cases Flashcards
Van Gend en Loos
Direct Effect of Primary Law / Established that EU law is an autonomous legal order and that individuals can directly rely on Treaty provisions if they are clear, precise, and unconditional.
Costa v. ENEL
Supremacy of EU Law / Confirmed that EU law takes precedence over conflicting national law, including later national legislation.
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
Primacy over National Constitutional Law / EU law takes precedence even over national constitutional law, ensuring uniform application.
Primacy over Subsequent National Law. / National courts must set aside conflicting national law, whether enacted before or after EU law.
Les Verts v. European Parliament
Constitutional Charter and Legal Remedies. / Established that the EU Treaties form a constitutional charter with a complete system of legal remedies.
Recovery of Indirect Taxes
Objective Legal Basis. / The legal basis for an EU measure must be chosen based on objective factors that are amenable to judicial review.
Titanium Dioxide
Dual Legal Basis. / A dual basis is not possible when the procedures for each legal basis are incompatible; the correct legal basis is determined by the measure’s primary aim.
Tobacco Advertising
Limits of Article 114 TFEU. / EU laws under Article 114 TFEU must have a genuine aim to improve the internal market, not just harmonize unrelated policies.
Subsidiarity / Established that EU action is justified only if objectives cannot be sufficiently achieved by Member States alone.
Fundamental Rights in EU Law. / Fundamental human rights form part of the general principles of EU law.
Nold v. Commission
Shared Constitutional Traditions. / Fundamental rights are protected as they form part of the constitutional traditions common to Member States.
Julian Hernández
Charter Applicability. / The Charter of Fundamental Rights applies only when Member States are implementing EU law.
Direct Effect of Regulations. / Regulations can have direct effect if they are clear, precise, and unconditional.
Directives and Direct Effect. / Directives can have direct effect if not implemented on time and are clear, precise, and unconditional.
Van Duyn
Vertical Direct Effect of Directives. / Directives can be relied upon in vertical relationships (individual vs. state).