cases Flashcards
Van Gend and Loos
Vertical direct effect -
that means individuals can use EU law before national courts to claim individual rights
“In doing so it acknowledged that human rights formed part of unwritten general principles of EU law”
Solange I
German Court would review EU rights as long as they did not have the same protection level as the national fundamental rights
Solange II
the Solange II formula reflects the German Constitutional Court’s position that it would accept EU law’s primacy, provided that the EU legal order effectively protected fundamental rights in a manner comparable to the German Basic Law
The Bosphorus ruling
[T]he Court is of the opinion that the protection of fundamental rights under Community law can be regarded as equivalent to that provided by the ECHR […]
HOWEVER where in a concrete case there is a serious violation, then u can go to salzburg
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Opinion 2/13
ECJ rejected a draft agreement providing for the accession of the EU to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). It also provides a first glimpse of how the ECtHR views the EU law principle of mutual trust
Avotinš v. Latvia
the ECrtHR revisits its case law on the Bosphorus presumption, which exonerates, under certain conditions, EU Member States from their responsibility under the ECHR when they apply EU law. Although mutual trust implies a reduced control over fundamental rights protection and a quasi-automatic recognition of judicial decisions, the ECrtHR remains confident that the EU protection of these rights is equivalent to the ECHR
the Court of Justice had held that the inviolability of the
home did not protect business premises of undertakings against the intervention of public authorities.
Community law (ECHR) has to be kept in mind when restricting the four freedoms and human rights
When MS have leeway in how to implement a directive, then they should regard EU fundamental rights
that the fundamental rights guaranteed in the EU legal order apply in all cases regulated by EU law
Annibaldi (x&x)
Human rights have to be applied when there is a nexus to EU law
horizontal effect
sex discrimination –> labour contracts
Direct discrimination (art 45 tfeu) leads to direct horizontal effect
the behaviour in the conclusion of contracts of a private association, such as the (publicly funded) Max Planck Society, must observe the principle of non-discrimination
(horizontal effect of directives based on discrimination on age)
EU directive prohibiting by bases on age AND eu fundamental right
seems to allow the Directive to be, in effect, directly applied also in a claim against a private sector employer.
the national court must enforce the rights to non-discrimination and effective judicial protection enshrined, respectively, in Articles 21 and 47 of the Charter which are capable of producing horizontal direct effect.
- Because it was precise enough
wrong implementation leads to state liability
But not every charter provision leads to direct effect -
equal treatment
But MS should have implemented more concrete measures to ensure direct effect.
LF V SCRL (C-344/20,
difference between direct and indirect discrimination (fundamental rights)
MAS (“Taricco II”)
national fundamental rights may prevail over EU law; only exceptionally, as there is an equivalent of right on EU law
national authorities and courts remain free to apply national standards of protection of fundamental rights, provided that the level of protection provided for by the Charter and the primacy, unity and effectiveness of EU law are not thereby compromised.