Cases Flashcards
Case 4: 26 y/o F w/ lower abd pn, nausea, vag bleed, LMP 7wks ago. 2 episodes PID. AF and HDS.
Ectopic pregnancy Spontaneous abortion Molar pregnancy Adnexal torsion PID Appendicitis pyelonephritis
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. What PE? (8)
General Heent Lung Cv Rectal Extremities
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. PE - LLQ tenderness, blue vulva, blood ooze from os, slightly enlarged uterus, and left adnexal tenderness.
What test to order after PE? (1) What next?
1) B-HCG, urine or serum qualitative
Advance clock to get result
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. + pregnancy test. Pt gets increased abd pn, shock, or bleeding. What should be done next?
Transfer pt from office to ward
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. Orders now that the pt is on the ward? (5-for status if HDUS, 9 for dx and management, total 14)
1) NPO
2) vitals Q1 hr
3) IV access
4) IV NS 0.9%
5) Complete bedrest
6) Quantitative B-HCG
8) Type and cross
9) Rh status
10) CBC w/ diff
11) PT/PTT
12) BMP
13) LFT
14) Cervical GC/CT cx
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. Orders placed on the ward. Next action?
Advance time to get TVS and quant B-HCG
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy.
TVUS - adnexal mass, absence of IUP
B-HCG - 2000
Rh +
What do these results mean? Different result scenarios and management
1) B-HCG >1500 and IUP. Tx for abnl pregnancy
2) B-HCG > 1500 and no IUP. Ectopic suspected, but not confirmed. Repeat test in 2 days
3) B-HCG <1500, no IUP. Repeat test in 2-3 days
4) B-HCG >1500 and adnexal mass = ectopic
If any are Rh - they must receive RH immunoglobulin
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. BHCG 2000 and adnexal mass. Next orders? (3)
1) OB/Gyn consult
2) MTX
3) Morphine
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. Orders placed after results show ectopic. Next step?
Advance to get OB/GYN recs
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. OB makes recs. Next orders (7), and location?
1) NPO
2) vitals Q1 hr
3) IV access
4) NS
5) Complete bedrest
6) Rest at home
7) Counseling for ectopic
Send home
Case 4: Suspected ectopic pregnancy. Sent home, Final move?
Set follow up appt in 4 days
Case 5: IBS
Orders - 1st set (10) and 2nd set (8)
1) CBC
2) BMP
3) TSH
5) ESR
6) Stool O&P
7) Stool cx
8) Stool for WBC
9) 72 hr stool fat
10) Pap smear
11) Lactose free diet
12) high fiber diet
13) loperamide
14) reassurance
15) relaxtion
16) exercise
17) Pt counseling
18) Drive w/ seatbelt
Case 6: Major depressive disorder. Orders 1st set (6). Follow up and actions?
1) CBC
2) BMP
3) TSH
4) Vitamin B12
5) Fluoxetine
6) Counsel
FU in 10 days
Interval FU. General and neuro/psych PE
FU again in 14 days
Case 7: Candida vulvovaginitis. Orders before (7) and after (2)?
1) Vaginal pH
2) Wet mount
3) Vaginal gram stain
4) Pap smear
5) GC culture
6) Chlamydia culture
7) U/A
8) Miconazole, vaginal, continuous
9) Counsel safe sex
Case 8: Alzheimer’s dementia.
1st set of orders (6)
2nd set (4)
1) CBC
2) BMP
3) LFT
4) TSH
5) Vitamin B12
6) Head MRI or CT
7) Donepezil
8) olanzapine
9) Vitamin E
10) Counsel
FU in 6 weeks
Case 9: COPD exacerbation
1st set of orders prior to PE (5)? PE?
1) Elevate head of bed
2) Pulse oximetry
3) Oxygen
4) IV access
5) Cardiac monitor
General, HEENT, Chest, CV, Abd Ext
Case 9: COPD exacerbation
Stat orders after PE (7, 1 is for txmnt)?
1) Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) Q1 hr
2) CXR
3) ABG
4) ECG
5) CBC
6) BMP
7) Albuterol nebulizer, continuous
Case 9: COPD exacerbation. Advance 30 minutes after first dx test results. New orders (3)?
1) Ipratropium nebulizer
2) IV methyl prednisone
3) Oral or IV abx, Outpt - doxycycline or TMP-SMX, Inpt - CTX or levofloxacin
Case 9: COPD exacerbation. Add new meds and advance by 4 hrs. Case ends. Final recs(3)?
1) Counsel
2) Flu vaccine
3) Pneumococcal vaccine
Case 10: Fibroadenoma. Focused or full PE? Orders after PE (2), next move?
Focused PE - including breast and lymph
1) Mammography
Send home. FU in 1 wk
Case 10: Fibroadenoma. Come back to clinic. 4 things to do, 3 orders? Next step?
Interval FU
Pap smear
Send home FU in 4 weeks
Case 11: Hypertensive emergency. Before PE, orders (5)?
1) IV access
2) pulse oximetry
3) oxygen
4) bp monitor
5) cardiac monitor
Case 11: Hypertensive emergency. Orders after PE (6)?
1) 12 lead ECG
2) Head CT
3) CBC
4) BMP
5) UA
Case 11: Hypertensive emergency. Advanced to get CT results. Next orders (2 and one move)?
1) Nitroprusside, IV, continuous
2) Arterial line
3) Move to ICU
Case 11: Hypertensive emergency. After move to ICU. Next orders (3)?
1) NPO
2) Complete bed rest
3) Monitor urine output
Advance 15 minutes, bP improves
Case 11: Hypertensive emergency. Advance clock every 30-60 min to get improvement. Final orders (2)
1) Lipid profile
2) Counsel