Case Study E3 Flashcards
Like many infants with VSD the defect was not picked up at birth but noticed at 2 month well child check, how would you explain that to his father?
Pertinent assessment and H/P findings of VSD infant at 6 months
Mom of VSD pt is happy with weight upon admission, upon further questioning you find it is 8 oz heavier than morning weight at the office what is your response?
6MO Infant with VSD admitted and treated with Dig, Lasix and Aldactone. On Oxygen and lethargic with poor suck r/t feedings. What methods (feeding, positioning, temperature) can be used to minimize cardiac workload?
Infant with VSD what lab findings would be concerning [Normal K+ = 3.5-5.0 mEq/L & Therapeutic Dig = 0.8-1.5 mcg/L]
a. K+ = 6.0 & Dig 0.4 mcg/L
b. K+ = 3.0 & Dig = 2.6 mcg/L
Infant admitted with VSD uninterested in eating and vomiting
Vitals: 98.6, HR 84 Irregular Resp 32 what are your concerns?
Pre-Cath VSD: NPO with IV and teaching is done. What history is significant when preparing him for cath?
6 MO Infant VSD: Physical assessments important to preparing for cath?
Infant 6 MO: Morning of cath pt is NPO and IV started no specific order r/t usual AM medications (dig, lasix, aldactone) What are the priority actions?
6 MO Infant VSD: Complications monitoring for post cath
Temp 100.5°Fax, pulse 150, resp 36 with no distress, BP 91/53. Oximeter 94% with oxygen. He has a pressure dressing in his right groin with a small amount of old blood. Left leg: pale pink, warm with +1-2 pulses and 2 second capillary refill. Right leg: pale, cool with +1 pulses and 3 second capillary refill. Lungs clear. Cardiac murmur unchanged. Blood sugar is 80. IV intact and infusing. What are your concerns and what do you do?
6MO infant VSD: Nursing care needed following cardiac cath
6 MO VSD: What immunizations recommended to prevent bronchiolitis
Priority treatments for a TET spell?
What should be done to prevent TET spell?