Cases Flashcards
Pair case names with their principle
HMA v Robertson and Donoghue
Shakey OAP - Thin skull rule
R v White
Poisoned Cup - No causal link
McDonald v HMA
Jumper - Victim’s contribution
HMA v Kerr and Others
Rape Case - Art & Part Liability, Omissions
HMA v Fraser and Rollins
Robbery Gone Wrong - Ultimate actus reus
HMA v Gallacher
Hamilton Circus - Spontaneous error
Boyne v HMA
Surprise Knife - Stepping outside common plan
HMA v Camerons
Telegram Fraud Attempt - Preparation to Perpetration
Docherty v Brown
Paper Drugs - Impossible attempt
West v HMA
Loitering with Tools - Conspiracy
Baxter v HMA
Murder Incitement - Enough the accused was serious
Drury v HMA
Sexual Infidelity - “wicked intent”, provocation
HMA v Purcell
“wicked recklessness” - Murder
Tomney v HMA
Lawful act, Involuntary culpable homicide
Roberts v Hamilton
Hit Wrongly - Transferred intent
Smart v HMA
Consent is no defence to assault
R v Brown
Sado-masochism, assault
Stewart v Nisbet
Police Tape - Error of consent
HMA v Harris
Stairs - Culpable and reckless endangerment/conduct
Black v Carmichael
Car Clamp - Temporary appropriation; Extortion
Adcock v Archibald
Miner’s Fraud - Even small practical result suffices
Byrne v HMA
Burning Paper - reckless fire-raising
Smith v Donnelly
Peaceful Breach - Breach of the Peace Definition
Jones v Carnegie; Tallents v Gallacher
ECHR Regs - Breach of the Peace
Harris v HMA
Police Whispers - Must be public breach of peace
Moorov v HMA
“Moorov Doctrine” - Corroboration
Lawrie v Muir
Milk Bottles - improperly obtained evidence
Cadder v HMA
Right to a lawyer
HMA v Chalmers
Right to a lawyer
Davie v Edinburgh Magistrates
Expert Info - Expert’s role in court
Sweet v Parsley
Tenants Smoking - Strict Liability
Owens v HMA
Mistaken Attack - Error must be genuine and reasonable
Brennan v HMA
Chosen Drunk - Voluntary intoxication is no defence
Ross v HMA
Spiked! - Involuntary intoxication defence (automatism)
Thomson v HMA
Forced Exit - Hume Coercion Criteria
R v Dudley and Stephens
Cannibals - Necessity no excuse for murder
Moss v Hurdle
Speeding Necessary? - Must be last resort
HMA v Anderson
Innocent Kill - Exception for necessary murder
HMA v Doherty
Bayonnet Defence - Imminent danger, reasonable force
Fenning v HMA
Rock Bash - Cruel excess of violence
Thomson v HMA
Business Taunts - verbal provocation not sufficient
Gillon v HMA
Spade Head - Reasonable force
Donnelly v HMA
Good Samaritan - response to attack on 3rd party
Thin skull rule
HMA v Robertson and Donoghue
No causal link
R v White
Victim’s contribution
McDonald v HMA
Art & Part Liability, Omissions
HMA v Kerr and Others
Ultimate actus reus
HMA v Fraser and Rollins
Spontaneous coming together; error
HMA v Gallacher
Stepping outside common plan
Boyne v HMA
Preparation to Perpetration
HMA v Camerons
Impossible attempt
Docherty v Brown
West v HMA
Enough the accused was serious
Baxter v HMA
“wicked intent”, provocation
Drury v HMA
“wicked recklessness”
HMA v Purcell
Lawful act, Involuntary culpable homicide
Tomney v HMA
Transferred intent
Roberts v Hamilton
Consent is no defence to assault
Smart v HMA
Sado-masochism, assault
R v Brown
Error of consent
Stewart v Nisbet
Culpable and reckless endangerment/conduct
HMA v Harris
Temporary appropriation; Extortion
Black v Carmichael
Even a small practical result will suffice
Adcock v Archibald
Reckless fire-raising
Byrne v HMA
Breach of the Peace definition
Smith v Donnelly
Breach of the Peace must be public
Harris v HMA
ECHR Regs; Breach of the Peace
Jones v Carnegie; Tallents v Gallacher
“Moorov Doctrine” - Corroboration
Moorov v HMA
Improperly obtained evidence
Lawrie v Muir
Right to a lawyer
HMA v Chalmers
Right to a lawyer
Cadder v HMA
Expert’s role in court
Davie v Edinburgh Magistrates
Strict liability
Sweet v Parsley
Error must be genuine and reasonable
Owens v HMA
Voluntary intoxication is no defence
Brennan v HMA
Involuntary intoxication defence (automatism)
Ross v HMA
Hume Coercion Criteria
Thomson v HMA
Necessity is no excuse for murder
R v Dudley and Stephens
Necessity must be last resort
Moss v Hurdle
Exception for necessity for murder
HMA v Anderson
Imminent danger, reasonable force
HMA v Doherty
Cruel excess of violence
Fenning v HMA
Verbal provocation not sufficient
Thomson v HMA
Reasonable force
Gillon v HMA
Response to attack on 3rd party
Donnelly v HMA