Cases Flashcards
Slaughter-House Cases
The Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment only protects the legal rights that are associated with U.S. Citizenship, not those that pertain to State citizenship
Califano v. Webster
Gender classifications benefiting women will only be permitted if they are designed to remedy past discrimination or differences in opportunities
U.S. v. Virginia
Generalizations about women are not an exceedingly persuasive justification for denying opportunities to women whose talent and capacity place them outside the average description
Graham v. Richardson
States may not condition the receipt of welfare benefits upon residing in the U.S. for a specified number of years
Right to gay marriage
Loving v. Virginia
Interracial marriage
Right to procreate
A state may restrict aliens from occupying governmental jobs (police, public school teachers, probation officers) that involve discretionary decision making or the execution of policy that substantially affects members of the political community
If governmental job involving discretionary function or execution of policy, then rational basis review
Right to purchase and use contraceptives
National security is a compelling governmental interest
Diversity in higher education is a compelling governmental interest
Craig v. Boren
If state action discriminates based on gender, apply intermediate scrutiny. The burden of proof on the government.
Washington v. Davis
If facially neutral law has discriminatory impact, plaintiff must show discriminatory intent
Multidistrict remedies are unconstitutional if they extend into districts that have not engaged in discrimination
States may not deny free public education to children not legally admitted into the United States unless it furthers a substantial goal (intermediate scrutiny) of the state