Caselaw Flashcards
Hayes v R
pecuniary advantage
A pecuniary advantage is “anything that enhances the accused’s financial position. It is that enhancement which constitutes the element of advantage.”
Hayes v R
The question is whether the belief is actually held, not whether the belief is reasonable. However, reasonableness may be relevant as evidence on the issue of whether the belief was actually held.
R v Misic
Essentially a document is a thing which provides evidence or information or serves as a record.
Hayes v R
unsuccessful use
An unsuccessful use of a document is as much use as a successful one. An unsuccessful use must not be equated conceptually with an attempted one. The concept of attempt relates to the use not to the ultimate obtaining of a pecuniary advantage, which is not a necessary element of the offence. Because the use does not have to be successful it may be difficult to draw a clear line between use and attempted use.
R v Morley
intention to deceive
An intention to deceive requires that the deception is practised in order to deceive the affected party. Purposeful intent is necessary and must exist at the time of the deception.
R v Morley
Representations must relate to a statement of existing fact, rather than a statement of future intention.
R v Harney
Recklessness means the conscious and deliberate taking of an unjustified risk. In New Zealand it involves proof that the consequence complained of could well happen, together with an intention to continue to continue the course of conduct regardless of risk.
R v Cox
Possession involves two elements. The first, the physical element, is actual or potential physical control or custody. The second, the mental element, is a combination of knowledge and intention. Knowledge in the sense of an awareness by the accused that the substance is in his possession and an intention to exercise possession.
Fisher v Raven
Credit refers to an obligation on the debtor to pay or repay, and the time given for them to do so by the creditor. Credit does not extend to an obligation to supply services or goods.
R v McKay
On appeal it was held that the credit had been obtained on booking in but at that time the accused did not possess an intent to deceive.
R v Laverty
It is necessary for the prosecution to prove that the person parting with the property was induced to do so by the false representation made.