Case study - China and India compared Flashcards
2 countries both emerging superpowers with vast pops = 1.3 billion in China and 1.2 billion India
Emerged independent states 1940s, different pathways
Political and economic history
CHINA - dominant global power for 2,000 years, decline 19th century e.g. Japan invasion + European interference, manufacturing impressed European visitors with complexity + sophistication, 1985 - 33% global manufacturing production in China
INDIA - fell under influence of European colonial powers 18th century, direct colonial rule by British 19th century
Key dates
CHINA - Communist revolution 1949
INDIA - Independence 1947
Path to development
CHINA - state industrialisation +intensification of agriculture, largely cut off from ROTW, increasing eco reform + liberalisation since 1980 = explosion of foreign investment, manufacturing and trade
INDIA - policy of eco + political independence and home grown tech, high import tariffs - gradually lowered after 1990, still predominantly rural society but has built powerful/increasing global economy
Relations with other superpowers
CHINA - sometimes hostile relationship with USA+Russia, relations thawed with USA 70’s due to communism, China investing in Asia + Africa
INDIA - neutral steering between USA + USSR, neither superpower happy with this policy, India worked hard to establish good relations with other countries