Cases on civil rights Flashcards
Burwell V Hobby Lobby Stores (2014)
Description: part of ACA required family owned business to pay for health insurance coverage for contraception, hobby lobby objected due to religion, claimed it violated 1st amendment
Outcome: SC rules 5-4 that this part of ACA was unconstitutional weakening legislation
Snyder v Phelps (2011)
Description: Snyders father sued WBC for defamation after they picketed sons funeral & published statements that son raised child for devil as he was being raised catholic
Outcome: sc rules 8-1, speech in matter of public concerns can’t be basis of liability for tort of emotional distress
Carson V Makin (2022)
Description: The limits of school vouchers offered by state of Maine, disallowed the vouchers to be used to pay for religious based private schools
Outcome: 6-3 decision court rules this violated free exercise clause, discriminated against religion
Kennedy v Bremerton School District (2022)
Description: Practice soon joined by the players and others, the school board were concerned the practice would be seen as infringing on establishment clause separating church and state
Outcome: Majority opinion from SC found that establishment clause doesn’t allow gov body to take a hostile view of religion under the free speech and exercise clauses, rules board acted improperly
Creative LLC v Elenis
Description: Colorado Anti Discrimination Act prohibits business that are open to public from discriminating on basis of characteristics including sexual orientation. Discrimination is also any communication published that says a persons unwelcome because of characteristics
Outcome: 6-3 SC decision ruled colorado couldn’t force designer to create expressive designs, laws protecting rights don’t come before constitutional protections.
Burwell V Hobby Lobby Stores (2014)
Any limits?
New/same/changed policy?
Burwell v Hobby Lobby Stores (2014)
Activism- extended 1st amendment rights again
Limits congress & executive as ACA was watered down
Established business with 1st amendment rights
Snyder V Phelps
Any limits?
New/same/removal of policy?
Snyder V Phelps
Restraint- Not creating new interpret amendment, no politicization
No limits to other branches
Didn’t create new precedent
Carson V Makin (2022)
Activism/ restraint?
Any limits?
new/same/change policy?
Carson v Makin (2022)
Activism: promotes an evangelical ideology, new interpret amendment
Limits federal as it infringes on policy of states
Created new precedent regarding first amendment
Kennedy V Bremerton School District
Any limits?
New/same/changed policy?
Activism: also promotion a political agenda
Limits federalism and the states right to negotiate education
Created new policy regarding 1st amendment
Creative LLC v Elenis
Any limits?
New/changed/same policy?
Restraint- upholds colorado anti discrimination act; protects constitutional rights
Limit to states
Upholds current policy
Mcdonald V Chicago (2010)
court ruled that right to bear arms is protected fundamentally by 2nd amendment, 14th clause: right can’t be infringed by state/local gov
Mcdonald V Chicago (2010)
New/same/changed policy?
Restraint- protected by 2nd amendment, can’t be infringed upon
Limits on states and local gov
Upholds the 2nd amendment
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen (2022)
2nd amendment right to carry concealed and loaded handguns in public (removing existing legislation after Biden passed bipartisan gun control)
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen (2022)
Any limits?
New/same/changed policy?
No limits
Removed existing legislation, new legislation: Bipartisan gun control
Miranda V Arizona 1966
Description: Confessed to rape unaware of the constitutional right to remain silence
Outcome: rules 5-4 that miranda been denied this right. Miranda rights now ingrained in law and us culture “right to remain silence)