refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also known as distant cancer.
What is the definition of melanoma-specific survival?
The length of time from either the date of diagnosis or the start of treatment for melanoma to the date of death from the melanoma. Patients who die from causes unrelated to the melanoma are not counted in this measurement.
In Gastman 2019 JAAD what key conclusion was reached on the full 690 patients before the 3 subgroups were analyzed?
- For the 690 patients, Castle 1A and 2B survival curves show a significant split (RFS, DMFS, MSS).
In the 259/690 Gastman 2019 JAAD SLN negative patients what were the two key conclusions?
- SLN-neg/Castle 2B had a worse KM survival curve than did SLN-neg/Castle 1A.
- Castle 2 identified about 3/4 of all node negative patients with events
In the 393/690 Gastman2019 JAAD “low risk” defined as no mets, non-ulcerated to 4mm and ulcerated to 2mm (Stage I to IIA) what were the two key conclusions?
- Stage I-II/Castle 2B had a worse KM survival curve than did Stage I-II/Castle 1A (and behaved more like T3b tumors compared to Castle 1A like T1a tumors)
- Castle 2B results were better predictors of survival than thickness, ulceration, or mites.