Case Study 1 - ACE inhibitors Flashcards
Identifying the Pharmacophore
- It provides need-to-know information about the active conformation of the active drug
- Relative position in space of groups that interact with the receptor, e.g. H-bond acceptors and donors (generalised bonding pharmacophore)
- A 2- or 3-dimensional map of the site of association
- Knowledge of the binding site structure can be used to ‘reverse engineer’ the pharmacophore, by specifying the position of key functional groups.
The Active Conformation
- The active conformation must be identified in order to confirm the 3D pharmacophore
- Conformational analysis helps to identify all possible conformations and their activities (in silico)
- Conformational analysis is difficult for flexible molecules with rotatable bonds that have many degrees of freedom
- The active conformation must be compared to series of rigidified molecular architectures also
- Endogenous ligands (lead compounds) are often simple yet flexible and fit several targets due to many different active conformations
- Rigidify analogue molecule to limit conformations – impose conformational restraint
- Naturally-occurring lead compounds are often complex and difficult to synthesize
- Simplifying the molecule makes the synthesis of analogues easier, quicker and cheaper
- Must retain the pharmacophore
- Simpler structures may fit the binding site easily with a concommitant increase in activity
Structure-Based Drug Design
- Crystallise target protein with bound lead compound and acquire structure by X-ray crystallography
- Identify binding interactions between ligand and target (in silico molecular modelling)
- Identify vacant sites for additional binding interactions (in silico)
- Design and ‘fit’ analogues into binding site (in silico)
- Choose lead compounds for synthesis
National Medal for Technology
- Bristol-Myers Squibb in 1998
- “For extending and enhancing human life through innovative pharmaceutical research and development.”
- Bristol-Myers Squibb developed angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, used to treat hypertension in patients with cardiovascular disorders
- The development of captopril (and enalapril) is an excellent example rational drug design, in this case where the structure of the receptor is unknown
• Hypertension can be induced by:
• Disease of the CNS and peripheral nervous system
• Abnormalities of hormonal systems
• Abnormalities of kidneys and peripheral vasculature
- High arterial blood pressure causes hypertension
Hypertension types
• Primary
No obvious cause though family history, smoking,
alcoholism or obesity may predispose a patient
• Secondary
Well-defined condition that can be identified: renal disease; tumours; drug side-effects; pregnancy
• Isolated systolic hypertension
Occurs mostly in elderly patients (age >60 yo)
Systolic >160 mm Hg; Diastolic within normal limits
Associated with high incidence of strokes
Reflex Control of Blood Pressure
- Baroreceptor mechanism
- Pressure sensing areas throughout vasculature
- Alters the autonomic outflow
- Continuous monitoring, fast response
- Renin-angiotensin system
- Long term control of pressure
- Proteolytic enzyme
* Secreted from the juxtaglomerular cells (kidney)
Renin-Angiotensin System
- Renin is secreted into the blood in the kidneys by the juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Angiotensinogen is produced by the liver
- Renin cleaves angiotensinogen to give angiotensin I
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) cleaves angiotensin I to give angiotensin II during passage through the lungs
Renin-Angiotensin System
• Angiotensin II
- Angiotensin II constricts the renal efferent arteriole greater than the afferent arteriole
- Angiotensin II increases or maintains the glomerular filtration pressure
- High levels of aldosterone conserve salt and water and therefore increase blood volume
- Increased angiotensin II levels is often a physiological response to renal artery stenosis
Renin-Angiotensin System - what increases bp
- Renin release is under feedback control from Angiotensin II release
- Angiotensin II is a vasoconstrictor – INCREASED BLOOD PRESSURE
- Angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone, which in turn acts at the kidney to cause sodium and water retention – INCREASED BLOOD PRESSURE
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
- Endothelial cell membrane-bound glycoprotein
- Mr 129 kDa, 26% polysaccharide, one Zn atom per in the active site of the enzyme
- Primary structure of ACE not determined until 1988, after the development of ACE inhibitors
- Multiple substrates are processed by the enzyme
Snake Venom and ACE Inhibitors
• Range of peptidic ACE inhibitors isolated from the Brazilian Arrowhead viper Bothrops jararaca
Snake Venom and ACE Inhibitors
•Most potent was Teprotide (SQ20881): pGlu-Trp-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gln-Ile-Pro-Pro
ACE and Carboxypeptidase A
- Carboxypeptidase A is a monopeptidase
- ACE is a dipeptidase
• Both enzymes are exopeptidases: they cleave residues from the ends of a protein
• Both enzymes require a free C-terminal CO2H
• Neither enzyme will hydrolyse an imino-acyl bond
i.e. will not hydrolyse an amide/peptide bond where the NHR component is proline
• Neither enzyme will hydrolyse a peptide with has a C-terminal dicarboxylic acid, e.g. Asp or Glu
• The active site of both enzymes contains zinc
The ACE Analogy
- Proline chosen as the C-terminus residue following results with BPP5a and Teprotide
- Zn site and the carboxyl binding site are further apart in ACE as compared to carboxypeptidase A
- Two hydrophobic pockets are required for strong binding to the substrate in ACE
- The non-scissile amide bond should be hydrogen- bonded to the enzyme
Captopril 25 mg/day
- reduction in systolic b.p. -21 mm Hg
- reduction in diastolic b.p. -9 mm Hg
-Captopril is a tightly-binding competitive ACE inhibitor It is not active against other peptidases at concentrations <10-3 M, i.e. it is specific for ACE
• Marketed in the UK by Squibb as Capoten
• Rapid onset of response but T1/2 only 2 hours
• Side effects specific to captopril thiol group
Neutropenia; rash; nephrotic-range proteinuria; taste disturbances
• Enalapril is a pro-drug: the diacid, enalaprilat,
is formed by metabolic processing in the liver
• Diacid has lower IC50 than captopril with fewer side effects (no thiol)
• Marketed in the UK by MSD as the maleate
Me-Too Drugs
Ramipril -Indicated for use as prophylaxis
against adverse CVS events in susceptible patients over 55 yo
Chain extension
R: -CH3
Pharmacological activity
Analgesic (morphine)
Chain extension
R: -CH2CH3
Pharmacological activity
Opioid agonist activity decreased
Chain extension
Pharmacological activity
Opioid antagonist activity increased
Chain extension
Pharmacological activity
Inactive as opioid agonist or antagonist
Chain extension
Pharmacological activity
Opioid antagonist activity increased
Chain extension
R: -CH2CH2-benzene ring
Pharmacological activity
14X potency of morphine
Rigidification may increase
- May increase activity (more chance of the desired active conformation)
- May increase selectivity (less chance of any other undesired active conformations)
- However, the target molecule may now be more complex and more difficult to synthesise
• The pharmacophore defines
• The pharmacophore defines the essential groups that are involved in binding to the desired receptor
• Simple structures may be more..
- Simple structures may be more selective and less toxic if excess, unnecessary functional groups are removed
- Oversimplification can result in decreased selectivity and activity, and may lead to unwanted side effects
Structure-Based Drug Design is based upon..
• Based upon interactions between the lead compound and the target binding site
what is blood pressure
• Blood pressure is a function of the amount of blood pumped by the heart (cardiac output) and the resistance to blood flow by peripheral vasculature (total peripheral resistance)
• Secretion of renin is increased by:
- A fall in Na+ concentration
- A fall in renal perfusion pressure
- B-adrenoceptor agonists
- Prostacyclin
• Secretion of renin is inhibited by:
- Angiotensin II (feedback control)
* Atrial natriuretic peptide
• ACE creates
angiotensin II
• ACE inactivates
• Inhibition of ACE
should lower blood pressure
• ACE has a high affinity for
peptides with an aromatic amino acid, e.g. Phe or Tyr, in the antipenultimate position
• Side effects of ACE inhibitors
Hypotension; cough; hyperkalemia; renal failure; fetal anomalies; angioedema
• 1st orally-active ACE inhibitor (1978)
Blood pressure (mm Hg) - normal
Systolic <130
Diastolic <85
Blood pressure (mm Hg) - high normal
Systolic 130 - 139
Diastolic 85 - 89
Blood pressure (mm Hg) - Mild hypertension:
Systolic 140 - 159
Diastolic 90 - 99
Blood pressure (mm Hg) - Moderate hypertension:
Systolic 161 - 179
Diastolic 100 - 109
Blood pressure (mm Hg) - Severe hypertension:
Systolic 180 - 209
Diastolic 110 - 119